Sprained Ankle

10 Exercises To Rehabilitate A Sprained Ankle: Sports chiropractor Brett Edmunds advises treating a sprained ankle with ice and wrapping it with a crepe bandage to reduce the swelling and pain. And once the pain subsides, you should do some strengthening exercises that can help rehabilitate the joint by stretching the muscles and ligaments surrounding the injured joint.

The chiropractor recommends RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate) treatment for a sprained ankle. Also, the professional strongly advises consulting a doctor before starting any exercise. Once your doctor allows you to exercise, you can choose any of the below-mentioned exercises to rehabilitate your injured foot.

Start the following exercises for minor ankle injuries only after three days….

Ankle Warm-Up ABCs

Warm up your sprained ankle by tracing letters A, B, and C with the injured joint. A warm-up exercise for 3-5 minutes will prepare your ankle for the therapy.

How To:

• Sit on a chair
• Life the affected ankle off the floor
• Trace letters A, B, and C with your foot
• Do it in a slow motion

Now you are ready for strengthening exercises

  1. Therapy Band Ankle Flexion
Therapy Band Ankle Flexion

How To:

• Sit down on your hips with your legs extended
• Place a foam roller or rolled towel under the affected foot
• Anchor a therapy band with the ball of your foot
• Hold the therapy band to provide resistance
• Move your foot forward and backward
• Do it 10-15 times in a controlled motion

  1. Ankle Diagonal Flexion (PNF Movement)
Ankle Diagonal Flexion PNF Movement 1

How To:

• Sit on a table and extend the affected leg out of the edge
• Or you can sit on a mat and place your foot on a foam roller
• First, move your foot diagonally down and then diagonally up towards you
• Repeat the movements 10-15 times

  1. Therapy Band Ankle Eversion
Therapy Band Ankle Eversion

How To:

• Sit on a mat with your feet firmly placed over a foam roller or a rolled towel
• Take a therapy band and tie a loop at one end
• Put the affected foot through the loop and secure it around the ball of the foot
• Anchor the other end of the band around the other foot
• Keep the resistance fairly tight with your hand
• Move the affected foot horizontally
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Therapy Band Ankle Inversion
Therapy Band Ankle Inversion

How To:

• Sit down with your legs firmly placed over a foam roller
• Take a therapy band with a loop at one end
• Put the affected foot through the loop and place the foot over the other
• Anchor the band to the curve of the other foot
• Hold the band tight with your hand
• Move the foot horizontally
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Ankle Circles
Ankle Circles

How To:

• Sit on a mat with your legs placed on a foam roller or rolled towel
• Rotate the affected foot first clockwise and then anticlockwise
• Do it 10 times

  1. Seated Ankle Mobility Exercise
Seated Ankle Mobility Exercise

How To:

• Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straight and feet firm on the floor
• Lift your toes by pressing your ankles against the floor
• Rotate your feet sideways and place them on the floor
• Lift your toes, rotate them inward and back to normal
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Towel Crunches
Towel Crunches 1

How To:

• Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor
• Place a soft towel under the affected feet
• Press your ankle against the towel and lift your feet
• Curl your toe and scoop in the towel and smooth it again
• Do it for 5-10 minutes

  1. Ankle Isometric Exercise
Ankle Isometric Exercise 1

How To:

• Sit on a table and spread the affected leg so the foot extends out of the edge
• Ask your sibling to press your foot in the opposite direction while you move it up and down
• First, move your foot inward while your sibling will push it in the opposite direction
• Second, move the foot outward with your sibling pushing from the opposite side
• Try holding the foot for 10-20 seconds in each position
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Supported Heel And Toe Raises
Supported Heel And Toe Raises

How To:

• Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart and feet firm on the floor
• Press your ankles and raise your toes
• Press your toes and raise your ankles
• For support, you can use the backrest of a bench
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Seated Toe Taps
Seated Toe Taps

How To:

• Sit on a chair with your feet firm on the floor
• Press the right ankle on the floor and lift the toe
• Put the right toe down and do it with the left foot
• Alternate between right and left foot
• Do it 15-20 times

  1. Sit To Stand
Sit To Stand 1

How To:

• Sit on a chair with your back straight and feet firm on the floor
• Keep your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance
• Extend your hands and start
• Press your feet against the floor and stand up
• Stand up and sit down in slow motion
• Do it 10-15 times

  1. Achilles Stretch
Achilles Stretch

How To:

• Stand facing a wall and put your hands on the wall
• Take two steps back to start
• Keep the affected foot back and take the other foot towards the wall
• Push the knee of the front leg towards the wall
• Stretch the Achilles tendon without lifting the affected leg
• Do it 10 times

When To Start Exercising?

Let your doctor examine your ankle and allow you to start using your foot. Make sure you have no pain or discomfort while moving your foot. Also, start with slow motion and increase the strength only after you get the confidence.

Safety Tips

Some people are predisposed to ankle sprains and strains due to conditions like hindfoot varus in which the heels are slightly turned toward the inside. There are safety tips for people prone to ankle sprains and strains.

Stretch: Stretching the Achilles tendon and calf muscles improves mobility and flexibility of the joint. Do stretching exercises once a day to prevent stiffness.

Strength: Strengthen the muscles and ligaments surrounding your ankles with exercises like foot rolls, toe taps, and towel crunches.

Balance: Improve your balance to prevent injuries and keep your ankles free from inflammation and pain.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to see a doctor in case of an ankle sprain. No exercises should be started without consulting a doctor.

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