10 Fruits That Can Make Your Skin Glow From Within

For skincare, you need to work on two fronts. The first is to protect your skin from sun and pollution. And second, is to replenish your skin with essential nutrients. Skincare products like moisturizers and sunscreen lotion will shield your skin from harmful foreign elements. And fruits & nourishment will give your skin a lit-from-within glow.

But you don’t have to change your diet or food habits to get the necessary nutrients for your skincare as simply adding fruits to your meal could do the job. Fruits can give you the nutrients you need for healthy and glowing skin.

How does Your Food Affect Your Skin?

A diet rich in processed food, sugar, and carbohydrates isn’t good for your skin as it can lead to premature aging, acne, and dryness. You need zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins A and D for healthy skin. And eating fruits is a great way to get the essential nutrition and for skin glow.

Fruits For Glowing Skin

Lemon For Skin Glow

Lemon For Skin Glow

Lemon contains vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant that can flush out toxins from your body. It can reduce the emergence of uneven pigmentation, dark spots, acne, and dryness.

How To:

• Take lemon juice into the salad
Drink juice of a half lemon mixed with 1tsp of organic honey and 1 cup of water early in the morning


• Treat oily skin with lemon juice mixed with rose water to remove acne scars
• Treat dry skin with lemon juice mixed with coconut water to cure pigmentation
• Mix 1tsp of lemon juice with 1tsp of milk and apply it to your under-eye area to remove dark circles
• Rubbing lemon and sugar on pigmented areas could lighten the skin tone

Papaya For Skin Glow

Papaya For Skin Glow

Papaya contains vitamins A, C, and B, and minerals like copper, potassium, and magnesium. Also, it has folate and enzymes like papain. It cures constipation which can affect your skin health. It also treats warts, eczema, and corns. It can even heal wounds and cure chronic skin ulcers.

How To:

• Eat a bowl of fresh papaya for breakfast or evening snack
• Prepare a papaya smoothie by adding lemon juice, and pink Himalayan salt to it


• Mash small papaya and apply it to your skin as a face pack
• Add lemon juice and 1/4tsp of turmeric to mashed papaya for scarred areas
• Apply mashed papaya with half-tsp of almond oil on dry and flaky skin
• Make a papaya scrub with 1tsp of orange peel and 1tsp of rose water for oily skin treatment
• Use honey instead of rose water for dry skin treatment


Avocado Best For Skin

Avocado fruits contains vitamins E, A, C, K, and B6 and is good for skin glow. Its antioxidant properties reduce oxidative damage. Consuming avocado can promote healthy aging as it contains healthy fats that reduce inflammation.

How To:

• Add avocado to your breakfast
• Prepare a smoothie by mixing avocado with spinach
• Use avocado as toppings


• Mash an avocado and apply it to your skin
• Add rose water and a pinch of camphor to mashed avocado for oily skin


Best Oranges

Orange can work wonders for your skin as it packs vitamin C in rich quantities and this vitamin is an excellent antioxidant. It reduces inflammation and strengthens collagen synthesis.

How To:

• Eat an orange for breakfast or as a quick snack
• Drink fresh orange juice
• Add orange to salad, chocolates, and wherever possible


• Apply orange juice to pigmented skin
• Mix 3tsp of orange juice with 1tsp of lemon juice, 2tsp of gram flour, and half-tsp of turmeric and use it as a face pack for oily skin
• For dry skin, add 1tsp of milk and 1tsp of honey instead of gram flour


Watermelon For Glowing Skin

This red, fleshy, and watery fruit is rich in vitamins C, A, B1, and B6. And it has zero fat and no cholesterol. It can flush out toxins and increase bowel movement. It is considered well for oily and acne-prone skin.

How To:

• Eat fresh watermelon for breakfast
• Drink fresh watermelon juice


• Apply mashed watermelon to your skin
• Mix 3tsp of watermelon juice with 1tsp of lime juice, 1tsp of fuller’s earth, and 1tsp of rose water for oily skin
• Replace fuller’s earth with 1tsp of aloe vera in the lemon juice for dry skin


Cucumber Make Skin Glow

Cucumber gives a cooling effect as it has high water content. Also, it contains vitamins K and C and dietary fibers. These properties make it good for reducing wrinkles.

How To:

• Add cucumber to your meal as a salad
• Prepare a refreshing and pulpy cucumber juice


• Mix grated cucumber with 1tsp of gram flour and 1tsp of rose water to cure acne-prone skin
• Moisturize your skin with grated cucumber, 1tsp of milk, and 1tsp of coconut oil
• Scrub your hands and feet with grated cucumber, 1tsp of lime juice, and sugar


Mangoes For Glowing Skin

Mango contains vitamins A, E, C, and K. It is also rich in dietary fiber and sugar. And mangoes are already used in the cosmetic industry. It is used for making skin butter.

How To:

• Add mango smoothie to your breakfast


• Mash a mango and apply it all over your skin
• For dry skin, add rosewater and lime juice to the mango
• For oily skin, 1tsp of yogurt and 1tsp of honey to mango


Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate contains vitamins C and K, folate, minerals, and other nutrients. Its peel and seeds have excellent antioxidant properties.

How To:

• Add pomegranate to your diet as salad or smoothie


• Apply the juice from mashed pomegranate seeds to your skin
• Make a face pack with pomegranate seeds, 1tsp of gram flour, 1tsp of fuller’s earth, 1tsp of lime juice for oily skin
• For dry skin, use milk or honey instead of fuller’s earth

Banana For Skin Glow

Bananas For Glowing Skin

Banana is a good natural moisturizer as it has excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Also, it packs vitamins A, C, K, and E.

How To:

• Consume a fresh banana every day in salad, smoothie, or muffins


• Apply mashed banana to your skin

Apple For Skin Glow

Apples For Skin Glow

Apple fruits is a good antioxidant agent that can protect your skin from harmful free oxygen radicals and make skin glow. Also, it has vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium, and dietary fiber.

How To:

• Eat an apple a day


• Apply a grated apple to your skin
• Mix 1tsp of honey to the grated apple for a dry skin condition

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and readers are advised to consider the pros and cons of individual fruits before adding them to your diet or treating your skin.

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