6 Home Items To Sparkle Tarnished Silver Jewelry

How do you take care of your silver jewelry? Do you know that you can clean tarnish silver pieces at home? There are many ways of cleaning tarnish silver jewelry. You can make your silver jewelry shine again by cleaning them with your kitchen items.

Silver jewelry is an investment. You can use silver jewelry for fashion and keep the jewelry pieces as an investment. But you need to keep the jewelry clean and new forever. It is possible and you can clean your jewelry at home.

Here’re six ways of cleaning tarnish silver jewelry at home

Cleaning Silver Jewelry With Toothpaste

Cleaning Silver Jewelry With Toothpaste

Toothpaste that gives your teeth silver shine can also clean your silver jewelry. Also, it won’t affect the metallic surface or the luster. Toothpaste can be used directly or diluted with water. Use gel toothpaste only in diluted form as it contains too many harsh chemicals.

How To:

• Take toothpaste on a toothbrush and rub it over the silver jewelry with gentle hands
• Or you can dilute a small amount of toothpaste in a saucer and clean your silver jewelry with a piece of soft cloth or toothbrush
• Rub toothpaste on silver jewelry in a circular motion so it reaches all nooks and corners
• Rinse off the pieces with warm water and dry with a soft cloth

Clean Silver Jewelry With Salt

Clean Silver Jewelry With Salt

Salt can also remove dirt and moisture from silver jewelry. The sparkle you will get from slat is hard to get from any other cleaning agent. Also, it is more convenient to clean silver jewelry with salt.

How To:

• Take a big bowl and fill it halfway up with table salt
• Add warm water until it reaches a quarter of the way up the bowl
• Mix the salt with water until it makes a thick and sticky solution
• Put the silver pieces in the mixture for around 30 minutes
• Take the jewelry out and clean it with a soft cotton towel
• Rinse it off with warm water to remove any excess salt from the jewelry

Clean Silver Jewelry With Potatoes

Clean Silver Jewelry With Potatoes

Potato is also a good cleaning agent for your silver jewelry. It contains excellent bleaching properties that give perfect cleaning in a hassle-free manner and shortest time possible.

How To:

• Take a big size potato and peel it with a grater or vegetable peeler
• Slice it into four equal sizes in a spherical shape
• Place your silver jewelry between the potato pieces and put the potato in a sealed container
• Leave the container for 48 hours
• Take out potato pieces from the container and remove the jewelry pieces
• Rinse them with warm water to remove potato juice

Clean Silver Jewelry With Baking Soda

Clean Silver Jewelry With Baking Soda

Baking soda can also be used for cleaning silver jewelry because it contains hydrogen peroxide that can give a new life to your silver pieces by removing tarnish and grime from the jewelry.

How To:

• Take a big bowl and add 1 cup of baking soda and table salt into it
• Blend the ingredients well to make a thick paste for cleaning the jewelry
• Place the silver pieces in the bowl and cover it for 24 hours
• Remove the jewelry from the bowl and dry the pieces using a soft towel or a piece of cloth
• Remove excess salt by rinsing the pieces with warm water
• Scrub the jewelry with a toothbrush dipped in the baking soda solution
• The brush will reach the intricate corners where the solution can’t

Note: Avoid using hot water for rinsing the jewelry as it harms the metallic surface and removes the luster. Also, dry the pieces with a soft cloth before packing them in a sealed box.

Clean Silver Jewelry With Aluminum Foil

Cleaning Tarnish Silver Jewelry With Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil used for wrapping chapatis can also be used for cleaning silver jewelry. It has bleaching properties that can restore the shine of silver pieces.

How To:

• Wrap the jewelry pieces in an aluminum foil
• Boil water in a steel pan and dip the foil in it
• Make a mixture of half cup of baking soda with three cups of warm water and pour the solution on the foiled silver pieces
• The silver foil will appear tarnished and the silver jewelry inside the foil paper will require only moderate polishing

Note: Follow up with another piece of silver foil to further improve the shine of the jewelry pieces.

Cleaning Tarnish Silver Jewelry With Vinegar

Cleaning Tarnish Silver Jewelry With Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural bleaching agent and hence can be used to clean silver jewelry pieces. It will make your silver jewelry new again.

How To:

• Pour a cup of white vinegar into a large bowl
• Dip your silver jewelry in vinegar and cover the bowl
• Leave the silver jewelry in vinegar for some time
• Take the jewelry out of the vinegar and dry it with a soft cloth or towel
• Dry the silver pieces completely before packing the jewelry

Use your silver jewelry as you please without worrying about tarnishing the metal as now you know that you can easily clean your jewelry pieces. But it doesn’t mean that you should become careless about your investment.

Tips for keeping your silver jewelry safe:

• Avoid wearing silver jewelry while going swimming or water sports
• Remove silver jewelry before taking a shower as soap and moisture could tarnish the metal
• Prevent your silver jewelry from coming into contact with hot water
• Excessive sweat can also tarnish your silver jewelry
• Perfumes, hairspray, and other types of cosmetics can affect the metal
• Silver is also prone to scratching or physical damage

Your silver jewelry will tarnish after it is used but you can keep it clean. First, you should prevent your silver pieces from getting tarnished, and second, you should clean your silver jewelry before it becomes too dirty to be cleaned at home.

Silver jewelry is less expensive than gold and for this reason, everyone can buy it. Also, jewelers offer silver jewelry in attractive designs. Now you can buy silver jewelry without worrying about its upkeep and maintenance.

Disclaimer: The above information is only for educational purposes and readers are advised to consider the pros and cons of cleaning silver jewelry at home before following a process.

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