7 Exercises To Control Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common problem for which you can take medicines. But there is another way to control hypertension. Exercising can help safely control your blood pressure. And you can practice these exercises at home.

How Is Exercising Helpful In Controlling Hypertension?

Exercises, especially light activities help control hypertension from within. They release hormones that make you feel good from the inside and this feeling helps bring the blood pressure to normal levels.

Here’re 7 Exercises That Can Help In Controlling High Blood Pressure

  1. Walking

Walking has a very positive impact on the body and mind. First, it is a low-impact cardio exercise that can boost your cardio health in the long run. Second, it releases serotonin which is a feel-good hormone. Studies have found that walking 10,000 steps a day can reduce high blood pressure and increase stamina as well.

For walking, access a public park or a secluded stretch where you can walk without any distractions. You can walk anytime you are free but your focus should be on nature. After walking, relax your body and mind with a warm bath and a cup of tea.

  1. Jogging

If you don’t have mobility problems like knee pain, you can go jogging which is brisk walking or you can increase the speed according to your stamina. Studies have shown that jogging at a moderate speed could help control blood pressure. If you make jogging your regular activity, you improve your overall health.

For jogging, you can access a park with plenty of space for brisk walking or running on a secluded stretch. After jogging, you should allow your body and mind to cool down and take a refreshing bath with warm water.

  1. Dancing

Dance is a therapy that helps in many ways. It helps reduce weight, drives stress away, and improves mobility. Also, it helps lower high blood pressure. You can start with low-intensity dance forms and continue with your speed. Try to be regular so you can reap benefits in the coming days.

For dancing, you can join a group or make a community of like-minded people who have hypertension and who want to cure hypertension by dancing. But be careful about high-intensity dancing. It is better to consult a doctor before any high-intensity activity.

  1. Cycling

Cycling is a great exercise to lose weight. It burns fat faster than any other activity. But it isn’t the only benefit of pedaling. It tones the lower body, boosts mobility, builds stamina, and drives stress away. Also, it can help reduce high blood pressure.

For cycling, you should choose a less crowded stretch and prevent falls and sudden jerks. Focus on breathing and take water breaks to stay hydrated. Also, put on bicycling shorts to prevent chafing. Or you can do cycling at home on a health machine. Choose a way you are comfortable with.

  1. Swimming

If you love swimming, you can keep your hypertension under control as swimming reduces high blood pressure. Results of a 10-week study done on people with hypertension showed that swimming helps control hypertension. The study also revealed that regular swimming sessions give good and long-lasting results.

Take training before swimming and jump into the water and always do warm up before swimming. Also, wear a cap and goggles to prevent your hair and eyes from coming into contact with water. It is better to swim under the supervision of a trained instructor and start with low-intensity laps.

  1. Dynamic Resistance Training
Dynamic Resistance Training

It involves exercises with added weight like push-ups, bench presses, and weighted bicep curls. These are dynamic exercises that can burn extra calories, increase bone mass, build muscles, and lower high blood pressure as well. These exercises require training and it is better to do the exercises under the supervision of a trainer.

Start with a lightweight like 30-40% of your body weight or lesser to avoid complications. Or you can ask your trainer to help in managing the weight. But you should avoid lifting heavy weights as it could be detrimental to your health. Do these exercises 2-3 days a week but avoid these exercises, if you have a cardio problem.

  1. Isometric Resistance Training
Isometric Resistance Training

These exercises are just the opposite of dynamic resistance training. In isometric exercises, you engage your muscles and work on them as you do in planks. For example, holding a plank for a long time is an isomeric exercise. But these activities don’t involve weight. Here the focus is on engaging muscles than lifting weights.

Studies done on isomeric exercises show that these activities can help lower your blood pressure. But you should take training in exercises that engage muscles. Also, you should know that there is no scientific evidence to show that isomeric exercises help lower blood pressure.

The above-mentioned are the exercises that you can practice at home to control hypertension. Also, it has been proved by studies that yoga and cardio exercises can help reduce blood pressure. But you should know how often to practice the exercises.

How Often To Do Exercises?

You have hypertension which is high blood pressure, so, you shouldn’t jumpstart any exercise as it could be harmful. Any exertion on your cardio could result in stress. You should start with a mix of cardio and strength training and do it 3-5 days a week.

For example, you can do cardio for two days and mark one day for strength training. Once you have the stamina, you can increase cardio to 3 days and strength training to 2 days. Also, you can change your routine on your performance, stamina, and overall health. Here you can take the help of your trainer.

Final Thoughts

Hypertension can be controlled with exercising but you should try other ways as well. For example, reducing salt intake can help achieve better results. If you drink alcohol, you should stop as it increases blood pressure.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposed only and the readers are advised to consult their doctors before exercising.

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