Know Whether You Are Fiber Deficient

We all know that fiber is an essential nutrient but not everyone takes enough fiber. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a healthy person needs 28-34 grams of high fiber food every day. But the sad truth is that almost 90.97% of Americans are fiber deficient.

You are fiber deficient if you have the following symptoms:

Fiber Deficiency Symptoms

You Are Constipated

Fiber absorbs water that leads to softer stool that is easier to pass through the digestive system. Also, it cleans the gut of leftover food particles in the cleaning process. Its deficiency always leads to constipation.

You Are Always Hungry

Fiber expands by absorbing water leading to a feeling of fullness. Also, it breaks down slowly and gradually so your stomach doesn’t empty early and you have no hunger pangs. If you feel hungry soon after eating your meal, you are fiber deficient.

You Have High Cholesterol

Soluble fiber cleans the body of cholesterol before it gets deposited in the arteries. A British Medical Journal report claims 7 grams of fiber daily can reduce the risk of heart disease by 9%. If you are fiber deficient, you are likely to have high cholesterol.

You Have Hemorrhoids

Fiber allows stool to easily pass through the rectum by making it softer and bulkier. But a deficiency of fiber could lead to sticky stool that you need to push through the rectum and anus. The pressure exerted to create bowel movement can develop swollen and painful veins in the lower part of the body called hemorrhoids.

You Feel Tired All The Time

Slow digestive fiber prevents frequent spikes and crashes of blood sugar by maintaining the balance of blood sugar in the body. But a fiber deficiency could result in loss of energy leading to tired ad sluggish feelings all day.

You Are Gaining Weight

A fiber-rich diet will keep you full all day preventing overeating that could lead to unnecessary weight gain. But a fiber-deficient diet will lead to hunger pangs, frequent eating, and weight gain.

If you have any of the symptoms of fiber deficiency, you should increase your fiber intake by adding more fiber to your diet.

Here’re 10 food items you can take to increase your fiber intake.



It hardly matters whether it is a sweet potato, red, purple, or even the plain old white potato, it can give you 3 grams of fiber. But you should avoid fries and chips.


The easiest way to consume fiber is by chewing a cup of popcorn that 1 gram of fiber. This whole grain when consumed in its natural state that is not covered in butter can satiate cravings with a hit of fiber.

Whole Grains

Whole Grains Food

Whole grains including wheat bread, whole wheat, brown rice, and oats are also rich in fiber content. If you love bread or rice, you can add brown bread and rice to your plate.


With 3 grams of fiber available in a serving, nuts can help reach your daily dose of 25 grams in a couple of servings. Also, you have the option of consuming nuts in raw or dry-roasted conditions.


Apples Are High Fiber Food

An apple contains 4 grams of fiber but it could be greater depending on the size of the fruit. And, of course, it is a nice and crunchy snack.

Dry Fruits

Consuming dried fruits including figs, prunes, and dates is a great way to increase your fiber intake. Sorbitol sugar found in these fruits can help regulate bowel movement but taking too much sorbitol could lead to complications like diarrhea.


Fibers In Avocados

1 cup of avocados is equal to 10 grams of fiber and the good thing is that this fruit goes with everything – salads, eggs, and toast.


A cup of fresh blueberries has 4 grams of fiber. You can also consume raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries for fiber.


High Fiber Content In Broccoli

A cup of broccoli contains 5 grams of fiber that can sufficient to help the bacteria in your gut and keep you full all day.


Lentils and beans, especially edamame are great sources of fiber. Edamame which is a steamed soybean contains 9 grams of fiber in a half-cup serving.

Amazing Benefits Of High-Fiber Foods

Amazing Benefits Of Fiber Rich Foods

All-Natural Detox

Fiber works like a natural scrub as it eliminates toxins from the GI tract. Soluble fiber soaks up potentially harmful compounds including unhealthy fats and estrogen before they are absorbed by the body. Insoluble fiber makes things, especially mercury and pesticides move faster so get little time to harm your body.

Strong Bones

Soluble fibers like prebiotics increase the bioavailability of minerals like calcium in the digested food. And increased bioavailability could help maintain bone density according to the 2018 issue of Calcified Tissue International journal.


The 2022 issue of the Journal of Translational Medicine claims that increased fiber intake reduces untimely death due to chronic ailments including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The issue forces of consumption of both soluble and insoluble fibers.

Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Journal of Diabetes Investigation published a report in its 2020 issue in which it highlighted the need for more dietary fiber to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The researchers believe that since fiber can maintain blood sugar levels in the body, it can support a healthier gut microbiome and lower inflammation leading to a lower risk of diabetes.

Weight Maintenance

A study in the 2017 issue of The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism claimed that those who consume more fiber have normal weight. They never become obese. Also, high fiber food can help control weight naturally and more healthily.


A high fiber food can keep you safe from many complications like constipation and give health benefits like stronger bones as well. Also, you shouldn’t have any hassle in increasing your fiber intake as it is found a wide range of fruits and vegetables that you can take as salads.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only. Symptoms of fiber deficiency can be controlled only with medicines by experienced doctors only. Anyone experiencing those symptoms should first consult a doctor.

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