Thigh Muscles Exercises

15 Exercises To Tone Your Inner Thigh Muscles For Smooth Hip Movement

You need robust inner thigh muscles for doing simple tasks like standing, walking, running, and climbing stairs. But a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle could lead to fat accumulation on the inner thigh that could make it difficult for you to do those simple tasks and even maintain a good posture.

Here’re 10 Ways To Strengthen Your Inner Thigh Muscles

  1. Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks

Target: Adductors, Lats, Glutes, Deltoids, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your side
• Jump and open your feet wider than your shoulder width and move your hands above your head
• Again jump back to the original position with your hands by your sides
• Do 3 sets of 20 reps

  1. Side Lunges
Side Lunges Workout

Target: Adductors, Hip Flexors, Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulder-width
• Bend your right knee and shift your body to the right while keeping your back straight
• Pause for a moment and repeat it on the left side
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Curtsey Lunge
Curtsey Lunge

Target: Adductors, Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your waist
• Lift your right leg and place it diagonally behind your left leg
• Bend your knees and lower your body
• Get back to the original position and repeat it with the left leg
• Do 2 sets of 8 reps

  1. Frog Jumps
Frog Jumps

Target: Adductors, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Come down in a half-sitting position, close your palms, and bring them close to your chest
• Free your hands and propel your body to jump and land a step ahead in a full squat position
• Do 2 sets of 8 reps

  1. Side-Lying Leg Lifts
Side-Lying Leg Lifts

Target: Adductors, Glutes, Hip Flexors

How To:

• Lie down on your right side with your right hand under your head, left leg on your right leg, and left hand on your waist
• Lift your left leg without bending your back
• Pause for a moment and do it 10 times before switching your leg
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Sumo Squats
Sumo Squats

Target: Adductors, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width and your toes turned outwards
• Join your palms and bring them close to your chest
• Push your hips out and come down in a half-sitting position without bending your back
• Pause for a moment and then go back to the starting position
• Do 2 sets of 12 reps

  1. Standing Alternate Side Crunches
Standing Alternate Side Crunches

Target: Adductors, Quads, Glutes, Lats, Obliques, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your temple
• Lift your left knee and simultaneously bring your right elbow close to your left knee
• Release and repeat it with your right knee and left elbow
• Do 2 sets of 12 reps

  1. Externally Rotated Leg Lifts
Externally Rotated Leg Lifts

Target: Adductors, Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves, Quads

How To:

• Sit down with your legs extended and hands placed on the floor behind your back
• Lean your back a little and bend your right knee to start
• Lift your left leg and rotate your feet to engage your inner thigh muscles
• Do it 10 times before switching your leg
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Weighted Step Side Lunge
Weighted Step Side Lunge

Target: Adductors, Calves, Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a 13-pound kettlebell
• Hold the kettlebell close to your chest to start
• Take a step towards your left, flex your left knee, and lower your body with weight in your hands
• Get up and place your left leg in its original position
• Repeat it with the right leg
• Do 2 sets of 8 reps

  1. Full Squat And Side Raise
Full Squat And Side Raise

Target: Adductors, Lower Abs, Glutes, Quads, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your side
• Push your hips out, flex your knees, and come down to a full-squat position
• Stand up and lift your left leg laterally and then go back to the squatting position
• Repeat it 10 times with your left leg before switching the leg
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Plank Jacks
Plank Jumping Jacks

Target: Adductors, Shoulders, Glutes, Abs, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Get down on your fours with your hands and legs stretched
• Jump and open your feet shoulder-width apart
• Jump back to close your feet
• Do 2 sets of 20 reps

  1. Lying Single Leg Circles
Lying Single Leg Circles

Target: Adductors, Lower Abs, Abductors, Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your legs straight and hands by your side
• Raise your left leg to 90-degree and draw a wide circle
• Do it 10 times with your left leg
• Come down to the original position and change your leg
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Lying Leg Split Pulse
Lying Leg Split Pulse

Target: Adductors

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your hands spread laterally at shoulder level and knees flexed
• Raise your legs and spread them your shoulder-width apart
• Pulse your inner thigh muscles with your hands
• Pulse 15 times and do it 3 times with a 10-second break
• Do 3 sets of 15 reps

  1. Resistance Band Adductor Stretch
Resistance Band Adductor Stretch

Target: Adductors, Shoulders, Glutes, Lower Abs, Hamstrings

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and place a loop resistance on your thighs
• Come down on your fours with your thighs tied with a loop resistance
• Lift your left leg to your hip level and do it 10 times
• Switch your leg and do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Seated Butterfly Pose
Seated Butterfly Pose

Target: Adductors

How To:

• Sit down on a mat with your soles joined
• Hold your soles with your hands and bring them to your groin area
• Lift your knees, pause for a moment, and bring your knees down
• Do 2 sets of 20 reps

Final Thoughts

Inner thighs are prone to hip accumulation leading to difficulty in hip movement and other simple tasks. But you can keep your inner thighs toned and strengthened by doing these simple exercises.

Disclaimer: The above information is for education purposes only and readers are advised to consult their personal trainers before doing these exercises.

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