10 Freehand Chest Workouts For Women

How many hours of workout do you give to your chest at home?

Chest exercises are important for everyone, especially women who want perkier breasts and no sagging. Working on your pectoral muscles will straighten your posture, strengthen your shoulders, support the connecting muscles, and sculpt your body from tip to toe.

Benefits Of Chest Workouts For Women

Benefits Of Chest Workouts For Women

Improved Posture

Women doing desk jobs should be careful about their posture as working all day at the desk, especially computers shorten the chest muscle fibers and lengthen the back ones leading to posture deformities. But there is little to worry about your posture if you are doing chest workouts regularly.

Perkier Breasts

Chest exercises will shrink your breasts is a myth as there’s no scientific proof to back this claim. On the contrary, chest exercises work as non-surgical methods of breast augmentation. Chest exercises will improve your posture and augment your breasts as well. And you won’t need any uncomfortable supporting bra to lift your breasts.

Breathe Easier

Chest exercises will open and strengthen your pectoral muscles so you breathe easily. Lengthening the chest fibers will improve breathing and oxygenation to all your muscles. In other words, you will be able to take deep breaths without feeling any commotion in your chest. Pectoral exercises will improve your breathing pattern in the long run.

Train Other Muscles

The pectorals are big and important muscles as they help the surrounding muscles including the shoulders, triceps, and back. Chest exercises are great for all-over upper body movement. You won’t have strong shoulders and back without expanding your pectoral muscles. Working on your pectorals will train other muscles so you feel stronger and healthier.

Make Your Daily Activities Easier

You need strong pectoral muscles to carry loaded grocery bags to your home, push furniture around the home for cleaning, and manage your backpack and luggage while going on vacations. These are some of the tasks you do in your daily life and you need stronger pectoral muscles to complete these tasks.

There is little need to go to a gym to exercise your pectoral muscles as there are many chest exercises that you can practice at home.

Hand Release Pushup

Hand Release Pushup

How To:

  • Come down in a Plank position with your shoulders over your wrists
  • Lower your body by flexing your elbows and placing your chest on the floor
  • Raise your hands a little and then push your body back to the starting position

Benefits: It works for all major muscles including the pectorals, triceps, shoulders, and back.

Medicine Ball Pushup

Medicine Ball Pushup Chest Workout At Home

How To:

  • Come down in a Plank position and place a medicine ball under your right hand
  • Lower your body as far as possible but avoid touching the floor
  • Press up to the starting position
  • Switch the ball to the left hand and repeat the exercise
  • Be quick with switching the ball from right to left

Benefits: It will work on your entire body.

Bear Plank Shoulder Tap

Bear Plank Shoulder Tap

How To:

  • Come down on your knees and palms with your back running parallel to the floor
  • Lift your left hand off the floor and tap on the right shoulder
  • Put the left hand down
  • Lift your right hand and tap on the left shoulder

Benefits: It works on pectoral muscles and core.

Plank Get Up

Plank Get Up Chest Workout At Home

How To:

  • Come down in a low Plank position with your forearms resting on the floor
  • First, pick your right hand and extend the arm followed by the left hand
  • Again come down to the low plank
  • Push up to a high plank with the left hand followed by the right hand
  • Try to switch your hands quickly

Benefits: It is good for strengthening your pectoral muscles, triceps, shoulders, and back.

Chest Pass Workout At Home

Chest Pass Workout At Home

How To:

  • Lie down on your back with your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor
  • Hold a medicine ball at your chest
  • Engage your core and throw the ball as high as you can
  • Catch the ball with raised hands
  • Bring the ball to your chest to throw it again
  • Increase your speed of throwing and catching the ball

Benefits: It expands pectoral muscles and improves hand movement.

Camel Pose

Camel Pose Chest Workout At Home

How To:

  • Come down on your knees with your feet hip-width apart
  • Grab your heels with your hands to start
  • Open up your chest to feel the stretch on your pectoral muscles and back
  • Try to hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds

Benefits: It opens up the chest and stretches the pectoral and connected muscles.

Wall Pushups

Wall Pushups Workout

How To:

  • Stand within your arm’s reach from a wall and place your arms firmly on the wall
  • Flex your elbows to lower your chest to the wall but stop before touching the wall with your chest
  • Reverse back to the original position and repeat it several times

Benefits: It is a great exercise for the pectorals, biceps, core, rhomboids, lats, and deltoids.

Standing Chest Stretch Workout At Home

Standing Chest Stretch

How To:

  • Stand with your back straight and feet hip-width apart
  • Raise your arms to your head to start
  • Open your chest by pushing your hands back and hold the pose for 30 seconds
  • Release the pose and get ready to repeat the stretch

Benefits: It will stretch your chest muscles, back, and shoulder blades.

Chest Fly Workout At Home

Chest Fly Workout At Home

How to:

  • Lie down on your back with your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor
  • Extend your hands to the sides
  • Slowly raise your hands like wings and join your palms
  • Reverse back to the first position to repeat the exercise

Benefits: It will relax your pectoral muscles, build your triceps, and strengthen your shoulders and back muscles.

Hook Punches

Hook Punches

How To:

  • Sand in a boxing pose
  • Bend your arms at a 90-degree angle to start
  • Swing your right hand like you are making a punch
  • Rotate your hips to power your move
  • Bring the right arm to its position
  • Do it with your left hand
  • Try accelerating your moves

Benefits: It is like strength training of your pectoral muscles, shoulders, triceps, and core.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and the viewers are advised to do exercises only with the guidance and under the supervision of experienced personal trainers.

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