Pretty and Charming Mila Kunis

Pretty and charming, Mila Kunis lives in the hearts of millions and trillions of her fans. The sassy actress who was nominated as “$exiest Woman Alive” in 2012. The cute actress nurtures a very practical approach towards life and refers to looks and personality as secondary.

Mila Kunis sexy bikini photos 32

Balanced and Clean Diet

  • Her diet mainly comprises of low glycemic carbohydrates such as quinoa and brown rice.
  • She eats a lot of lean protein such as chicken breast, lentils, beans, and fish.
  • Mila Kunis also has good fats which include avocado, flaxseed oil, fish oil, nuts, and coconut butter. These fats have Omega-3 which can support weight loss, healthy pregnancy and reduce inflammation.
  • She also eats a lot of veggies, fruit s and drinks plenty of water.

Mila Kunis strict diet for Black Swan Movie

To get a ballerina body, Mila Kunia ate around 1200 calories per day for 5 months, which is about half the recommended calorie intake of 2400 calories an average woman in her 20s should be consuming.In other words, Mila Kunis lost weight by eating 1200 fewer calories each


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