Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat

Exercise For Belly Fat

10 Exercises That Burn Side Flab Faster

It is easier to burn belly fat with exercise and you will be surprised to know that only half an hour of exercise on alternate days is sufficient to burn side fat. Also, exercises that burn side flab can tone up your oblique muscles as well.

Here’re 10 exercise that burn belly fat you can practice at home

Starfish Exercise For Belly Fat

Starfish Exercise

A variation of side plank, starfish is considered great exercises that burn side flab. And this challenging pose also develops balance.

How To:

• Come in the side plank position
• Straighten your back and balance your position to start
• Raise your leg and straighten it
• Raise your hand and touch your toes with your fingers
• Wait for a while and return to the starting position
• Do 15 reps from each side

Side Plank Circles

Side Plank Circles

Side plank circles exercise has several advantages as it works on oblique muscles, lowers belly pooch, and tones bum. It also reduces muffin tops and love handles.

How To:

• Come in the side plank position
• Engage your core to start the exercise
• Raise your leg and straighten it in a horizontal position
• Start creating big circles by moving your leg
• First more it in the clockwise direction and then in Read More


These 15 Exercises And Diet Tips Can Help Reduce Your Belly Fat

Belly fat is the most stubborn fat that is difficult to burn without specific exercise and focus. Also, it is important to reduce belly fat as it could lead to chronic medical problems including diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancers.

Here’re expert tips & exercise for reducing belly fat

Lying Leg Raises

Lie down on a mat and place your thumbs under your hips with your palms flat on the floor. Lift your feet off the floor while looking at the ceiling. Take your feet up to the 90-degree angle and then bring them down slowly.

Leg In And Out

Leg In And Out Exercise

Sit on a mat and bring your hands behind with the palms flat on the floor. Lift your legs off the mat and lean back a little. Now bring both the legs and upper body closer and then go back to the starting position.

Scissor Kicks

Lie down on a mat and place your palms under your hips. Lift your head, upper back, and legs off the floor to start. Bring your left leg down and before it reaches the mat, take your right leg up.

Crunches Exercise For Belly Fat

Lie down on a mat and flex your knees until your feet are flat on the floor. Bring your fingers under your head and … Read More