Health Tips

Exercise At Home

10 Budget Friendly Home Workout Exercises

There is little need to go out for a workout when you have the option of exercising at home. Also, it is quite advantageous to do your workout in the safe and friendly atmosphere of your home. Since there are plenty of exercises you can practice at home, you can choose the activities that you can practice with minimum accessories.

Here’re the advantages of a home workout

Best Home Workout

Time Saving

Going out to a gym requires time but a home workout can save you time. In other words, time would cease to be an excuse for not doing workouts. You only need to prepare your home for a workout to start exercising at home. Check home exercises and select those that you can practice without any fear of apprehension.


If you choose to work out in a gym, your exercise routine will depend on the working hours of the gym. You will be able to exercise only when the gym allows. If the gym shuts down for an upgrade, you will have to miss your exercises. But there will be no such hassle with a home workout.


Availability of specific equipment won’t be an issue if you exercise at home. First, you will choose exercises and second, you will buy … Read More

Best Liver Friendly Food

Balance Your Diet With Liver Friendly Food

The liver also makes cholesterol and proteins that help carry fats through the body and converts redundant sugar (glucose) into glycogen — the storage form of glucose in the body. That makes your liver a vital part of the digestive process. There’s no single food that supports liver friendly food health, but a balanced diet can help keep your liver in top shape.

That means filling your plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, and fatty fish. Foods that contain fiber — similar as vegetables, beans, and nuts — may help with optimal liver function. It’s also smart to choose foods with healthier unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega- 3 fats, rather of foods with impregnated fat or Tran’s fats.

Liver Friendly Food

Your liver is an important organ with numerous essential functions, and it’s recommended that liver friendly food, you can to cover it.



It’s smart to add blueberries, strawberries and snacks because they’re rich in fiber. Berries also contain numerous antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Studies in test tubes and on creatures have linked the important antioxidants in berries to reduced liver damage. The antioxidants may also help decelerate the growth of cancerous liver cells.

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Like berries, grapes contain fiber and antioxidants. Specifically, grapes contain an … Read More

Mobile Radiation

Your Mobile Phone And Your Health

Mobile phones are connected with base stations through radiofrequency (RF) radiation but there is no conclusive or convincing evidence to suggest that the radiation level of mobiles is harmful to human health. There has been intense research on the effects of mobile radiation on human health but nothing harmful is found in mobile radiation.

Should We Consider Mobile Phones To Be Safe Devices?

Are Mobile Phones Are Safe Devices?

The prevalent international consensus is that mobile radiation doesn’t cause cancer or affect the growth of existing tumors in any way. But the World Health Organization (WHO) classified RF radiation as ‘possibly carcinogenic for the human being in its May 2011 report. The theory is based on an increased risk for glioma, a type of brain tumor.

The latest WHO statement on the effects of mobile radiation calls for more research and a ‘precautionary approach’ to mobile phone use. But there is no further report by the world body. Also, there is a need to do more research on whether mobile radiation could be linked to cancer.

Let’s Understand Mobile Radiation

Effects Of Mobile Radiation

The electrical and magnetic energy released by all gadgets is referred to as electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Radiation travels through space at the speed of light.

Classification Of Radiation:

Ionising Radiation (IR): It can change cells and tissues in the body and cause … Read More

Vitamins And Minerals

What Is Healthy Food And How To Achieve Good Health With Food?

You eat according to your convenience and taste instead of health. When it comes to choosing healthy food, you choose what you are comfortable with without knowing how much you are compromising with your health while looking for tasty and convenient food.

Weight loss strategy….

If you are on a diet, you will cut your food intake but, in reality, you will reduce the intake of necessary nutrients that could have a severe impact on your body functions. Proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, iron, fat, and carbohydrates are needed for a healthy body and mind.

Effects of poor eating habits….

The effects of poor eating habits will be seen in the long run. You will develop diabetes and hypertension. Also, you could be a heart patient and have weak bones and muscles. You will have breathing issues and you will lack the energy to keep going.

Healthy eating habits….

Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating includes taking necessary nutrients essential for vital body functions. And you need nutrients according to your age and lifestyle. For example, children need more nutrients than adults and old people.

With healthy food, you get the right amount of energy you need to do your regular tasks like eating, sleeping, and relaxing.

Healthy food stimulates your growth hormones needed to achieve full … Read More