
Typhoid Treatments

10 Home Remedies For Typhoid Fever Treatment

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi, which is transmitted through contaminated food and water. It can cause symptoms such as high fever, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as intestinal bleeding, perforation, and even death. While typhoid fever treated with antibiotics, there are also home treatment and self-care measures that can help manage symptoms and promote recovery.

Typhoid Fever Treatment


Typhoid fever can be exhausting, and rest is important for the body to fight off the infection. It is recommended to get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activities until the fever subsides. For complete rest, you should keep your mobile away so you aren’t disturbed by unwanted calls. Also, you should stop thinking about your appointments, assignments, and deadlines.


Staying hydrated is crucial during typhoid fever, as diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, coconut water, and electrolyte-rich drinks such as sports drinks to replace lost fluids and minerals. Or you can buy WHO-recommended ORS (oral rehydration solution) to increase your fluid intake. Another thing is to avoid eating oily or fatty food that can make you dehydrated.


A healthy diet is important during typhoid fever. Avoid … Read More

Cervical Pain Treatment[:id]Cervical Pain Treatment

Yoga For Cervical Pain

If you have pain in the neck and you are looking for the best cervical pain treatment then try yoga. Cervical pain can’t be cured overnight because the problem likes in your lifestyle.

Wrong sitting posture and keeping your neck in one position for a long time are the most common causes of straining the neck muscles resulting in stiffness and pain. A painkiller medicine can provide relief for some time but the pain will come back as soon as the medicine loses its effect.

The advantage of yoga exercises is that they work from within. Exercising de-stresses muscles reduces inflammation, develops mobility, and eases pain. Also, the results are more long-lasting than those achieved with medicines.

Practice These Yoga Asanas For Cervical Pain Treatment

Child Pose (Balasana)

Child Pose (Balasana)

It calms down the tensed nerves causing neck pain and relaxes the spine.

How To:

  • Come down on your heels with your hips resting on the heels
  • Lower your body to touch the floor with your forehead, and extend your hands with palms flat on the floor
  • Gently press your chest on your thighs while taking deep breaths
  • Hold the position for up to 3 minutes
  • Slowly get back on to your heels and relax
  • Repeat the pose a couple of times

Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita

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Benefits Of Non-Veg Food[:id]Healthy Non-Veg Food

Amazing Benefits Of Healthy Non-Veg Food

Non-veg food is always create misconception many times when it comes to a healthy life. A person’s who loved or connected with non-veg food with healthy sources of nutrition. Non-veg are not healthy, that is surely not right conception about healthy non-veg food. Let us discuss the many benefits of non-veg food to know which bone weighs further.

Know The Benefits Of Healthy Non-Veg Food

Healthy non-veg food is a direct gateway to consume iron and direct complex protein painlessly. Yes you got it right, non-veg is a good choice for direct input of complex protein and a commodity that’s largely recommended for weight gain and for gym lover. The quantum of protein and iron in non-veg food contains is not fulfilled when you take and consume only veg food.

Storming hot butter chicken with juicy boneless pieces compare with delicious shahi paneer, which one would you prefer? The debate on which type of food veg or non-veg is better and healthy is still going on.

  • But experiment and researcher have proved that there are some nutrients which are set up high in non-veg food like milk, egg, meat, etc. Fat beneficial vitamins are only set up in animals.
  • Non-veg food can found anywhere, and if the last surviving people
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Exercise At Home

10 Budget Friendly Home Workout Exercises

There is little need to go out for a workout when you have the option of exercising at home. Also, it is quite advantageous to do your workout in the safe and friendly atmosphere of your home. Since there are plenty of exercises you can practice at home, you can choose the activities that you can practice with minimum accessories.

Here’re the advantages of a home workout

Best Home Workout

Time Saving

Going out to a gym requires time but a home workout can save you time. In other words, time would cease to be an excuse for not doing workouts. You only need to prepare your home for a workout to start exercising at home. Check home exercises and select those that you can practice without any fear of apprehension.


If you choose to work out in a gym, your exercise routine will depend on the working hours of the gym. You will be able to exercise only when the gym allows. If the gym shuts down for an upgrade, you will have to miss your exercises. But there will be no such hassle with a home workout.


Availability of specific equipment won’t be an issue if you exercise at home. First, you will choose exercises and second, you will buy … Read More

Best Liver Friendly Food

Balance Your Diet With Liver Friendly Food

The liver also makes cholesterol and proteins that help carry fats through the body and converts redundant sugar (glucose) into glycogen — the storage form of glucose in the body. That makes your liver a vital part of the digestive process. There’s no single food that supports liver friendly food health, but a balanced diet can help keep your liver in top shape.

That means filling your plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, and fatty fish. Foods that contain fiber — similar as vegetables, beans, and nuts — may help with optimal liver function. It’s also smart to choose foods with healthier unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega- 3 fats, rather of foods with impregnated fat or Tran’s fats.

Liver Friendly Food

Your liver is an important organ with numerous essential functions, and it’s recommended that liver friendly food, you can to cover it.



It’s smart to add blueberries, strawberries and snacks because they’re rich in fiber. Berries also contain numerous antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Studies in test tubes and on creatures have linked the important antioxidants in berries to reduced liver damage. The antioxidants may also help decelerate the growth of cancerous liver cells.

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Like berries, grapes contain fiber and antioxidants. Specifically, grapes contain an … Read More


Maintain A Healthy Diet With Types Of Lettuce

It’s always a good idea to incorporate the types of lettuce into your diet. Leafy greens can count as part of the five servings of vegetables you should eat daily. Types of lettuce are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, and, according to the research their antioxidant rates can help fight cancer.

In addition, just about types of lettuce are low in calories and fat, so you can add it to any mess routine without any guilt.

What Is Lettuce?

What Is Lettuce?

Lettuce, scientifically known as Lactuca Sativa, was first cultivated by the Egyptians thousands year ago. The Egyptians used the seeds to produce oil and also employed the leaves of this useful vegetable. The factory also had artistic and religious significance in ancient Egypt, as it was considered to be sacred. After that, the Greeks and Romans also cultivated this crop.

For thousands of times, this splint has been cultivated as further than a vegetable. It can retain several amazing health benefits, including the following.

Benefits Of Lettuce

  • Lettuce has anti-inflammatory agent.
  • It helps to control the cholesterol situations and induce the sleep.
  • Romaine lettuce is far more beneficial for our health in comparison to Ice lettuce. Lettuce is veritably low in calories but is an excellent source
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Chest Workout For Women

10 Freehand Chest Workouts For Women

How many hours of workout do you give to your chest at home?

Chest exercises are important for everyone, especially women who want perkier breasts and no sagging. Working on your pectoral muscles will straighten your posture, strengthen your shoulders, support the connecting muscles, and sculpt your body from tip to toe.

Benefits Of Chest Workouts For Women

Benefits Of Chest Workouts For Women

Improved Posture

Women doing desk jobs should be careful about their posture as working all day at the desk, especially computers shorten the chest muscle fibers and lengthen the back ones leading to posture deformities. But there is little to worry about your posture if you are doing chest workouts regularly.

Perkier Breasts

Chest exercises will shrink your breasts is a myth as there’s no scientific proof to back this claim. On the contrary, chest exercises work as non-surgical methods of breast augmentation. Chest exercises will improve your posture and augment your breasts as well. And you won’t need any uncomfortable supporting bra to lift your breasts.

Breathe Easier

Chest exercises will open and strengthen your pectoral muscles so you breathe easily. Lengthening the chest fibers will improve breathing and oxygenation to all your muscles. In other words, you will be able to take deep breaths without feeling any commotion in your chest. Pectoral exercises will … Read More

Mobile Radiation

Your Mobile Phone And Your Health

Mobile phones are connected with base stations through radiofrequency (RF) radiation but there is no conclusive or convincing evidence to suggest that the radiation level of mobiles is harmful to human health. There has been intense research on the effects of mobile radiation on human health but nothing harmful is found in mobile radiation.

Should We Consider Mobile Phones To Be Safe Devices?

Are Mobile Phones Are Safe Devices?

The prevalent international consensus is that mobile radiation doesn’t cause cancer or affect the growth of existing tumors in any way. But the World Health Organization (WHO) classified RF radiation as ‘possibly carcinogenic for the human being in its May 2011 report. The theory is based on an increased risk for glioma, a type of brain tumor.

The latest WHO statement on the effects of mobile radiation calls for more research and a ‘precautionary approach’ to mobile phone use. But there is no further report by the world body. Also, there is a need to do more research on whether mobile radiation could be linked to cancer.

Let’s Understand Mobile Radiation

Effects Of Mobile Radiation

The electrical and magnetic energy released by all gadgets is referred to as electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Radiation travels through space at the speed of light.

Classification Of Radiation:

Ionising Radiation (IR): It can change cells and tissues in the body and cause … Read More

Fifth Disease In Children

Fifth Disease – Symptoms, Complication, Treatment, Diagnose

Fifth disease is a nonage disease that appears as a bright red rash on the cheeks. It’s earned the nicknamed “slap cheek disease” because of this rash. Fifth infection in adult is caused by a virus called parvovirus B19. This contagion is veritably contagious and infected people can spread it through coughing or sneezing.

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease got its name because it was the fifth viral rash complaint known to affect children. The other viral rash conditions it’s grouped with include.

  • Measles
  • Rubella( German measles)
  • Chickenpox
  • Roseola

Symptoms Of Fifth Disease In Adult

Symptoms Of Fifth Infection In Adult

About 20 of people who get fifth disease do not have symptoms. Still, they can pass the virus to others. The complaint frequently starts with flu-such like symptoms. During this time, the virus is most contagious. The main symptoms of fifth infection in adult can include.

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Low-grade fever (99 ° to 101 ° F (37 ° to38.5 ° C))
  • Watery nose
  • Sore throat

Complication Of Fifth Disease In Adults

Complication Of Fifth Disease In Adults

Anemia occasionally stops the virus in body’s product of red blood cells, leading to anemia. This problem is temporary and generally not notices for longer period of time. Still, anemia can be serious if you have a weakened vulnerable system. You’re most at threat for complications if you have sickle cell Read More

Best Diabetic Diet Plan

A Perfect Food Choice For Diabetic Diet Plan

A dietitian may recommend you choose specific foods to help you plan meal and snacks. You can choose a number of foods from Diabetic diet plan including orders similar as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

One serving in an order is called a “choice”. A food choice has about the same quantum of carbohydrates, protein, fat and calories and the same effect on your blood glucose — as a serving of every other food in that same order. For illustration, the bounce, fruits and milk list includes choices that are 12 to 15 grams of carbohydrates.

How Diabetic diet plan helps you to improve your life?

Diabetic Diet Plan

A diabetes diet plan is grounded on eating three meals in a day at regular times. This helps you better use the insulin that your body produces or gets through a drug.

A registered dietitian can help you put together a diet grounded on your health pretensions, tastes and life. He or she can also talk with you about how to improve your eating habits, similar as choosing portion sizes that suit the requirements for your size and exertion position of diabetics diet plans.

Here we mentioned the list of Diabetic diet plan that keeps your heart healthy and fit.

Healthy Carbohydrates

Healthy Carbohydrates

During digestion, sugars (simple carbohydrates) and Read More