Why Unibrows Grow And How To Remove Them?

Joining eyebrows with unwanted facial hair growing over the nose is called a “unibrow” or “monobrow”, and it is frowned upon in most societies. It is a genetic problem, but there are natural ways to remove unibrow.

If you have a unibrow and you want to get rid of the monobrow, you can try a natural way like plucking the unwanted hair. Or you can choose to remove the facial hair permanently.

Here’re the ways to remove unibrow

Plucking is natural ways to remove unibrow

Take a tweezer and start plucking the unwanted unibrow hair one by one. It is the most popular and inexpensive way of treating monobrows naturally. Plucking gives long-lasting results as the hair is removed from the root.

Plucking A Natural Ways To Remove Unibrow

How To:

• Soak your unibrow in warm water or wet the hair with a towel soaked in hot water
• Make your skin taut with one hand and pluck the unwanted hair with a tweezer on the other hand
• Pluck the hair in the direction of the growth and treat the area with antibacterial soap or lotion
• Use an ice cube to soothe irritation or redness associated with plucking

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory Creams To Remove Unibrows

Plucking is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and painful process unsuitable for people with sensitive skin. Also, there is little need … Read More