weight loss

Cervical Pain Treatment[:id]Cervical Pain Treatment

Yoga For Cervical Pain

If you have pain in the neck and you are looking for the best cervical pain treatment then try yoga. Cervical pain can’t be cured overnight because the problem likes in your lifestyle.

Wrong sitting posture and keeping your neck in one position for a long time are the most common causes of straining the neck muscles resulting in stiffness and pain. A painkiller medicine can provide relief for some time but the pain will come back as soon as the medicine loses its effect.

The advantage of yoga exercises is that they work from within. Exercising de-stresses muscles reduces inflammation, develops mobility, and eases pain. Also, the results are more long-lasting than those achieved with medicines.

Practice These Yoga Asanas For Cervical Pain Treatment

Child Pose (Balasana)

Child Pose (Balasana)

It calms down the tensed nerves causing neck pain and relaxes the spine.

How To:

  • Come down on your heels with your hips resting on the heels
  • Lower your body to touch the floor with your forehead, and extend your hands with palms flat on the floor
  • Gently press your chest on your thighs while taking deep breaths
  • Hold the position for up to 3 minutes
  • Slowly get back on to your heels and relax
  • Repeat the pose a couple of times

Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita

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Benefits Of Non-Veg Food[:id]Healthy Non-Veg Food

Amazing Benefits Of Healthy Non-Veg Food

Non-veg food is always create misconception many times when it comes to a healthy life. A person’s who loved or connected with non-veg food with healthy sources of nutrition. Non-veg are not healthy, that is surely not right conception about healthy non-veg food. Let us discuss the many benefits of non-veg food to know which bone weighs further.

Know The Benefits Of Healthy Non-Veg Food

Healthy non-veg food is a direct gateway to consume iron and direct complex protein painlessly. Yes you got it right, non-veg is a good choice for direct input of complex protein and a commodity that’s largely recommended for weight gain and for gym lover. The quantum of protein and iron in non-veg food contains is not fulfilled when you take and consume only veg food.

Storming hot butter chicken with juicy boneless pieces compare with delicious shahi paneer, which one would you prefer? The debate on which type of food veg or non-veg is better and healthy is still going on.

  • But experiment and researcher have proved that there are some nutrients which are set up high in non-veg food like milk, egg, meat, etc. Fat beneficial vitamins are only set up in animals.
  • Non-veg food can found anywhere, and if the last surviving people
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Exercise At Home

10 Budget Friendly Home Workout Exercises

There is little need to go out for a workout when you have the option of exercising at home. Also, it is quite advantageous to do your workout in the safe and friendly atmosphere of your home. Since there are plenty of exercises you can practice at home, you can choose the activities that you can practice with minimum accessories.

Here’re the advantages of a home workout

Best Home Workout

Time Saving

Going out to a gym requires time but a home workout can save you time. In other words, time would cease to be an excuse for not doing workouts. You only need to prepare your home for a workout to start exercising at home. Check home exercises and select those that you can practice without any fear of apprehension.


If you choose to work out in a gym, your exercise routine will depend on the working hours of the gym. You will be able to exercise only when the gym allows. If the gym shuts down for an upgrade, you will have to miss your exercises. But there will be no such hassle with a home workout.


Availability of specific equipment won’t be an issue if you exercise at home. First, you will choose exercises and second, you will buy … Read More

Best Liver Friendly Food

Balance Your Diet With Liver Friendly Food

The liver also makes cholesterol and proteins that help carry fats through the body and converts redundant sugar (glucose) into glycogen — the storage form of glucose in the body. That makes your liver a vital part of the digestive process. There’s no single food that supports liver friendly food health, but a balanced diet can help keep your liver in top shape.

That means filling your plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, and fatty fish. Foods that contain fiber — similar as vegetables, beans, and nuts — may help with optimal liver function. It’s also smart to choose foods with healthier unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega- 3 fats, rather of foods with impregnated fat or Tran’s fats.

Liver Friendly Food

Your liver is an important organ with numerous essential functions, and it’s recommended that liver friendly food, you can to cover it.



It’s smart to add blueberries, strawberries and snacks because they’re rich in fiber. Berries also contain numerous antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Studies in test tubes and on creatures have linked the important antioxidants in berries to reduced liver damage. The antioxidants may also help decelerate the growth of cancerous liver cells.

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Grapes Is Liver Friendly Food

Like berries, grapes contain fiber and antioxidants. Specifically, grapes contain an … Read More

Two Piece Workout Sets

Add Two Piece Workout Sets In Your Gym Wardrobe

Do you occasionally feel embarrassed to work out in your normal clothes? That’s a common problem, and it’s one that we’ve the perfect result for. Wearing two piece workout sets gives you all of the benefits of working out while also giving you some peace of mind.

When people see a man or woman dressed in workout wear, they know that the person will be suitable to perform well. This can help you get further respect from your peers at work if you choose to take your drill clothes with you into the Gym! When wearing yoga pants makes it clear that no matter what happens during the day, all of those exercises are going to pay off, also others may find themselves esteeming your time commitments much more than they did ahead.

On the other hand, workout in cold weather can be just as dangerous as working out in hot weather. It’s indeed more important to dress duly for the cold weather if you’re going to be exercising outdoors! Gym wear can help by insulation and keeping your body heat from escaping. In addition, numerous two piece workout set clothes are treated with antimicrobial agents that will kill any bacteria that may try to create problems on your skin.

Best Two Piece Workout Sets

There are numerous other … Read More

Shoulder Exercises For Women

10 Female Centric Shoulder Strengthening Exercises

It is true that sculpted shoulders look great on everyone. The definition around the shoulders is the perfect accessory to a sleeveless shirt. Also, it helps enhance a woman’s frame. But shoulder exercises for women has more benefits beyond the aesthetic.

Benefits Of Shoulder Exercises

Benefits Of Shoulder Exercise

Strength Building

The shoulder joint and muscles provide strength to your head, arms, and upper torso. Having a strong shoulder means you can pretty much do any work like relocating furniture pieces, pushing a cart, lifting a bag, and holding your baby in your arms.

Stronger Bones

Your shoulders are heavy workers as they hold your spine and head in place and support your ribs and arms as well. Stronger bones will not only support your musculoskeletal structure but prevent injuries and problems like osteoporosis as well.

Improved Stability

Your shoulder muscles make the central structure that connects your upper and lower body. It allows for maintaining a stable posture as you stand or run on rough terrain. Strong shoulder muscles won’t let you lose balance.

Overall Improvement

Toned shoulders will strengthen other muscles as well. You will be able to perform all types of athletic activities including walking, jogging, and swimming with the support of sculpted shoulders.

Weightless Shoulder Exercise


Push-Ups Exercise For Women

  • Come down in a plank
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Tested And Tried Weight Loss Drinks

5 Tested And Tried Weight Loss Drinks

If you want to make your weight loss journey a little more comfortable then try the following drinks that can help in reducing some pounds and give additional benefits as well.

How you lose weight depends on the metabolic rate of your body and if you aren’t genetically blessed with a high metabolic rate, you will have to struggle to burn extra fat. It is where you need some help like a weight loss pill or something else that you are comfortable with. Like many others, you can also take a detox drink to aid your weight loss regimen.

  1. Lemon Detox Water
Lemon Detox Water

Lemon has been used for adding citrus flavor to foods and drinks for centuries. Also, researchers have proved the medicinal and health benefits of using lemon in food and drinks. Many people take lemon water regularly and claim benefits in weight loss.

What is the nutritional value of lemon water?

Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants in rich amounts but the nutritional value of lemon juice depends on its contents. A regular glass containing 48-gram lemon contains:

• 49.4 mg of potassium
• 18.6 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C
• 10.6 calories
• 9.6 micrograms (mcg) of folate

How does lemon water benefits weight loss?

Consumption of lemon water increases water intake which is often used as … Read More

Super Fruits For Weight Loss

15 Super Fruits For Weight Loss

Why struggle to lose weight when you can achieve your weight loss goals with fruits? Eating fruits can help burn more fat and there are plenty of fruits that can help in losing weight.

Let’s See Which Fruits Can Help In Losing Weight

  1. Grapefruit

This tangy fruit is rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber. It reduces insulin resistance and inflammation and improves lipid profile and blood pressure. For best results, you should consume half grapefruit before breakfast and half before lunch.

  1. Watermelon

Watermelon contains plenty of water with a rich quantity of Vitamin C. And it is found that eating two cups of watermelon could increase satiety and reduce weight. Also, it improves blood pressure. Watermelon also contains lycopene which reduces oxidative stress which is a factor in high blood sugar. For weight loss, you should consume 1 cup of watermelon one hour before lunch.

  1. Lemon

Lemon is loaded with Vitamin C. Also, it is a potent antioxidant that can help lose weight faster. For better results, you can go for an 11-day lemon detox diet that will decrease your insulin resistance and body fat percentage. Also, there will be an exciting reduction in your BMI. Start your diet with a mixture of half a lime and 1tsp organic honey with warm water every morning.

  1. Apple

Apples contain … Read More

Alkaline Fruits You Should Add To Your Diet

5 Alkaline Fruits You Should Add To Your Diet

Alkaline fruits like avocados, bananas, and apples are gaining a lot of attention because of their health benefits which include neutralizing the acid levels in the stomach and weight loss. But you should also know about the potential side effects of alkaline fruits.

There are many fruits that are alkaline but not all fruits are good for your health. Here in this blow, we will list the best alkaline fruits, their benefits, and potential side effects.

What Is Alkaline?

Alkaline is related to pH level. A pH scale has numbers from 1-to 14 where numbers less than seven denote acid and those above seven are alkaline. The human stomach has a pH between 2.8 to 3.7 which makes it acidic but the pH of the blood is slightly alkaline as it ranges around 7.3 on the pH scale.

The alkaline diet has become popular because celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow support this diet. The alkaline diet emerged from the acid-ash theory that states that food affects the pH level of the human body. According to some studies, an alkaline diet could benefit people suffering from chronic kidney diseases.

Alkaline Fruits

  1. Apples
Alkaline Fruit Apples

An apple a day keeps a doctor away proves that eating an apple a day can keep you … Read More

Foods That Can Make You Taller Even Beyond Teen Years

10 Foods That Can Make You Taller Even Beyond Teen Years

If you are above five feet in height, you should feel blessed as you belong to the group of taller people. You have the genes that increase height. Also, you take a nutritious diet that supports your growth hormones. But you shouldn’t worry if your height is below five feet as you can still achieve optimal height by taking a healthy foods that make you taller.

Here’re 10 Food Items That Can Help You To Make Taller


Fresh Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a reddish-like vegetable with a sour taste but it is often sweetened while cooking in Europe and North America. In Asia, its roots are used in medicines. It contains fiber that lower cholesterol levels. Also, it is a good source of antioxidants. In research, it is found that rhubarb can stimulate growth hormones responsible for growing height. Rhubarb stalks are commonly used in soups, jams, sauces, pies, tarts, crumbles, and cocktails. You can even find rhubarb wine.

Collard Greens

Collard Greens Vegetables

Collard greens are large, smooth, and flat lose leaf greens rich in multiple vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According to medical research, regular consumption of collard greens could save you from many critical diseases including cancer. Eating cruciferous vegetables reduces cancer risk has long been established by medical research. Collard greens contain glucosinolates which is an … Read More