10 Breathing Exercises And Their Advantages

Benefits of breathing exercise are that it can boost power of your lungs to inhale fresh oxygen. And it is necessary to strengthen your lungs so your body gets smooth supply of oxygen from lungs. Also, the breathing exercises will help reduce anxiety and depression. They can even help in weight control.

Here’re 10 breathing exercise & their benefits that can help strengthen the breathing capacity of your lungs

Abdominal Breathing Exercise

Abdominal Breathing Exercise

It is an excellent breathing exercise that you can practice comfortably in your home. Simply sit and relax and do abdominal breathing.

How To:

• Lie on your back and put your one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest
• Take a deep breath from your nose, hold, and exhale from your mouth
• Squeeze your abdominal muscles to empty your lungs of any residual trapped in the lungs
• Do it 10 times and change your position
• Sit down with your back straight and shoulders relaxed and repeat abdominal breathing
• Do 5 minutes every day

Rib Stretch

Rib Stretch Exercise

Strengthen your ribs to inhale as much oxygen as you can. This exercise will help your ribs to expand and contract while you inhale and exhale oxygen.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and … Read More