
At Home Scurvy Treatment

15 Vitamin-C-Rich Fruits

At the base of scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C. So, it can’t be called a disease but a nutritional deficiency. If your body isn’t getting enough ascorbic acid or vitamin C, it will respond in many ways like lethargic feeling, gum swelling and bleeding, and high fever accompanied by black spots on the body also there is scurvy treatment at home.

Scurvy Treatment Foods

Reasons for scurvy

  • A poor diet lacking citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables is the prime reason for scurvy. It is for this reason that scurvy is common in children of poor families and underdeveloped countries.
  • Following a restrictive diet due to food allergies or for any other reason like weight loss could lead to vitamin deficiency.
  • Abnormal eating disorders and other mental issues could cause a deficiency of vitamin C.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse are also reasons for scurvy.
  • People suffering from Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis could have scurvy.

If you haven’t taken enough vitamin C at least for three months, you are likely to be a patient of scurvy. In the first stage, you will feel lethargic and have pain in your leg muscles. It is time to seek medical advice so the problem of scurvy doesn’t aggravate.

Your doctor will prescribe vitamin C supplements and other medicines needed to treat scurvy. Also, you can try some home remedies like changing your lifestyle and food habits.

Note: If the reason for your scurvy is medical, you need to cure the medical condition to cure the problem.

Scurvy Treatment At Home



One large orange contains up to 97.9mg of vitamin C and for this reason, this citrus fruit is considered the best source of vitamin C. Also, you can add this fruit to your diet in the form of juice or take orange slices in the salad. But keep it fresh always.

Lemon and Lime

Lemon And Lime For Scurvy Treatment

The vitamin C content in these citrus fruits is … Read More

Uric Acid Treatment

10 Home Remedies Of Uric Acid Treatment

Before you know about uric acid treatment, you should understand the cause of uric acid accumulation in the body. Uric acid is discharged after the digestion of purine-rich foods.

If the acid discharge is excess to the amount your body can manage, it will get accumulated in the form of crystals in your joints and lead to a painful condition called gout. Joints with gouts have swelling and intense pain requiring painkiller medicines.

Uric Acid Treatment

Uric Acid Treatment

The gout treatment includes medicines that reduce uric acid production in the body and relieve pain and inflammation. But lifestyle and dietary changes play a crucial role in the management of gout. Your body discharges more uric acid because you eat more purine-rich food. Until you reduce the intake of purine-rich food, you won’t get any relief from the pain and suffering.

If you’ve high uric acid, the first thing you should do is to avoid following food and beverages that have high purine content.

  • Meat: Red meat, organ meat, wild game like deer
  • Fish: Tuna, sardines, herring, trout, haddock, anchovies, and mussels
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • High-fat foods: Dairy products and bacon
  • Sugary foods and beverages

You should limit the consumption of food with moderate amounts of purine

  • Other meat: Ham and beef
  • Poultry
  • Deli meats
  • Oyster, lobster, crab, and shrimp

If you are on medicines, you should check whether your regular medicines are increasing uric acid in your body. Following are the drugs that can affect the uric acid level

  • Diuretic drugs
  • Immune suppressants
  • Low dose aspirin

Your doctor can identify the medicines responsible for high levels of uric acid in your blood and replace them with safer drugs. It will reduce uric acid discharge and bring fast relief from pain and suffering.

Now note down the food items that can help in treatment of uric acid



Apples are a good source of malic acid, which … Read More

Typhoid Treatments

10 Home Remedies For Typhoid Fever Treatment

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi, which is transmitted through contaminated food and water. It can cause symptoms such as high fever, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as intestinal bleeding, perforation, and even death. While typhoid fever treated with antibiotics, there are also home treatment and self-care measures that can help manage symptoms and promote recovery.

Typhoid Fever Treatment


Typhoid fever can be exhausting, and rest is important for the body to fight off the infection. It is recommended to get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activities until the fever subsides. For complete rest, you should keep your mobile away so you aren’t disturbed by unwanted calls. Also, you should stop thinking about your appointments, assignments, and deadlines.


Staying hydrated is crucial during typhoid fever, as diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, coconut water, and electrolyte-rich drinks such as sports drinks to replace lost fluids and minerals. Or you can buy WHO-recommended ORS (oral rehydration solution) to increase your fluid intake. Another thing is to avoid eating oily or fatty food that can make you dehydrated.


A healthy diet is important during typhoid fever. Avoid solid foods until the fever subsides and then start with light, easy-to-digest foods such as broth, soup, and crackers. Gradually add more solid foods as you feel better. Cooked vegetables like potatoes, carrots, green beans, beets, and squash are good for your health.

Temperature Control

Typhoid fever can cause high fever, which can lead to discomfort and dehydration. It is important to manage the fever with measures such as taking a cool bath or using a damp cloth to cool the body. Also, take temperature readings several times a day and note down the temperature to notice changes Read More

Homemade Scabies Treatments

Treat Your Scabies With This Homemade Scabies Treatment

Scabies spreads through close contact. It can affect anyone but is most common among people living in close room or quater, like dorms, nursing homes, or incarcerations. Traditional skin cream is the first-line treatment for scabies. It’s applied at night and irrigated off in the morning. While this treatment is necessary to kill scabies, Homemade scabies treatment can help control and help their spread.

When you see a healthcare provider for scabies, talk to them about homemade scabies treatment that might help you control symptoms and contain the outbreak.

Homemade Scabies Treatment

A lot of the old ways to treat scabies can have bad side effect. Some people do not respond to these treatments and can develop resistance. So, you might want to treat your scabies with natural homemade, or differently there may be a chance that you have eczema.

Homemade scabies treatment includes over-the-counter specifics, essential oils, oatmeal bath step, Vaseline, and more.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

To use tea tree oil is the best homemade scabies treatments to treat scabies, apply an ointment containing lower than 5 tea tree oil to your skin. You can make this by mixing a many drops of tea tree oil painting into an embrocation or coconut oil painting. Apply this diurnal while you’re passing symptoms.

Oatmeal Bath Natural Homemade Scabies Treatment

Oatmeal Bath Natural Homemade Scabies Treatment

Because of that, it may help control itchiness associated with scabies. Unfortunately, there’s no substantiation that it’ll cure scabies, but it can help you feel more comfortable until your symptoms subside.

Baking Soda Bath

Baking Soda Bath

As a volition to an oatmeal bath, try a cool bath with 2 ounces of incinerating soda pop. This can help soothe skin and palliate itching. If you are not comfortable with oatmeal bath you can try baking soda bath it is productive homemade scabies treatment.

Homemade Scabies Treatment Skipping Your Chemical Soap

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Hair & Itchy Scalp Remedies: You start scratching your scalp whenever you are tense or in deep thinking. Or it can also be said that scratching the scalp gives relief from stress. While scratching of the scalp is a common thing, frequent scratching could indicate an underlying condition like dandruff which is a common cause of an itchy scalp & there are various at home treatment.

Whatever the reason for your itchy scalp, you can try one of the following home treatment. They are 100% natural and most effective for easing an itchy scalp.

Coconut Oil For Itchy Scalp Treatment

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a good moisturizer. Also, it contains antifungal properties. With these qualities, coconut oil becomes an ideal remedy for an itchy scalp. It will keep your skin hydrated and calm the irritation caused by dryness. Also, it can prevent fungal infections like eczema.

How To Apply

  • Take 2tsp of coconut oil and warm it indirectly
  • Massage your scalp with warm oil for 5 minutes
  • Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning
  • Do it twice or thrice a week

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera For Itchy Scalp Treatment

Aloe vera is a natural remedy for an itchy scalp caused by dandruff, or minor wounds and cuts. The enzymes and fatty acids found in this medicinal plant will combat dandruff, reduce inflammation, and promote healthier hair. Every time you will apply aloe vera gel to your scalp, it will leave your hair well moisturized.

How To Apply

  • Draw gel from an aloe leaf or buy aloe gel
  • Massage the gel on your scalp for 15-20 minutes
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water
  • Do it twice a week

Mashed Bananas

Mashed Bananas For Itchy Scalp Treatment

The richness of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium makes bananas an ideal solution for an itchy scalp. Applying mashed banana to your scalp is a great way to moisturize the scalp and nourish … Read More

Fifth Disease In Children

Fifth Disease – Symptoms, Complication, Treatment, Diagnose

Fifth disease is a nonage disease that appears as a bright red rash on the cheeks. It’s earned the nicknamed “slap cheek disease” because of this rash. Fifth infection in adult is caused by a virus called parvovirus B19. This contagion is veritably contagious and infected people can spread it through coughing or sneezing.

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease got its name because it was the fifth viral rash complaint known to affect children. The other viral rash conditions it’s grouped with include.

  • Measles
  • Rubella( German measles)
  • Chickenpox
  • Roseola

Symptoms Of Fifth Disease In Adult

Symptoms Of Fifth Infection In Adult

About 20 of people who get fifth disease do not have symptoms. Still, they can pass the virus to others. The complaint frequently starts with flu-such like symptoms. During this time, the virus is most contagious. The main symptoms of fifth infection in adult can include.

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Low-grade fever (99 ° to 101 ° F (37 ° to38.5 ° C))
  • Watery nose
  • Sore throat

Complication Of Fifth Disease In Adults

Complication Of Fifth Disease In Adults

Anemia occasionally stops the virus in body’s product of red blood cells, leading to anemia. This problem is temporary and generally not notices for longer period of time. Still, anemia can be serious if you have a weakened vulnerable system. You’re most at threat for complications if you have sickle cell complaint, cancer, mortal immunodeficiency contagion (HIV) or have had an organ transplant.

Arthritis is a small number of (10) and a larger number of grown-ups (around 80) temporarily develop painful joints and swelling. These symptoms generally ameliorate in a couple of weeks. Still, 10 of grown-ups develop habitual parvovirus- associated arthritis, or poly-arthritis. Women are more at threat than men.

There is not a vaccine to help fifth disease. Because the virus spreads fluently through nasal and mouth driblets, good hygiene is the best way to help the complaint. You can reduce your family’s threat of infection … Read More

Common Skin Conditions And Their Causes

What Are 12 Common Skin Conditions And Their Causes?

Skin makes the first line of defense against physical attack by many types of bacteria and viruses. And when a skin comes under attack, it develops a condition like ringworm and impetigo. But common skin conditions are not only due to bacterial or fungal infections as many conditions are genetic or allergic in nature.

The only good thing about most skin conditions is that they are curable. And the treatment starts with knowledge and education on the common skin conditions.

Here’re 12 common skin conditions that affect skin in different ways



It is a fungal infection caused by fungus found on skin, surfaces and personal items like towels, clothes and bedding. Appears in a ring form, it makes skin red, itchy and cracking.



It is a chronic and long-lasting skin condition occurring due to stimulation and dilation of facial blood vessels. It results in acne-like breakouts and it affects men harder than women.


Eczema Common Skin Conditions

Also known as dermatitis, eczema is largely an immune-related genetic condition. It makes skin dry and itchy with raised, red, scaly patches and sometimes fluid-filled blisters.

Contact Dermatitis:

Contact Dermatitis

It is a type of eczema that causes when skin comes into contact with a trigger. It could be irritant or allergic. Irritant dermatitis occurs from specific soaps, detergents, metals and cosmetics. Allergic dermatitis has its causes in exposure to allergen.

Impetigo Common Skin Conditions:

Impetigo Common Skin Conditions

It is a bacterial infection resulting in large blisters or crusted sores. Common in children, it appears mostly around the mouth, nose, arms and legs.

Seborrhea Dermatitis (Dandruff):

Seborrhea Dermatitis

It appears on scalp and makes crusty, scaly patches on the skin. It is generally found on the scalp of people with thick and oily skin.

Pityriasis Rosea:

Pityriasis Rosea

It occurs in the form of a large round or oval patch. And since if appears … Read More

Aroma Magic Neem & Tea Tree face wash

8 of the Best Face Washes for Acne and Oily Skin

In modern lifestyle, it’s pretty hard-hitting to find out the best skin care for the skin types due to the unlimited brands in the market. When you have oily skin you have to go through lots of difficulties throughout the especially all the time stickiness on your face.

You’re in search of the product that leaves your skin fresh, glowing and oil-free throughout the day, right? So, here we are going to make pretty easy for you to choose the best skincare for you. Go through the full review and get your best one in your hands.

We have prepared the collection of 8 best skin care that might good for your skin and give you exactly what you need.

  1. Lotus Herbals Tea Tree wash

lotus herbal tea tree wash

Lotus is one of the best beauty brands these days. This face wash claims to regulate the production of sebum and remove the excess oil and dirt from the skin. It has a blend of cinnamon, Oak, tea tree oil, and active ingredients those have strong antimicrobial and antioxidants to remove toxins and prevent acne.

Key points:

  • Good for acne-prone skin
  • Leave cooling effect
  • Control oil
  • Give a pleasant fragrance
  1. The Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing Gel Wash

It is extremely popular face wash to control oil on the face. Its bladder back seaweed extract gently cleanse the skin and leave moisture and glow to your face. It is also good to remove impurities, dirt and excess oil.  It also reduces the skin-aging effect and acne formation.

Key points:

  • Good for sensitive skin
  • Give long-lasting results
  • give matte finish
  • Available in the travel package
  1. Himalaya Herbals Oil Cleanse Lemon Face Wash

himalaya lemon face wash

Himalaya is a leading cosmetic brand in user’s choices because of its natural and organic products. This face wash has been formulated with honey, lemon and other active components that can work efficiently. This leaves soft, smooth and moisture to the skin. This face … Read More

Neem Purifying Face Wash

Biotique Bio Neem Purifying Face Wash Review

Biotique neem purifying face wash is a leading brand in nature-based personal care products. I have been using Himalaya Neem Purifying Face Wash for a long time and needed some change. So, I went for the Biotique Bio Neem Purifying Face Wash. Like all the other neem purifying face wash, it claims to treat pimples and provide an oil-free skin.

I will be reviewing the Biotique Bio Neem Purifying Face Wash in this article and share my personal experience with it.

Things to know about Biotique Neem Purifying Face Wash

The Biotique Bio Neem Purifying Face Wash is not so similar to the Himalaya Neem face wash. The presence of neem provides a pimple-free and oil-free skin. It is best for all skin types. The face wash is completely soap-free foaming gel. It clears the pore deeply and improves the skin complexion. It is best for removing makeup.

Key ingredients of Biotique Face Wash are

• Neem Bark. It clears the skin. Prevents appearance of zits. Provides oil-free, healthy and glowing skin.
• Ashwagandha Roots.
• Ritha Fruit.
• Kulanjan Rhizome.
• Honey. Softens the skin and provides a healthy glow.
• Coconut Oil. Prevents development of pimples and nourishes the skin.
• Water.


• For 50 mL pack – INR 55
• For 150 mL pack – INR 135
• For 300 mL pack – INR 240

Neem Purifying Face Wash

Shelf Life – Works best up to 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Directions for usage – Wet your face with water. Take sufficient amount of face wash. Gently rub on your face and neck to produce lather. Rinse off the foam with water thoroughly and pat dry. Use twice a day for best results.

Color – It is green in color because of the presence of neem.

Neem Purifying Face Wash

Fragrance – It has a mild fragrance of Neem. The smell is much similar to Men’s aftershave gel … Read More