Health Benefits Of Acidic Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a health tonic with multitude of benefits including weight loss, skin and hair care, indigestion, diabetes and cholesterol management. The only drawback of ACV is the sour taste and strong smell that it gets due to the presence of yeast and bacteria

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for different ailments


ACV controls appetite and boost fat metabolism that further increases weight loss. The acetic acid present in ACV activates the fat burning enzyme AMPK in the liver, slows down breaking down of starch to sugar and prevents accumulation of fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Studies on ACV indicate that acetic acid slows down the process of breaking down of carbohydrates to sugar in the blood stream. It is for this reason that ACV is considered a great drink after having a carbohydrate rich meal. If taken at bedtime, ACV can reduce the fasting blood glucose level in the morning.

High Cholesterol

ACV contains an antioxidant called chlorogenic that can prevent cholesterol level from increasing. This antioxidant inhibits oxidation of LDL and increases HDL or the good cholesterol


ACD when taken in right amount can help in controlling high blood pressure. In a study, it is found that ACV can reduce activity of renin, an … Read More