
Yoga Asanas That Can Help In Cancer Treatment

5 Yoga Asanas That Can Help In Cancer Treatment

Cancer is curable if the disease is diagnosed and treated early. But the treatment could be frustrating. Cancer patients have to bear chemotherapy that could break their mental power. But they can look at yoga for help. There are many yoga asanas for cancer patients that can help control the painful symptoms associated with cancers and their treatments. These asanas are simple in practicing and big on advantages.

Here’re 5 yoga asanas that are good for cancer patients.

Half Sun Salutation

Half Sun Salutation Yoga Asanas

It is one of the many asanas that have multiple benefits for cancer patients.


• Stand straight with your legs close

• Join your palms together as you do in a prayer

• Inhale a deep breath and raise your arms with palms joint above the head

• Stretch your arms to a comfortable level

• Exhale the breath and bend down to touch your toes with your fingers

• Stop for a few seconds and then inhale a deep breath to return to the starting position

Note: You can bend your knees if needed while touching your toes with your fingers.


• The stressing exercise will ease out the entire musculoskeletal frame including the muscles.

• It has the power to blast disease-causing microbes and it is easier to perform at home.… Read More

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

These 5 Asanas Can Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis For Sure

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease as it involves pain in joints that can make life difficult. Aging is the biggest reason for this chronic ailment but today younger people are also getting Rheumatoid Arthritis but the treatment for this is possible at home.

Reasons for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Age: While RA can attack at any age but people in advanced age are more prone to developing RA because of wear and tear of their joints.

Family History: Those with a family history of RA need to be careful as they could the disease at any age.

Obesity: Obese people should be careful about the excess fat and load on their joints as they could get RA due to unnecessary and unwanted load on their joints.

Smoking: Smoking is also related to RA. People with a family history of RA could get the problem in the early years if they smoke.

Environmental Pollution: Exposure to asbestos and silica could increase your susceptibility to RA.

Sex: Women are more prone to developing RA in comparison to men but it doesn’t mean that men should become complacent.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

In RA treatment, the main focus is on curing the symptoms including inflammation and pain. Patients are prescribed pain-relieving drugs and they are advised to … Read More