4 Things For Which You Don’t Need Makeup

Women love doing makeup but for some, it has a therapeutic effect on their body and mind. They take it as a form of artistic expression or a creative way to enhance their features and to represent themselves. But wearing makeup all the time isn’t a good idea. It could be very bad sometimes.

Let’s discuss things for which you don’t need makeup

Cleaning your makeup

You clean makeup to remove whatever dirt and pollutants you’ve accumulated on your skin. And you end up cleaning your skin several times a day. Do you know that your skin remains exposed to dirt even when it is cleaned? Also, that cleaning increases chances of a dirt forming a layer on your skin. The best thing you can do to prevent your skin from pollution is to wear a face mask. Precaution is always better than cure.

Things For Which You Don’t Need Makeup

During sexual activity

Make-up could improve your visual appearance necessary for sex but it would also make the act messier. The makeup would get transferred to sheets and pillows. Also, foundation could get scrubbed with the stubble of your partner during cheek-to-cheek performance. But the worst thing is mingling of your make-up with sweat from both of you. If your partner really likes you, he won’t mind if … Read More