Using Too Much Phone? Here Are The Best Tips To Avoid The Excess Screen Time & Save Your Eyes!

How often you watch the screen in a day? Let me guess, 7-8 hours a day? Perhaps yes, using too much phone!

Well, the only thing which keeps us entertain and relax is our mobile phone. As compared to the previous years, the percentage usage of mobile phones has increased this year. This usually affects children a lot, and that is because they get bored. Even some parents involve their children to phones, because of their free time.

Using Phone Too Much

In today’s time, children love to play mobile games instead of indoor and outdoor games. Furthermore, they are using it for watching cartoons, art and craft, video calls, and now also for the online study. This can be alright for today, but have you ever wonder how this sudden jump 7-8 hours screen time a day affect your eye health?

So, for your concern as having created this article and mentioned every little detail that you can use itself as well as on your kids using too much phone.

Why is excess screen time harmful?

Excess Screen Time Is Harmful

Excess screen time can be harmful in many ways such as:

• Reduce Cognitive ability

• Lessen attention

• Affect sleep patterns

• Become addictive

• Pain or swelling under eyes

• Weak eyesight

How are the eyes affected by time?

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