10 Effective Ways To Feet Detan At Home

Stop running to cosmetic shops for creams or ordering foot packs from Amazon for feet detan. First, you should understand that tanning of feet is a continuous process and that you need to de-tan your feet at regular intervals. Buying over-the-counter products will become an unnecessary burden on your pocket. Also, you will need to consume those products before their expiry.

Feet Detan

If you detan feet at home, you save money and have peace of mind. Whenever you have time, you can quickly prepare a foot pack using products like turmeric, gram flour, curd, and milk and de-tan your feet. It is easy, safe, and reliable.

Here are 10 popular home remedies for foot tanning

Curd And Gram Flour

Curd And Gram Flour

Duration: 30-35 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Add 1tsp of gram flour, half-tsp of lemon juice, and half-cup curd in a bowl
  • Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste
  • Apply the paste gently on your feet and let it sit until it dries
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer

Benefits: Curd hydrates and moisturizes … Read More