10 Vegetable Suggestions For Your Kitchen Garden

Have you ever thought of getting fresh mint for chutney? It is possible if you know how to grow mint in your kitchen garden. And it is a great idea to get the vegetables that you often need. Or you can start using the vegetables that you can grow at home.

What Should You Know About Home Gardening?

If you are a beginner, it helps to know whether to grow plants with seeds or transplants. You should go with seeds as you get more varieties and seeds have a higher success rate. Transplanting saplings is also a good idea to create a home garden and most people prefer using saplings.

How To Create A Home Garden?

Before you start choosing vegetables to grow in your kitchen garden, you should do some homework that includes setting up a small garden at home. It is necessary to take choose the right place where the plants get proper sunlight and where they can grow undisturbed.

  1. Choose The Right Spot
Choose The Right Spot

Choose a spot that is accessible, where the plants could get 5-6 hours of sunlight, and where you can easily take care of your plants. But make sure that the place doesn’t get strong winds as small plants won’t be able to withstand the pressure of strong winds.

  1. Choose A Type

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