Clearing Up The Facts: A Comprehensive Guide To Conjunctivitis

In medical terms pink eye is called conjunctivitis , getting a common cold in your eye. Most of the time your eye symptoms look very mild , they can create a very vast situation for your eye which requires a visit to your doctor.

There are two types of conditions, one are highly infectious which can spread quickly in a group of elders and mostly in children where they touch surfaces and each other and they touch their eye causes infection. Home remedies for conjunctivitis symptoms of this pink eye are mostly itching, burning , swelling ,most common redness, abnormally large amounts of tears or discharge coming from either one eye or both eyes, it can feel like a gritty substance entered in your eyes.

Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis

You might also suffer from discharging of mucus-like substances released from your eye , sometimes pink eyes can cause blurry vision and your eye become sensitive to light(medically known as photophobia). Basically, it is a condition that can be either contagious caused by viruses or by bacteria.

Top 10 Home remedies for Conjunctivitis –

Colostrum(Breast Milk)

Colostrum Breast Milk

Newborn babies also can suffer from eye infections. Breast milk can effectively help cure conjunctivitis in the newborn baby to lead from the eye infection, such as conjunctivitis because mother’s milk contains high levels of antibodies which can help … Read More