Meghan Markle’s facialist shares an effortless routine that can be tried out at home for glittering skin

Meghan Markle has undeniably an attractive and glowing skin. She has an Effortless Routine for Glittering Skin. She attributes the same to her best-loved facialist, Nichola Joss based in London. Nichola is renowned for her approach to facial massage, a less complicated practice she believes is essential to every skincare regimen, which softens fine lines and brightens tired skin.

Meghan who is a longtime client has attributed her radiant complexion and “carved” cheek bones and jawline to Nichola.  There is a reason she is in high demand around the award season whenever any celebrity would wish to look A-plus, says Meghan.

We hereby present below a simple beauty tips routine suggested by Nichola that will optimize skin restoration, nourish and feed as well as repair, regenerate and restore.

Meghan Markle effortless routine

The effortless routine for glittering skin tips as recommended by Nichola are as follows:

Allocate some time in the morning

She suggests refreshing the pH balance of your skin with a toner or exfoliating solution. Following this, she advises people to put their actives on i.e their serums, antioxidants, and peptide, things of that sort. She then advises to take 10 minutes to get your hair dressed, and to have a little time in between. Following this you may put on your moisturizer and your SPF, and now you are all set … Read More