Dry Skin Care

If your skin remains dry despite using moisturizer then blame it on your skincare routine. Do you know that simply moisturizing your skin isn’t sufficient to keep it soft and supple? Your skin needs proper hydration and a little extra care. Luckily there are tips to boost the moisture-locking capacity of your skin.

Dry skin becomes itchy. And it looks dull due to cracks developed over time. While moisturizing can help solve the problem to some extent but you will need a detailed skincare routine to keep your skin hydrated. Here you can take advantage to takecare at home.

Here’re 15 Skincare Tips For Dry Skin

  1. Warm Water
Warm Water

Always use lukewarm water for bathing as hot water could strip your skin of essential nutrients and make it dry. But lukewarm water will make you comfortable and prevent your skin from drying further. This tip is for winters when you rely on hot water for comfort. But you should be careful as very hot water could make your hands dry.

  1. Fragrance-Free Cleanser
Fragrance-Free Cleanser

Using a cleanser could be a need but you have the option to choose a fragrance-free cleanser that contains no chemicals or synthetic substances that could harm your skin. Since most fragrances contain harmful chemicals, you should avoid using … Read More