Oral Health Tips On World Oral Health Day 2021

World Oral Health Day 2021 on March 20 is an opportunity to create awareness about oral health and the best tips to boost oral hygiene. There was a time when people used to clean their teeth and gums using twigs and natural oils like clove, eucalyptus, and menthol. But today, you’ve toothpaste that contains one or all the essential oils.

Let’s discuss the oral health tips..

Essential oils for oral health

Eucalyptol: Derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, it is an anti-bacterial oil that can penetrate plaque and kill germs.

Thymol: Similar to natural thyme and ajowan, this oil is very effective against bacteria and is found to be helpful in reducing gum disease.

Oil of wintergreen: Derived from the wintergreen plant, this oil has refreshing properties due to which it is used for controlling bad breath. It is also used in chewing gums.

Menthol: Known for fresh flavor, menthol is an active ingredient in peppermint. Also, it has properties that can kill germs and check the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

How to maintain good oral hygiene?

Oral Health Tips

Brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash twice a day is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene. But you need to be careful about your selection of Read More