Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses To Cure Allergic Rhinitis

7 Yoga Poses To Cure Allergic Rhinitis Naturally

Allergic rhinitis is a common problem in urban areas due to vehicular pollution and dirt and grime. Fine pollen grains travel with air causing allergies resulting in itchy eyes and running nose. You will sneeze, cough, and feel tired. You will develop a sore throat and have difficulty speaking and swallowing. But the disease can be cured with over-the-counter medicines.

What Is The Right Treatment For Allergic Rhinitis?

You can take prescription medicines or practice yoga. There are seven asanas in yoga that can drive stress away from your body and mind. Also, you can practice yoga at home. It is better to do yoga as it is the safest way of treating allergies.

Doing yoga asanas regularly will keep your body and mind free from allergens. It is the best way to stay healthy and enjoy your urban life. You need little time to practice yoga asana but the benefits of yoga will be long-term.

  1. Pavanamuktasana (Wind- Relieving Pose)
Pavanamuktasana (Wind- Relieving Pose)

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed and joined
• Raise your legs with keens still bent and joined off the floor
• Brings the knees towards your chest without opening them
• Grasp your legs right below the knees to push them further
• Now lift your head and push it towards your … Read More

Cobra Pose

5 Yoga Exercises That Can Cure Ovarian Cysts

Are you suffering from ovarian cysts and looking for the right treatment option? If yes then this blog could be helpful for you to learn basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts. For treatment, your doctor might adopt a wait and watch policy before prescribing medicines or suggesting surgical treatment.

The good thing is that most women get rid of ovarian cysts without getting any specific treatment. But you shouldn’t wait for any miracle to happen and start doing yoga exercises.

Here’re five different basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts that could provide fast relief from the problem

Butterfly Yoga Poses

Butterfly Yoga Poses

It is Purna Titli Asana and it is simple and helpful. It is a great stretching exercise as it can open up your thighs, and hips. Also, it will relieve your physical and mental stress.

How To:

• Sit in a lotus pose
• Flex your knees so your soles touch each other
• Here you need to place your legs in such a manner that they come close to your pubic area and try to keep them as close as possible to the pubic area
• Start pulling your legs inwards as much as possible
• Sit with your back straight and your hands on your feet
• Take a deep breath … Read More