14 Weight Loss Exercises For Yoga Practitioners

If you are looking for a time-tested and proven weight loss therapy then look no further than yoga. It has been practiced for centuries and it works for all the body. Whether you want to trim your tummy or reshape your thighs, yoga has asanas for all body parts.

Yoga For Facial Fat

  1. Simhasana

It is good exercise for toning facial muscles. Also, it is a great stress buster. It involves sitting in a lion pose and drawing your tongue out and producing a loud noise ‘haa’. The force generated in the process stretches the facial muscles, thorax, and spine.

Precautions: It has no potential risks for anyone. Also, you can do this asana while sitting on a chair, if you have trouble sitting on your knees.

  1. Jalandhara Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha

This seated pose is good for stretching and toning the muscles around the neck region. It involves pressing of chin against the chest which works on the chin muscles as well. Also, it involves retention of breath that detoxifies the lungs and improves respiration.

Precautions: Retain your breath, if you have hypertension or heart ailment. But you should avoid this asana if you have breathing issues.

Yoga For Arms

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

It is an excellent pose to tone and strengthen your arms and biceps. It is also called … Read More