Platonic Relationship

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two persons including opposite genders. But you need to be careful about your friendship with the opposite gender if you are serious about maintaining a healthy relationship with your friends. It is called a platonic relationship and it has some rules to follow.

Rules Of Platonic Relationship

  1. Don’t Ever Flirt With A Friend
Don’t Ever Flirt With A Friend

Flirting has no place in friendship. How could you flirt with a friend just to get their attention? If your friend reciprocates your flirt, then it is fine but what if they don’t. In this situation, you will lose a trustworthy friend. So, never think of flirting with a friend, if you want your friendship to grow.

  1. Set Boundaries
Set Boundaries

It is better to set boundaries than fear the inviting wrath of your friend. For example, you should avoid sleeping at their place or drinking hard at late-night parties when you are with your buddy. Setting boundaries stand for maintaining a safe distance from your buddy so they don’t feel offended by your acts.

  1. Be Respectful For Their Partner, As Well As Yours
Be Respectful For Their Partner, As Well As Yours

Treat the partner of your friend with the same respect as you treat your friend. Also, behave respectfully with your partner, especially before your buddy. In short, your partner should feel comfortable when meeting your friend. Similarly, their partner should be happy to meet you. A little negligence on your part could spoil your personal life and friendship forever.

  1. No Sexual Contact
No Sexual Contact

A friend is only a friend and not a sexual partner. And any attempt towards taking your friendship to bed could culminate in disaster. You could develop a soft feeling for your buddy but sex is a no-brainer. And if you are getting sexual tension from your friend, you should sit down and think about the future of your relationship.

  1. No Date-Like Hangouts Ever
No Date-Like Hangouts Ever

If you are taking your friend on a long-drive, exchanging gifts, and planning candle-lit dinners on weekends then you aren’t friends. These signs show that you want to mature your relationship into a close bond and you are planning to be one in life. If you are friends, you should always plan group outings with common friends.

  1. Treat Your friend the same As Your Other Buddies
Treat Your friend the same As Your Other Buddies

Would you dress up, do makeup, and select special dresses to meet your friend? If yes then it isn’t friendship. You could have many friends and all friends are alike. You should treat them with similar gestures. So, don’t put more focus on dressing up or makeup when going to meet a friend. Keep things simple for you and your friend.

  1. Don’t Play Games To Get Your Buddy To Be With You
Don’t Play Games To Get Your Buddy To Be With You

Never play games like ‘let’s make them jealous’ or ‘shower them with gifts as it will ruin your friendship. Your buddy has no idea of what you think of them. And if they come to know about your intention, they will disappear from your life. Also, you will lose respect in your friends’ circle. This type of behavior will backfire on you.

  1. Don’t Get Cozy With Your Buddy
Don’t Get Cozy With Your Buddy

Getting drunk and then cozy with them looks filmy. It could be good for movies but not for real-life where it can ruin the life of your buddy. And you simply can’t apologize to them for the unaccepted act. Nobody in your friends would accept that you got cozy with them because you were drunk. So, be careful while enjoying late-night parties where such incidents could happen.

  1. Never Plan Vacations With You And Your Buddy
Never Plan Vacations With You And Your Buddy

Vacation time is a relaxing time. It is time to unwind your tired self and refresh your body and mind with positive energy. But a vacation could become stressful if you are alone with your buddy. You could get intimate and end up ruining your friendship for silly reasons. But nothing sort of this could happen in group vacations.

  1. Introduce Your Buddy To Your Family And Friends
Introduce Your Buddy To Your Family And Friends

Introducing your buddy to your family and friends prove that they are your buddy only. It proves that you have a platonic relationship with them and that you are serious about your friendship. Also, introducing your buddy to your family will increase the acceptability of your friendship.

  1. Do Not Allow Others To Tease You About Your Buddy
Do Not Allow Others To Tease You About Your Buddy

Teasing by friends about your buddy could create unrealistic expectations leading to ruining your platonic relationship. If anyone of your friends tries to tease you about your buddy, you should strongly object to the teasing and clear that you are just friends and there is no moving ahead.

  1. Don’t Do Couple-Y Things Together
Don’t Do Couple-Y Things Together

Couple-y things like celebrating Valentine’s Day, gifting chocolates, and spending free time together aren’t good for your friendship. They show that you think more than simple friendship. You won’t be friends anymore after doing these things.

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings For Your Buddy But Don’t Act On Your Feelings
Acknowledge Your Feelings For Your Buddy But Don’t Act On Your Feelings

You could have a soft corner for your buddy but your friend might not reciprocate your feelings. Keep your feelings about your buddy silent until they understand the feelings and reciprocate in their way. And you should be ready to accept their decision. In short, you should try to save your friendship. But it is better to control your feelings until your buddy has similar feelings.

  1. Don’t Share Private Stuff With Your Buddy
Don’t Share Private Stuff With Your Buddy

Set your priorities for your friendship. You will have a good time with your buddy but it doesn’t mean that you should allow them to explore your private things and nor should you try to look at their belongings. In short, you should respect their privacy and expect the same from them.

If you are blessed with a good friend, you should maintain a healthy relationship with the friend. You shouldn’t spoil your friendship due to silly acts like breaching their privacy and nurturing sexual feelings for them. Follow the above-mentioned rules to maintain a healthy relationship with your friend.

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