15 Vitamin-C-Rich Fruits

At the base of scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C. So, it can’t be called a disease but a nutritional deficiency. If your body isn’t getting enough ascorbic acid or vitamin C, it will respond in many ways like lethargic feeling, gum swelling and bleeding, and high fever accompanied by black spots on the body also there is scurvy treatment at home.

Scurvy Treatment Foods

Reasons for scurvy

  • A poor diet lacking citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables is the prime reason for scurvy. It is for this reason that scurvy is common in children of poor families and underdeveloped countries.
  • Following a restrictive diet due to food allergies or for any other reason like weight loss could lead to vitamin deficiency.
  • Abnormal eating disorders and other mental issues could cause a deficiency of vitamin C.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse are also reasons for scurvy.
  • People suffering from Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis could have scurvy.

If you haven’t taken enough vitamin C at least for three months, you are likely to be a patient of scurvy. In the first stage, you will feel lethargic and have pain in your leg muscles. It is time to seek medical advice so the problem of scurvy doesn’t aggravate.

Your doctor will prescribe vitamin C supplements and other medicines needed to treat scurvy. Also, you … Read More