Waterproof Mascara

Best Waterproof Mascaras

10 Best Waterproof Mascaras For Special Occasions

Mascara is the magic wand that can add thickness and length to your eyelashes and the surprising thing is it is easier to apply mascara. Also, there is little to fear about the mascara smudging your eyes or getting washed in the rain. You can use waterproof mascaras that stays for a long time.

Here we’ll discuss how to choose and apply mascara like a pro. We’ll make a step-by-step guide so you find it easy to wear mascara. Also, we’ll list the best waterproof mascara that you can buy for special occasions.

The first thing to do is to choose waterproof mascaras.

Choose A Mascara

There is a mascara for everyone. Waterproof mascara is a better choice for occasions when you fear moisture smudging your eye makeup. It works well during muggy days, pool parties, the rainy season, and emotional moments when you have tears rolling down your cheeks. Also, waterproof mascara gives a carefree feel that others can’t.

Pick Your Shade

Black is the best shade for mascara because it creates the illusion of thickness and length. Also, it will make your eyes pop out. Or you can try brown or a lighter shade of black for red or blonde lashes.

Apply Mascara To Upper Lashes

Apply Mascaras To Upper Lashes

Eye Makeup

Complete your eye makeup like eyeshadow or eyeliner before mascara. It will prevent the mascara from smudging with other products.

Curl Your Lashes

Use an eyelash curler or push the wet eyelashes up with your fingertips and curl.

Draw Mascara

Remove the mascara wand by twisting back and forth instead of pumping the wand up and down the bottle. Pumping forces air into the tube and the air dries out the mascara.

Apply Mascara

Wipe off the excess mascara from the wand and start applying it on the upper eyelashes from root to tip. Look up to expose your lashesRead More

Makeup Tips For Your Old Mascara Wand

5 Makeup Tips For Your Old Mascara Wand

What do you of the mascara wand once the mascara is used up? If your answer is throwing the wand out then this blog is going to change your opinion forever. A mascara wand is a makeup accessory that you can use even when you aren’t using mascara. Or in other words, you can find more uses for the wand.

Some Potential Makeup Tips for Uses Of Mascara Wand

If you look at a wand, you will find that it is a handy tool that can be used for grooming eyebrows, setting dry hair, exfoliating lips, and improving your eyelashes. And you can use your old mascara wands without any training. But you need to sanitize the wand properly before it is made to use.

Here’re 5 makeup tips for uses of your old mascara wands

  1. Brush Your Eyebrows
Brush Your Eyebrows With Mascara Wand

Thinking of throwing your old mascara wand just because you haven’t used it for a long time! If yes, then think again as it can still be used for makeup especially grooming your eyebrows. Whether you want to apply brow gel to your eyebrows or simply want to brush the eyebrow hair to get neat and tidy eyebrows, your old mascara wand is the right tool for the job. A mascara wands can help in softening the harsh edges and lines of the eyeshadow. In this way, you can make your eyebrows look natural.

How To:

• Sanitize your old mascara wand with a detergent solution or alcohol
• Load up the mascara wand with a brow gel of your choice or Vaseline
• Gently brush your eyebrows with the mascara wand after makeup
• Treat your eyebrows with a dark brown powder or dark brown eyeshadow
• Groom your eyebrows with your mascara wand and soften your eyebrows

Note: It is necessary to sanitize your old mascara wands before using the want. Sanitization will prevent … Read More