Secret’s Out: How SRK Built Body (Even Past 50!)

Shah Rukh Khan is well past his fifties but age is just a number for the Jawan of Bollywood. Achieving eight-pack abs is a feat for anyone, especially those who have suffered injuries and are in their 50s. Also, SRK surprised everyone with his sculpted avatar in the action-packed thriller Pathaan. Continue reading if you want to know the Shahrukh Khan workout and diet behind his chiseled midsection and bulging biceps.

Shahrukh Khan Workout

A glimpse of the luxurious life of SRK

Shah Rukh Khan is a foodie and he is famously into smoking. He drinks a lot of coffee and as a result, sleeps very late. So, it can be concluded that SRK does what he is more comfortable with. Also, he can’t get a sculpted body with this diet and lifestyle.

A Glimpse Of The SRK Luxurious Life

Every actor faces fluctuations in their career but not everyone makes a comeback like SRK. Also, Shahrukh Khan workout and diet played a crucial role in his commercial success.

SRK Diet Plan

The good thing about Shah Rukh Khan is the actor never hides his lifestyle. His life is like an open book that everyone can read. Also, SRK never minces words during media interviews. When asked about Shahrukh Khan workout and diet, the actor answers all questions and skips none.

SRK Diet Plan

His pretty face is a regular in fashion magazines but post Jawan and Pathaan’s success, people want to see his sculpted body in health magazines.

SRK Lavish Breakfast

SRK Lavish Breakfast

SRK makes the day’s first meal as lavish as possible to get energy for all day. His breakfast consists of eggs and bread. In beverages, he prefers juices. Also, he is never in a hurry to gulp down what is served and rush to work. He enjoys his meals and this is the reason, he remains energetic throughout the day. But it is just the start of the day and he needs more proteins and carbs to fulfill his responsibilities. Keep reading to know more about Shahrukh Khan workout and diet.

Healthy Lunch

Healthy Lunch

When it’s time to take lunch, SRK shows more enthusiasm than others. He prefers eating potatoes and grilled chicken for lunch. This lunch could seem simple but it is more nutritious. Potatoes are rich in carbs, fibers, protein, vitamins and minerals, and other plant compounds such as lutein and catechin. The grilled chicken gives SRK the energy the actor needs to return to his fast lifestyle. Here you can say that lunch plays a crucial role in Shahrukh Khan workout and diet.

Light Dinner

Light Dinner

Dinner should always be the lightest meal of the day and SRK follows this suggestion in letter and spirit. But for many it is unbelievable that “King Khan” orders only steak and green salad for dinner. It is light but healthy as well. A steak contains enough nutrition to suppress your appetite for the whole night. Also, a plate of green salad completes the nutritional count. But the biggest advantage of a light dinner is it is easier to digest and helps get a sound sleep. With Shahrukh Khan workout and diet, the actor takes a healthy sleep every night.

Grilled Veggies

Grilled Veggies

Those who say that SRK only eats poultry, chicken, and meat should set their facts right as they know little about Shahrukh Khan workout and diet. Even the Pathaan actor has revealed during many media interviews how much he loves grilled veggies. According to dieticians, grilled veggies are a great source of micronutrients but for SRK they are both delicious and nutritious. He regularly eats grilled veggies and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that he loves eating vegetarian dishes. But there is something that the actor loves more than food. It is a beverage that you will know about later in the blog.

Pre-Workout Diet

Pre-Workout Diet

SRK follows a strict exercise regimen to get a chiseled body and he needs a load of protein-rich diet, especially before workouts. The pre-workout snacks of the Jawan of Bollywood consist of protein-rich food and carbohydrates he needs to continue exercising without feeling exhausted. Proteins and carbs constitute a good part of Shahrukh Khan workout and diet because these micronutrients give energy and keep the body’s metabolism functioning.

Prohibited Diet

Prohibited Diet

SRK has cut his intake of artificial sugar and processed grains significantly. Now the actor consumes no food that contains artificial sugar. Also, the Jawan has removed white rice, bread, and other processed grains from his food plate. He fills his plate with fresh fruits that pamper his taste buds and give him nutrition as well. But there is a darker side to Shahrukh Khan workout and diet.

Black Coffee

Black Coffee

It isn’t a secret that SRK loves black coffee but you will be surprised to know that the Pathaan actor gulps down as many as 30 glasses every day. While there could be a debate on whether drinking black coffee is good for health, one can’t deny the fact that too much of anything is always bad for health. But overall Shahrukh Khan workout and diet regimen support his health and wellness.

Shahrukh Khan Workout And Diet

For Pathaan, SRK found new ways to work out his body. According to his trainer Prashant Sawant, they focused on circuit training and strength training. They worked on one or two body parts at a time to bring variation in the exercise. Also, they needed to keep his overall age and fitness like the shoulder injury and spinal problem in mind while choosing exercises. It is only with dedication and consistency to Shahrukh Khan workout and diet, and patience that SRK transformed his body into what we see in Pathaan.

Conclusion – SRK is the real Baadshah of Bollywood and he leaves no stone unturned to keep his Baadshahat over his fans whose number is growing with each film. He even adopted a new Shahrukh Khan workout and diet to keep his fans happy.


Q: Does SRK Smoke?

A: Yes

Q: What Beverage SRK Drink Most?

A: Black coffee

Q: How Many Meals SRK Eats In A Day?

A: Three

Q: What Is SRK’s Favorite Diet?

A: Grilled vegetables, green salad, and fresh fruits

Q: What Is SRK’s Favorite Workout?

A: Circuit training and strength training

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