
Madonna Was Caught Makeup-Less

9 Times Madonna Was Caught Makeup-Less

Madonna works hard to maintain her public image. She keeps looking for ways to improve her songwriting, singing, and acting skills. She knows how much people like her. She also knows that she’s always under the scanner. People want to see her lifestyle and routine. But nothing deters Madonna with no makeup from venturing out.

Madonna is the undisputed “Queen of Pop” and one of the most influential figures in popular culture due to her music style. She made a place in the competitive music industry with her ability to reinvent music and the courage to push the bar for artistic expression in mainstream music. She celebrates life with music and generates both controversy and critical acclaim with her music.

Madonna has seen generations of singer-songwriters and actresses in the entertainment industry but met none that could steal her position. She writes her songs, sings them beautifully, and acts as well. Desperately Seeking Susan (1985), Dick Tracy (1990), A League of Their Own (1992), and Evita (1996) are some of her most popular movies. While many of her movies failed to impress the audience, she got a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for Evita.

In 1992, Madonna founded the Maverick company and made it one of the most successful artist-run labels in historyRead More

healthy food

Healthy Dinner Ideas

If you are of the opinion that preparing a healthy dinner is a time-consuming and labor-intensive job then get ready for some amazing dinner ideas that are both delicious and nutritious. Also, you can prepare a healthy dinner following these ideas in no time.

Here’re 10 food ideas for a healthy dinner

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Dinner

Roast sweet potatoes and stuff them with sauteed veggies, beans, cheese, and chicken for healthy dinner ideas. Depending on your taste, you can choose from a variety of flavors and combinations. They are delicious and pair well with just about anything. The nutrient content of sweet potatoes includes beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. You can prepare stuffed sweet potatoes with different flavors once or twice a week. Since it takes little time to prepare, you won’t have to toil all day in the kitchen.

Grain Bowls For Healthy Dinner

Grain Bowls A Healthy Dinner

A bowl full of grains makes an ideal meal for dinner. A great source of fiber and magnesium, grains can lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart ailments, and colon cancer. And you can make them tasty as well. In grains, you have a wide choice including quinoa, brown rice, farro, millet, and barley. And you cook them with raw veggies, chicken, hard-boiled eggs, grilled Read More

Stretch Exercises To Strengthen Your Groin Muscles

12 Stretch Exercises To Strengthen Your Groin Muscles

If you are looking for stretching exercises to strengthen your groin muscles then you should try the following 12 exercises. Strong groin muscles are helpful in activities like walking, jumping, and side by side movements. Also, the stretching exercises would reduce pain and enhance flexibility.

Here’re a dozen stretch exercises you can practice to strengthen your groin muscles

Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Target: Hip flexors, glutes, adductors, and hamstrings

How To:

• Lie on your back with your keen flexed and feet closed and flat on the floor
• Keep a pillow below your head for convenience
• Draw your knees apart until you feel the stretch
• Hold for 30 seconds and then come back
• You can use your hands to press your knees apart
• Repeat this exercise 5-10 times

Adductor Squeeze

Adductor Squeeze Exercise

Target: Adductors

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees flexed, feet closed, and flat on the floor
• Grab a medium-size football between your knees and lift your feet towards the ceiling
• Gently squeeze the ball using your adductor muscles
• Hold for 10 seconds and release
• Do 3 sets of 4 reps each

Side Lying Groin Stretch

Side Lying Groin Stretching Exercises

Target: Hamstrings, abductors, adductors, and glutes

How To:

• Lie down on your right side with your … Read More

Healthy Snacks For Late Night Snacking

15 Healthy Snacks For Late Night Snacking

When you watch movies or sports, or you read a book, the one thing you want to do is to have quick snacks. Having good healthy snacks would enhance the pleasure of viewing and reading. But it will also make you obese.

If you know the snacks that can pamper your taste buds without adding excess fat to your body then you can enjoy your movies, sports, and books with your favorite snacks.

Here’re 15 good healthy snacks you can consume when you feel hungry

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolate can satisfy your cravings for sweets for a long time. The composition of dark chocolate is such that it leads to greater satiety. Even a small bite of it can reduce cravings for something to eat. Also, it would help in reducing your calorie intake. But you need to take up to 80% of your dark chocolate for full benefits.

Sprouts Salad Is Good Healthy Snacks

Sprouts Salad

Take sprouts when are hungry. And add some curd to make your sprouting more enjoyable. If you look at the nutritional value of sprout, you will find that it has more nutrition than other snacks. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it will give you the feeling of fullness and reduce your cravings for quick snacks every hour.… Read More

Breathing Exercises And Their Advantages

10 Breathing Exercises And Their Advantages

Benefits of breathing exercise are that it can boost power of your lungs to inhale fresh oxygen. And it is necessary to strengthen your lungs so your body gets smooth supply of oxygen from lungs. Also, the breathing exercises will help reduce anxiety and depression. They can even help in weight control.

Here’re 10 breathing exercise & their benefits that can help strengthen the breathing capacity of your lungs

Abdominal Breathing Exercise

Abdominal Breathing Exercise

It is an excellent breathing exercise that you can practice comfortably in your home. Simply sit and relax and do abdominal breathing.

How To:

• Lie on your back and put your one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest
• Take a deep breath from your nose, hold, and exhale from your mouth
• Squeeze your abdominal muscles to empty your lungs of any residual trapped in the lungs
• Do it 10 times and change your position
• Sit down with your back straight and shoulders relaxed and repeat abdominal breathing
• Do 5 minutes every day

Rib Stretch

Rib Stretch Exercise

Strengthen your ribs to inhale as much oxygen as you can. This exercise will help your ribs to expand and contract while you inhale and exhale oxygen.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and … Read More

Dumbbells Beginners Can Use For Strength Training

9 Dumbbells Beginners Can Use For Strength Training

Dumbbells for strength Training whether you want to tone your biceps or strengthen your core, a set of dumbbells can do magic for your resistance training. And the good thing is that you can easily find the right set of dumbbells for your needs.

Advantages of dumbbell exercises:

• Increased stabilization and muscle activation
• Eliminate strength imbalances
• Improved safety when training alone
• Multiple options to intensify your workouts
• Increased range of motions
• More freedom of movements
• Prevention of injuries with better weight management

Choosing the right dumbbell

Dumbbells for strength training come in adjustable, fixed-weight, and selectorized designs. And you should choose a set considering your weight and strength requirements.

Adjustable Dumbbells: Adjustable design allows adding or reducing weight without changing the assembly. You can select and adjust the weight in a hassle-free manner and in the shortest time. They are good for professionals.

Fixed-Weight Dumbbells: Good for beginners, these dumbbells come with a fixed weight. They provide freedom from weight adjustments so you can keep exercising with a fixed weight.

Selectroized Dumbbells: They feature a modern design with adjustable plates to add or reduce weight during exercising. They have selectors that make weight management suer convenient.

Here’re 9 Dumbbells for strength training

Read More
Swiss Ball Incline Push-Up

Gym Ball Exercise

Swiss ball or gym ball exercises have more advantages than others and the good thing is that you can do these exercises at home. The biggest advantage of Gym ball exercises is they make work out more interesting and challenging.

Advantages of Gym ball exercises:

• Improved balance
• Enhanced strength
• Increased flexibility
• Lesser fatigue
• Suitable for all

For exercising, you need a quality Swiss ball of appropriate size and some training on how to perform exercises on a ball.

Here’re 10 best Gym ball exercises you can practice at home.

Gym Ball Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Target: Triceps, biceps, glutes, shoulders, core, and wrist flexors and extensors

How To:

• Sit on a stability ball with small dumbbells in each hand
• Assume a supine position with your spine resting on the ball, feet flat on the floor, and shoulder-width apart
• Extend your hands and bring the dumbbells down to your ears and then back to the starting position
• Do 3 sets of 15 reps each with 90 seconds resting time between each set

Gym Ball Tricep Dip

Swiss Ball Tricep Dip

Target: Triceps, biceps, glutes, calves, hamstrings, shoulders, and wrist flexors and extensors

How To:

• Sit on a ball with your hands firmly placed beside your buttocks
• Take a few steps to move … Read More

Arm Exercises To Reduce Arm Fat At Home

A Dozen Arm Exercises To Reduce Arm Fat At Home

Exercise are necessary to rid your arm of unnecessary fat and strengthen and tone your arm muscles. And the good thing is that you don’t need weight for the exercises to reduce arm fat.

Here’re 12 exercise to reduce arm fat you can practice at home

Arm Circles

Arm Circles Exercise

It is a simple exercises to reduce arm fat that you can practice at home without requiring additional accessories like a bench or belt.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet closed and hands by your sides
• Lift your hands laterally to your shoulder level with the palms facing down
• Start moving your arms in the clockwise direction without bending your back or knees
• Complete 10 reps in clockwise and 10 in the anti-clockwise direction
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each

Wall Push-Ups Exercise For Arm Fat

Wall Push Ups

It is a great exercise as it works for the shoulders, upper back, biceps, and triceps.

How To:

• Stand straight within 1-2 feet distance from a wall
• Reach your arms to the wall and spread them wider than your shoulders on the wall
• Open your feet slightly and push your body towards the wall by folding your arms
• Stop before your chin touches the wall and come back
• It … Read More

Shiva meditation

You Should Practice Shiva Meditation

Shiva meditation is the way of uniting yourself with nature and experiencing positive energy inside your body and mind. Here Shiva becomes your guru as you visualize him to achieve the stage of meditation. Benefits of meditation is that you become one with Shiva and feel blessed with a calm body and mind.

Shiva meditation has the answer to many of life’s questions. Also, you can achieve the stage by practicing a breathing exercise and you can continue to meditate with the help of breathing.

Here’re the 6 stages of Shiva meditation

  1. Preparation
Preparation For Meditation

Prepare your body and mind for the meditation. Your body needs to be stretched to de-stress your muscles so you don’t feel any stiffness or tension in the body. Stretch your entire body starting from shoulders to back and hips, buttocks, thighs, and feet. It is necessary to sit comfortably so you can focus on meditation.

How To:

• Move your body in different directions
• Try asanas like Paschimottanasana, Utthita Padahastasana, Baddha Konasana, and Vajrasana

Prepare your mind for meditation by completing all necessary tasks and turning all your gadgets off so you can meditate without any distraction. Wear comfortable clothes according to weather conditions and find a place where you can connect with nature.

The ideal place for meditation … Read More

Best Skincare Products To Fight Pregnancy Breakouts

7 Best Skincare Products To Fight Pregnancy Breakouts

Pregnancy is good news, but it has its side effects. While you will feel happy from inside your skin will battle hormonal changes that could result in breakouts and acne. There are skin care products for pregnancy breakouts and acne, you need to look for treatment to erase stretch marks and scars. Are you ready to fight a long battle with pregnancy-related issues?

The good news is here’re 7 skin care products for pregnancy breakouts and acne.

And that you can easily use those oils, creams, and lotions to keep your skin free from marks and scars.

Bio-Oil Acne Skin Care Oil Products (Amazon)

Bio-Oil Skin Care Oil For Acne

A quick look at its ingredients is enough to understand why this product is highly recommended by dermatologists. It contains vitamin A that boosts collagen production and promotes skin renewal. Also, it carries the power of vitamin E, chamomile oil, sunflower, and lavender oil that give the oil anti-inflammatory properties.

Also, it is convenient to use. You only need to moist your finger pores with this oil and run the oil on your skin for 30 seconds. Apply it three times a day for better results.


• Repairs skin damage from C-section, injury, scars, acne, and aging
• Locks in essential elements without clogging skin pores
• Works … Read More