Express-O Body Scrub, £14.95, Frank Body

Get saloon style skin treatment at your home with Express-O-Body Scrub, Frank Body

To make your skin always younger and good-looking you have to buck up especially protect it from damage and sun exposure exfoliating the skin is very important. It helps your skin to look supple, radiant and refreshes all the time.


I know you do all the possible things to make your skin beautiful, but most of us only focus on face radiance, and neglect arms, back, and even legs. Beauty is not only from the face it is from the whole body which makes you beautiful. That’s why you should try the full body Scrub that eliminates dirt and dead skin cells.
If you are probing for the best body scrub you must try Express-o-Body Scrub. It is a coffee Scrub which is good in providing your skin deep nourishment and protein level that leave your skin with glow and softness.

Why choose Express-o-Body Scrub?

There are a number of factors which are responsible for damaging your skin, but it is only your responsibility to maintain the pH balance and healthiness of your skin, and it is only possible if you use the healthy product for your face and body. Express-o-coffee is a natural, vegan and whipped for you. It works very fast and leaves your skin with the glow. It is good in providing smooth skin and rubbing those scars and marks from your body.


It is a quality product that can synthesize your skin cell, and leave your skin with a smooth texture. Now, have a look at its quality ingredients.
• Roasted coffee grinds
It is a quality ingredient which provides you complete goodness. It stimulates the blood flow and promotes the production of collagen that leaves your skin with healthy and soft texture.
• Almond and macadamia oil
Both these ingredients are enriched with Vitamin A, E, and D that hydrates your skin.
• Cinnamon
It is a real ingredient which has the antimicrobial property that treats your skin healthy by removing your pimples.
• Raw sugar
It is a good ingredient that leaves soft and healthy skin with a perfect exfoliate.
Other ingredients like are powder, glycerin, water, and potassium. All these used properties are good in providing the quality benefits.
Is this suitable for my skin?
Yes! It is natural and healthy skin care which is suitable for all the skin types. You’re only requested to use this product naturally and according to its prescribed details that makes your skin beautiful.
You can use it all of your body parts.

How to use it?

It is very easy to use. You just have to follow the steps that are given below:
1. Take shower and then rub this scrub on your skin
2. Gently rub the scrub for safe exfoliation
3. Always make the focus on that area where you want to remove the marks, breakouts, and cellulite.
4. Rinse with water
5. Use it 2 to 3 days in a week

A few benefits

• It gently exfoliates your skin
• It would help to remove Breakouts, Cellulite, and even stretch marks
• It leaves soft and good texture
• It is good for all skin types

Where should I buy this?

If you are ready to make your body glowing and healthy so you should visit its official website

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