Pressing These 5 Acupressure Points Relieves Gas And Bloating

Acupressure is ancient Chinese therapy provides quick and reliable treatment for the problem of gas and bloating. Whether it is abdominal pain or bloating due to gas or is any other gastro problem like acidity and constipation, there are five acupressure points you can try to get fast relief from gas.

Place two fingers on a point and move them in a circular motion with gentle but firm pressure for 2-3 minutes for quick relief.

There are total of five acupressure points on body that influence stomach and its organs.

Acupressure Points For Gas

Zusanli (ST36) Is Best Acupressure Points For Gas

Located on the stomach meridian, it influences upper abdominal organs and parasympathetic nervous system. You need pressing a point 3 inches below the kneecap and 1 inch towards the outer edge to stimulate the energy.

Sanyinjiao (SP6)

Located on the spleen meridian, it influences lower abdominal organs and parasympathetic nervous system. The point lies on the ankle and it is 3 inches above the inner bone.

Qihai (CV6)

Qihai (CV6) Acupressure Points

Located on the conception vessel meridian, it influences lower abdominal organs. And the point lies one and a half inches below the naval.

Zhongwan (CV12)

It is also located on the conception vessel meridian, but it impacts upper abdominal organs and yang organs like gallbladder and bladder. Its pressure point is about 4 inches above the naval.

Weishu (BL21)

Weishu (BL21) Acupressure Points

Located on the bladder meridian, it influences abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disorders. And the pressure point lies on the small of the back. It is 6 inches above and one and a half inches outward on either side of the spine.

Disclaimer: Note that acupressure is a medical therapy hence should be received on by a trained medical professional. Trying this therapy without any knowledge could have adverse effects.

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