
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

These 5 Asanas Can Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis For Sure

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease as it involves pain in joints that can make life difficult. Aging is the biggest reason for this chronic ailment but today younger people are also getting Rheumatoid Arthritis but the treatment for this is possible at home.

Reasons for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Age: While RA can attack at any age but people in advanced age are more prone to developing RA because of wear and tear of their joints.

Family History: Those with a family history of RA need to be careful as they could the disease at any age.

Obesity: Obese people should be careful about the excess fat and load on their joints as they could get RA due to unnecessary and unwanted load on their joints.

Smoking: Smoking is also related to RA. People with a family history of RA could get the problem in the early years if they smoke.

Environmental Pollution: Exposure to asbestos and silica could increase your susceptibility to RA.

Sex: Women are more prone to developing RA in comparison to men but it doesn’t mean that men should become complacent.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

In RA treatment, the main focus is on curing the symptoms including inflammation and pain. Patients are prescribed pain-relieving drugs and they are advised to … Read More

Long Enough For Plank

How Long Is Long Enough For Plank?

Yoga, Pilates and weight training have one thing in common. These exercise include plank that is effective in building core strength and stability. In plank, you need maintaining a position but the duration of a plank should depend on your strength.

Let’s learn right way of doing plank exercise and its advantages

The most effective core exercise….

Effective Core Exercise

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research mentioned plank as more effective than crunches or sit ups in its 2015 study but plank requires much training and concentration as balancing body weight on your tips and toes isn’t a child’s game. The longer you stay, the more muscle contraction you achieve.

Duration of plank exercise ….

One long plank is much better than multiple sets it helps stress the entire body for a long time but beginners are advised to start with small sets as a long plank could trigger muscular strain leading to injury. First, you need training your body for a long plank. Start with small sets of 30 seconds to 1 minute and break the position when your hips start drooping.

Right way of doing plank exercise….

Right Way Of Doing Plank

It is a basic exercise that involves holding your bodyweight on your tips and toes. First, you bring your body on your tips and toes. The position … Read More

Cholesterol Do Yoga

Should People With High Cholesterol Do Yoga?

Yoga can help lower cholesterol levels as it involves deep breathing good for relaxation of body and mind. Deep breathing exercises lead to stress reduction that is good for heart. Also, twisting postures promote healthy digestion.

How science relates yoga with cholesterol level?

While the studies done on yoga are limited but most studies suggest that yoga is effective in controlling cholesterol.

One such study conducted on 100 people with type 2 diabetes in 2013 showed promising results. The study conducted over a period of 3 months and the participants could continue with their medicines. And the participants witnessed reduction in their total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (low density lipoproteins) levels. Also, their HDL (high density lipoproteins) levels were improved.

Yoga Good For Cholesterol

A study on people who do regular exercises in 2014 revealed that yoga can promote LDL and HDL levels. Also, yoga is effective in boosting blood pressure level.

Another study done on 24 women in 2019 found improvement in their lipid profiles. They performed yoga thrice a week for 26 weeks and results showed reduction in total cholesterol and LDL levels. But it didn’t affect their HDL levels.

Yoga exercises good for heart

Seated forward bend involves inhaling a deep breath and stretching the spine. It reduces Read More