Yoga Playtime: Fun And Mindfulness For Kids

> Yoga is an Indian spiritual art; it is an old age-art which provides millions of people in this world a better state of mental and physical health. The importance of Yoga in human life is to manage stress-level or we can say that mental health. Basically, it helps the human to think properly and in self-realisation. The main purpose of yoga for kids is to improve health and better well-being. It is the combination of physical health and mental peace. Always Yoga took its better position to provide human better health. It is not just about the exercise; it provides mental peace and self- realisation. As we know how many health benefits Yoga has provided us.

Yoga For Kids

Due to the many ways children can benefit from a regular yoga practice, some schools have begun to integrate yoga into their curriculum, programs, and philosophies. However, this change has only been made in a fraction of schools worldwide, and a lot of kids do not receive the opportunity to do and learn about yoga.

Yoga for kids is also taking importance in a kid’s life. Nowadays, kids are busy to doing their regular curriculum, maximum time in scrolling phone, seeing cartoon and get irritated at that time Yoga plays important role to stop their irritation level and mental health. Some schools aggregate Yoga steps for kids in their curriculum. It will help the kids to improve their mental health because their mind has so much space for growing up. Kids are also enjoying the way of Yoga.

Here is the list of top 10 easy yoga poses for kids:-

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge Pose For Kids

Kids should do this exercise as firstly lie on their back and bend the knees a little. Kids should remember that the knees and ankles must be in a straight line, and place both arms in a resting position beside the body with the palms downwards. Take a deep breath and lift the lower, middle and upper back off the floor. Balance the body properly, let the kid hold this posture for a long time and breathe slowly. This fun yoga for kids portion provides the kid flexibility of spine and body builds strong.

Tree Pose (vrksasana) Yoga For Kids

Tree Pose For Kid

In this type of beginner yoga for kids pose, kids should make their posture as a mountain pose, where legs should be straight, hand at the sides, back shoulder straight. lift the right foot with knees out, place the right foot on the left inner thigh in a position where it feels comfortable. Press the hand together above the head area. Stay comfortably for 30 seconds. This yoga portion provides kids to improve balance and concentration.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Poses For Kids

In this type of easy yoga for kids portion, kids should lie face down with the tips of the feet flat on the floor and put palms on either side of the body. Put the shoulder slightly back towards the spine and engage the abdomen throughout the exercise and lift the body in cobra pose whenever keeping the chin up. Kids should do this pose for at least 15 to 30 seconds. This Yoga stimulates the abdominal organs and releases fatigue and stress. It might be helping in the treatment of asthma.

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

Cat Yoga Pose For Kids

In this best yoga for toddlers, portion kids should take the tabletop position using hands and knees, the knees should be directly below their hips and toes should be curled. The wrist, elbows and shoulders should be straight and perpendicular to that floor. Centre the head in a neutral position with eyes looking at the floor, do this yoga portion for 30 seconds. This Yoga will provide kids relaxation.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Yoga Pose

In this yoga pose for kids, kids should lie flat on the stomach, keeping the arms stretched along the sides of the body and head resting on the mat. Caught tightly ankles using both hands. Rest on the stomach and breath for 30 seconds. This Yoga will provide kids flexibility to hip functioning and regulates the digestive system properly.

Frog Pose (Mandukasana) Yoga For Kids

Frog Yoga Pose For Kids

In this best yoga for toddlers, portion kids should start by going on the floor on the hands and knees, position the knees a few inches apart and place the feet right behind the knees. Place the palms right under the shoulders with the fingers facing forward, look downwards and focus at a point between the hands for 30 sec maximum. This Yoga posture will provide kids strength in thighs and spine.

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Easy Pose For Kids

In this fun yoga for kids, portion kids should sit upright with legs crossed. Rest the hands on the knees with the palms facing up kindly balance the weight across the sit bones, do for maximum 30 seconds. This yoga posture provides kids with decreased anxiety and stress level.

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Butterfly Pose For Kid

In this yoga pose for kids, portion kids should sit with the spine upright and legs spread out straight, Fold the legs so that the feet are touching each other. Hold them with your hands. At the time of exhaling, smoothly move the thighs and knees in downward motion. After it starts flapping the legs up and down, like the wings of a butterfly. Breathing should be at a normal phase., do for a maximum of 30 seconds. This Yoga posture provides kids to regulate the intestine proper movement.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse Pose For Kids

In this Yoga portion kids should lie on the back with legs straight and arms at the sides. The arms should be at a minimum distance away from the body, keep the eyes closed, and palms faced upwards. Keep the feet drop open for 15 to 30 seconds. This fun yoga for kids posture helps kids to improve memory and improve productivity.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana) Yoga For Kids

Chair Pose Yoga For Kids

In this yoga pose for kids, kids should inhale and raise the arms above the head, bend the knees forward at the time of exhaling; the thighs should be parallel to the floor. While performing it, the knees should be straight. Keep the tailbone down and lower back for a long time, breathing for 30 seconds maximum. This Yoga posture will work on the thigh muscles and ankles of kids.

Conclusion – We can live an ideal life through regular Yoga practice. Nowadays, this Yoga practice is done by all, mostly those who are suffering from mental-stress and back pain. Yoga is only exercise but it is not just exercise, it is movement of all body parts which releases more energy in surroundings which heals all the nervous system including emotional, psychological and social controls.

The practice of Yoga also makes one’s mind stronger and healthier and gives the ability to lead from upcoming hectic situations. The main reason for the popularity of Yoga is that doctors are prescribing patients to do Yoga to improve their health. It is scientifically proven that Yoga provides calmness and relaxation, both the mind and our body uplift the spirits. It provides discipline to do work consistency, focus and keep yourself healthy.


Q: What is yoga for kids, and how is it different from adult yoga?

A: Yoga for kids is a modified form of traditional yoga tailored to suit children’s needs. It incorporates playful and age-appropriate postures, games, and activities to keep kids engaged and interested.

Q: At what age can children start practicing yoga?

A: Children as young as 3 years old can start practicing yoga. However, age-appropriate classes are available for various age groups, ensuring suitable instruction for each child’s developmental stage.

Q: What are the benefits of yoga for kids?

A: Yoga can offer numerous benefits to children, including improved flexibility, relax body and mind, strength, balance, concentration, stress reduction, better body awareness, and enhanced emotional regulation.

Q: Will yoga help children sleep better?

A: Yes, yoga can promote better sleep for kids. Practicing calming yoga poses and relaxation techniques before bedtime can help children wind down and get a more restful sleep.

Q: Is yoga safe for all kids, including those with special needs?

A: Yes, yoga can be adapted to accommodate children with various abilities and needs. It is essential to find instructors or classes that are inclusive and experienced in teaching children with special requirements.

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