9 Yoga Asanas That Boost Flexibility And Immunity

If you need to bend your knees while touching your feet, you are losing your flexibility and immunity. You lead a sedentary life that is making you immobile. It is better you start some activities that can help retain your flexibility while you are busy with your desk job.

Here’re 9 yoga asanas that can be helpful in building your flexibility and immunity in the long run

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and body balanced on your feet
• Raise your arms above your head with your fingers interlocked and palms facing upwards
• Straighten your posture by raising your shoulders towards your ears and opening your chest
• Look straight and hold the pose for 10 seconds
• Come back to normal position and relax

Benefits: Tadasana corrects posture by working on all muscles and joints. It aligns the skeletal, regulates the digestive system, boosts the respiratory mechanism, and improves the nervous system.

  1. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands extended with palms facing downwards
• Bend your knees and pull your pelvis slightly down like you are sitting on a chair
• Raise your hands above your head and stretch your spine towards the ceiling
• Hold the pose for 10 seconds and then relax

Benefits: The advantage of utkatasana is it involves the entire body. It will test your strength and stamina. And if you keep doing it regularly, you will feel stronger and more flexible. It also builds immunity.

  1. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2 Pose)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2 Pose)

• Stand straight to the long side of your mat with your feet hip-width apart
• Turn your right foot to the right side of the mat while keeping the left foot inward
• Bend the right knee without allowing the knee to shoot over the toe
• Turn your head right, stretch the left leg, and bring your arms parallel to the floor
• Stretch wide apart and hold the pose for 10 seconds

Benefits: This stretching pose will give a good stretch to your legs, groin, lungs, chest, and shoulders. And regular stretching will build your stamina. This asana requires both strength and focus.

  1. Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
Woman practices balance yoga asana Vrikshasana tree pose in Himalayas mountains outdoors in the morning. Himachal Pradesh, India. Panorama

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides
• Raise your right leg and place your right on the left thigh
• Keep your left leg straight and raise your hands above your head
• Stretch your spine and join your hands in ‘namaste’
• Keep your gaze steady and hold the pose for 10 seconds
• Relax and repeat it with the left foot

Benefits: It strengthens the spine but its biggest advantage is that it develops neuromuscular coordination. Also, it improves flexibility and immunity. But you need strength and stamina to practice this asana.

  1. Anjaneyasana

• Come down on your knees with your hands by your side
• Take a step ahead with your right foot and stretch your left foot backward
• You can bend ahead to maintain the balance
• Stretch your hands above your head and then towards your back
• Gaze at the ceiling and hold the pose for 10 seconds
• Relax and repeat it with the left foot

Benefits: With this asana, you can stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and groin. In fact, it gives a full range of motion to the body. It is recommended for people that face difficulties in cold weather. It opens the lungs so the mucus comes out and the lungs get a good cleaning.

  1. Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)
Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)

• Come down on all your fours with your legs, spine, and neck in a straight line
• Roll into the outside edge of your left foot and stack your right foot over the left foot
• Swing your right hand onto your right hip while turning your torso
• Align your body and raise your right hand to the ceiling and hold the pose for 10 seconds
• Come down and repeat it on your right side

Benefits: It is a great asana for developing inner strength. It stretches the wrists and back of the legs. Also, your organs will get stimulated while practicing and their functions will improve.

  1. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

• Lie on your back with your knees flexed and feet hip distance apart
• Keep your arms by your side with palms facing down
• Press your palms and life your lower, middle, and upper back until your chest touches your chin
• For convenience, you can hold your ankles
• Hold the pose for 10 seconds

Benefits: It opens almost all of the body including the chest, shoulders, spine, hip flexors, and even heart. Also, it gives all the benefits of an inversion. With this asana, you will get relief from stress, fatigue, and insomnia. Also, it regulates blood pressure and stimulates the thyroid gland.

  1. Matsyasana (Fish pose)
Matsyasana (Fish pose)

• Lie on your back with your hands placed under your hips and palms facing down
• Bring your elbows closer and lift your head and chest
• Keep the chest elevated so you can lower the head backward and touch the floor with your head
• Press your elbows on the floor and lift your chest further upwards while pressing your thighs and legs to the floor
• Hold the pose for 10 seconds

Benefits: It strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles. It involves making a steep curve that is good for thyroid function. It will open the spine and make it more flexible. It is said that one who practices this asana never gets a stroke.

  1. Balasana (Child Pose)
Balasana (Child Pose

• Come down on your heels on a yoga mat
• You can join your knees or keep your knees hip-width apart
• Bend forward with your hands extended on the floor and your forehead touching the floor
• Gently press your chest to the thighs
• Hold the pose for 45 seconds

Benefits: The biggest advantage of balasana is it tones the abdominal muscles which further boost the digestive system by eliminating the waste material from the body. It also boosts immunity. It will stretch your lower back and spine so you feel completely relaxed.

Disclaimer: Yogasana has therapeutic value but it shouldn’t be practiced without training. Also, not all yogasanas are suitable for everyone.

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