What Is The Silva Method Of Meditation And How Is It Helpful?

Out of all methods employed to eliminate negative thoughts and achieve a positive state of mind, meditation works the best. It helps achieve tranquility by driving the negative energy out of the mind. And it works well for everyone including kids and older people. Also, you need little training for meditation.

During meditation, you cut your connection to the outer world by closing your eyes and slowing down the process of thinking. It is a state where the body releases more energy than it receives. The body and mind drive the negative energy and retain the positive force. Meditation can be practiced in many ways but the best way to practice meditation is Silva Method of meditation.

What Is Silva Method Of Meditation?

It is a self-help program created by Jose Silva, an electronics repairman with a keen interest in psychology. While Jose Silva developed the method in 1944, he kept experimenting on his family members to prepare a document for the world to know about the process and the benefits of what he called Silva Mind Control. Finally, he released the method in 1960. Today Silva Method of meditation is taught in workshops in over 129 countries.

Silva Method of meditation involves rewiring the subconscious mind with various imagery techniques to eliminate negative thoughts. It is found to help realize the full potential of the mind and achieve objectives. According to Jose Silva, it boosts self-esteem and encourages positive thinking. The process rests on the belief that relaxation and cognitive development promotes the feeling of well-being.

The mind achieves a state that is tranquil and where no negative thoughts. But Jose Silva, the founder, calls it a state of awareness. He claims that once one achieves this state of mind, the person can see the pros and cons of their actions and how those actions can help achieve their objective.

What Is The Idea Behind Silva Method Of Meditation?

The Silva Method rests on three broad principles – alpha and theta states of mind, the power of healing imagery, and the DBE thought process – that guide the entire process. And this process is helpful in many ways. It promotes healing and helps in getting over negative habits. The DBE method has a placebo effect on a stressed mind. It allows the user to have a deep desire for a specific objective and then gather all positive forces to achieve the objective.

  1. Alpha And Theta States Of Mind
Alpha And Theta States Of Mind

Alpha and theta represent the brain wave states. When you achieve this state of mind, you come in the position of meditation. In this state of mind, you feel the ultimate tranquility needed to start internal healing. The negative energy is driven out of the body and mind and you start feeling healthy and happy.

In this state of mind, your body starts repairing the cells and the immune system is strengthened. It happens after the negative energy is driven away. Also, you find it easier to overcome negative thoughts. For example, you can overcome your addiction to smoking or drinking after achieving this state of mind.

  1. The Power Of Healing Imagery
The Power Of Healing Imagery

Once you are in an alpha and theta state of mind, you start visualizing the healing process. You feel the positive changes taking place in your body and mind. As said earlier, the body starts repairing cells; you feel the positive force of new cells. It is the state where you feel lighter and healthier.

For example, if you have pain in your lower back, you will start feeling that the pain is gone. You will no longer feel the pain or any pressure after entering the state of healing imagery. Your body will start the healing process and continue until you get the feeling of well-being. If you continue to meditate, you will stay fit and healthy in the long run. The healing imagery will keep you free from common physical and mental problems.

  1. DBE Thought Process
DBE Thought Process

DBE can be simplified as Desire, Believe, and Expect. Healing imagery will repair damaged cells and strengthen immunity. Also, it will give you the power to have a deep desire to achieve a specific objective. Once you have a goal to achieve, you generate the confidence that you have the power to achieve that goal. Finally, your body and mind start working to achieve that goal.

For example, if you are an alcoholic and have tried many times to overcome the addiction but failed every time, you can try the DBE process where you will make overcoming the addiction your goal and allow your body and mind to achieve that goal. Soon you will feel that you have a lesser desire for alcohol. It is when you can think of achieving the objective. Similarly, you can achieve any goal related to your health.

The DBE process has a placebo effect on the body and mind. It starts with you entering the meditation phase and then the healing imagery phase. With your immunity strengthened and confidence built up, you will feel confident enough to make desires and determine your body and mind to achieve those desires. You can maintain this state of mind by continuing to meditate.

The Advantages Of Silva Method Meditation:

Advantages Of Silva Method Meditation

• The body and mind come to a state of deep relaxation
• Meditation is a good cure for insomnia
• It improves blood flow to cells and tissues
• It can help in pain management
• Self-diagnosis of emotional challenges to prevent mental illness
• It boosts memory by brainstorming and idea formation
• Controlling levels of negative energy in the body and mind
• An increasing rate of healing through immunity
• Increased awareness of the mind
• A feeling of well-being, health, and happiness

Final Thoughts

Silva Method of meditation is one of the few methods that allow meditating in both closed and opened eyes. Also, you can start meditating on your work desk. Depending on your stamina and time available, you can meditate once or twice a day. The good thing is that stamina develops with practice.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only as Silva Method of medication makes no claims of medical benefits like pain management.

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