12 Fruits And Vegetable Juices Good For Your Skin

Drink the juice of fruits and vegetables, if you want to keep your skin healthy, radiant, and youthful. Fresh fruits and green veggies contain all necessary nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and maintain the natural integrity of the skin. Also, it is the quickest way of getting your daily dose of nutrition.

Skin needs nutrients in proper quantity to keep its radiance and fruits and vegetables are loaded with all the essential nutrients that you need for your physical and mental well-being. You need nutrition for healthy skin, body, and mind. It is only with a nutritional diet that you can boost your immunity and lead a healthy and happy life.

When your skin gets proper nutrition, it will retain its youthful look for a long time. In other words, you will look much younger than you actually are. There will be no traces of aging on your skin and whatever aging signs will emerge, will be too light to get noticed.

What Experts Say About Juices?

Dieticians recommend whole food instead of juices. They argue that much of dietary fiber is lost in the juicing process and dietary fiber is an essential nutrient for the body. Also, researchers comparing the benefits of whole food and juices advise eating whole fruits instead of drinking juices.

But people prefer drinking juices because it suits their lifestyle. You will also find it easier to drink a cup of carrot juice instead of chewing the fruit. Similarly, orange juice will give you all the nutrition you can expect from the whole fruit.

According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a healthy person needs 2000 calories per day. It amounts to 2 cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables. But the calorie demand could vary from one person to another.

Here’re 12 Fruits & Vegetables Juices For Healthy And Radiant Skin

  1. Carrot
Carrot juice

Carrot contains carotenoids that are a form of Vitamin A and are considered good for the skin. It also has flavonoids and antioxidants that improve the immune system. Drinking carrot juice improves wound healing and reduces inflammation caused by harmful free radicals. You can consume 2.5 cups of raw carrots or drink their juice.

  1. Tomato
Tomato juice

Tomato contains beta-carotene and it is also rich in lycopene that can provide effective protection against UV rays. It will protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays like sunburn, signs of photoaging, and pigmentation caused by exposure to UV rays. You can drink 200-250 ml of tomato juice to maintain healthy skin.

  1. Lemon
Lemon Juice

Citrus fruits like lemon contain the most important nutrient called ascorbic acid or Vitamin C. It is essential for the skin as it helps in collagen synthesis. Also, it regenerates alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) in the body. Vitamin E is essential for healthy skin because it acts as an antioxidant. The recommended intake of Vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.

  1. Beetroot
Beetroot juice

Beetroot protects the cells from oxidative damage by strengthening the antioxidant defense of the body. Also, it contains red pigments that work as anti-inflammatory agents. Studies done on beetroot show that it can help reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. You can consume 2.5 cups of raw beetroot or juice every day.

  1. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate contains everything your skin needs to stay healthy. It has ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and citric acid in rich quantities. Also, it has small amounts of all amino acids. And all these nutrients can prevent your skin from damage caused due to UAB. Also, they prevent photoaging. You can consume 2 cups of pomegranate or their juice every day.

  1. Orange
Orange juice

Orange is full of Vitamin C which makes this fruit a good antioxidant agent. Also, it has flavonoids that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Orange juice is also good for your cardiovascular system. Since it reduces oxidative stress, it can keep your cardio system free from stress. You can consume 1-2 cups of orange juice every day.

  1. Cucumber
Cucumber juice

Cucumber is good for your skin as it hydrates the cells from within so your skin doesn’t look dull or lifeless. It will replenish the water level in your body so your skin keeps glowing. Cucumber is 95% water but it is also rich in beta-carotene, flavonoids, vitamin K, and lignans. Its recommended quantity is 1-2 cups every day.

  1. Apple
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple has excellent stress resistance properties. It can improve your immune system and overall healthspan in the long run. Also, it can prevent your skin from damage caused by UV exposure. Apple is one of the fruits that bring benefits to the whole body. You can consume 1-2 apples a day or drink their juice.

  1. Papaya

Papaya has beta-carotene that can keep your skin healthy. It is a photoprotector that can protect your skin from UV rays. These harmful rays can burn your skin cells. Exposure to UV rays could cause redness and skin irritation. But drinking 1-2 cups of papaya juice can protect your skin from UV damage.

  1. Spinach

Spinach contains antioxidants and dietary fibers in rich amounts. Also, it has anti-inflammatory compounds like omega-3 fatty acids that can keep your skin healthy and glowing. You can consume 2-3 cups of spinach juice every day. Depending on your taste, you can consume it raw or cooked.

  1. Grapes

Grapes are excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents. Their skin and seeds contain polyphenols and flavonoids that can boost collagen production and prevent premature aging. Also, grapes improve neurocognitive function in older people. You can consume 1-2 cups of grapes or their juice every day.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli has vitamins C and E, flavonoids, carotenoids, and polyphenols and these nutrients can protect your skin from oxidative stress that can damage your skin from within. In the long run, it will prevent your skin from redness and inflammation. It is good protection against photoaging. The recommended amount of broccoli juice is 2-3 cups every day.

Disclaimer: Information provided in the blog is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to consult their dieticians before starting to drink fruits and vegetable juices.

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