
Argan Hair Oil

Which Hair Oil Best Suits To Your Hair And Why?

Choosing the right hair oil could make a difference to your hairstyling, how you style your hair depends largely on the growth of your hair. If you have a full head of long hair, you can try any hairstyle.

Choose your hair growth oil from the following brands

Coconut Hair Oil

Packed with medium-chain triglyceride called lauric acid, coconut hair oil is good for every hair type. It penetrates the hair deeply and repairs brittle and damaged hair. Also, its high moisture content and water-retaining property protect hair against heat damage.

Brigandi Hair Oil

Brigandi Hair Oil

It is an herbal oil with antifungal and antibacterial properties that stop hair loss and prevent scalp infections. Also, its calming and earthy smell relieves stress. It is good for those facing excess hair loss, dandruff, dry hair and premature greying of hair.

Sweet Almond Hair Oil

Rich in Vitamin E, fatty acids, antioxidants and magnesium, this oil can do magic for dry, damaged and dandruff prone hair. It can moisturize hair and prevent hair from environmental pollutants. Also, regular application of the oil gives longer and thicker hair.

Olive Hair Oil

Olive Hair Oil

Known for its protective abilities, olive oil can shield keratin, the most important component of hair. Regular application of olive oil will remove the need for conditioner and hair smoothing. People with dull, damaged and dandruff prone hair would benefit by using olive oil.

Grapeseed Oil

Rich in … Read More

Castor Oil Benefits

5 Reasons For Using Pure Castor Oil

Rich in vitamin A and C, pure castor oil makes a great treatment for & benefits hair and skin. It can nourish weak hair and improve its condition without causing any side effects. Since it has no side effects, people with allergies with shampoos and oils can also use castor oil.

Let’s discuss the benefits of pure castor oil…

  • Castor oil is good for hair and scalp. It seals moisture and stimulates and strengthens hair follicle. Also, it will slow down the falling rate of your hair in the long run.
  • Castor oil is a good cure for dandruff that is a common hair problem. Massaging your hair and scalp with castor oil will keep dandruff away. Dryness can irritate scalp leading to itching and dandruff problem. Also, castor oil can help cure acne.
Pure Castor Oil
  • Dryness can reduce growth of hair but you can double the growth of your locks with castor oil. It works much better than other hair products. Soon after starting using castor oil, you will notice that your locks have become thicker and voluminous.
  • Castor oil can cure damaged hair and scalp. For example, if you are suffering from eczema or psoriasis, you should use castor oil. You will feel much relief even after the first treatment.
  • Castor oil has a great moisturizing effect on hair and scalp. It can soothe dry skin.

Try using pure castor oil instead of a supplement sold under different brand … Read More

Kadi Patta Benefits

Kadi Patta Is Beneficial For Your Health, Skin And Hair

Kadi patta is widely used in curries, rice, snacks, chutneys and sauces for its aromatic flavour and you also get amazing health and beauty benefits with a distinctive aroma.

As an herb, kadi patta is helpful in controlling obesity, hypertension, indigestion, anaemia, diabetes, acne and hair loss. The aromatic kadi patta contains copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, fibre and carbs. Also, these leaves are a good source of vitamin A, B, C and E and amino acids.

Curry Leaves Benefits

Some important health benefits of kadi patta

Antioxidizing agent

Kadi patta can fight cell damaging free radicals as it has carbazole alkaloids, a compound that imparts antioxidizing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to the leaves.


Kadi patta has alkaloids that have a curative effect on surface wounds, mild burns, boils and inflamed or itchy skin. Kadi patta can be grinded to make an antiseptic lotion for topical application.

Kadi patta benefits in weight loss

Kadi patta can help reduce excess fat and for this reason, obese people are advised to munch on these leaves or consume the leaves with their meals.

Diabetes check

Kadi patta has a sugar lowering effect due to rich mineral content that stimulate pancreas. Also, it protects insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from damage by free radicals.

Boosts memory

Kadi patta can sharpen memory by reducing the effects of amnesia or loss of memory.

Relieve morning sickness

The aromatic flavour of kadi patta increase digestive secretions that help relive nausea and Read More

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Health Benefits Of Acidic Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a health tonic with multitude of benefits including weight loss, skin and hair care, indigestion, diabetes and cholesterol management. The only drawback of ACV is the sour taste and strong smell that it gets due to the presence of yeast and bacteria

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for different ailments


ACV controls appetite and boost fat metabolism that further increases weight loss. The acetic acid present in ACV activates the fat burning enzyme AMPK in the liver, slows down breaking down of starch to sugar and prevents accumulation of fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1&2)

Studies on ACV indicate that acetic acid slows down the process of breaking down of carbohydrates to sugar in the blood stream. It is for this reason that ACV is considered a great drink after having a carbohydrate rich meal. If taken at bedtime, ACV can reduce the fasting blood glucose level in the morning.

High Cholesterol

ACV contains an antioxidant called chlorogenic that can prevent cholesterol level from increasing. This antioxidant inhibits oxidation of LDL and increases HDL or the good cholesterol


ACD when taken in right amount can help in controlling high blood pressure. In a study, it is found that ACV can reduce activity of renin, an enzyme responsible for increasing blood pressure.


The acidic acid in ACV inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria by maintaining normal pH of the skin. Also, it can be … Read More


Treat Your Hair With Cucumber, Lemon, Baking Soda And Shikakai

While you can’t prevent yourself from taking advantage of different hair styling products and tools, you should be aware about their harmful effects on your hair and scalp. And the best way to treat your hair is to do a detox. You can utilize the lockdown time to detox your tresses of all the chemicals you have drained on them. Baking Soda, Shikakai, Cucumber and Lemon for dandruff & hair treatment is the best home remedies.

Also, you don’t have to go to a salon for a hair detox as it is lockdown but you can do a perfect hair detox at home.

There are many ways of doing a hair detox at home which includes shikakai, cucumber and lemon.  

Cucumber and lemon juice

Peel a cucumber and cut it into very small pieces so that it blends well with lemon juice that you will add to the peeled cucumber pieces. You can make it more nutritious by adding a few drops of an essential hair oil to it. Apply the paste to your hair and leave it to work on your hair and scalp. Wash your hair shampoo and conditioner after 20 minutes. This juice contains citric acid that is good for removing dandruff and solving dryness issues of scalp. So cucumber and lemon juice for dandruff removal is the best idea.

Cucumber and Lemon Juice For Dandruff

Baking soda

It is for those that have oily scalp. Baking soda paste will unclog all the pores of your … Read More


Aloe Vera Benefits For Skin And Hair

Aloe vera is rightly called a medicinal plant because it has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it’s juice benefits in healing wounds, maintaining blood sugar level, reducing dental plaque, relieving constipation and treating canker sores. 

But its skin and hair benefits are more striking and for this reason, aloe vera juice is mostly used for getting flawless skin and lively hair. Also, the preliminary evidence on aloe vera affect on skin shows that it can reduce the signs of aging to a considerable extent.

Here’s how aloe vera juice benefits skin and hair

Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

Moisturizes dry skin

Probably it is only aloe vera gel that can go directly from plant to your skin. The gel will have a soothing effect on dry skin. It will hydrate the dry patches without adding unnecessary oil to the skin pores. Since the gel sinks deep into the skin, you won’t have to fret about the greasy feeling after its application.

Cleansing agent

Want to rid your skin of dead cells? Use aloe vera. Its antibacterial properties will flush out impurities in a natural and gentle way. Also, its antiseptic nature will prevent the skin from acne and other kind of infections. Exfoliate your skin with a solution of aloe vera gel and sugar granules.

Nourishes skin

Give your skin an overnight nourishment with aloe vera gel. Message the gel on your face, neck and hands to right before hitting the bed and wake up to … Read More

Hair Treatment

Frustrated With Your Dry Hair? Follow These DIY Egg Mask For Immediate Results

The first love of any girl is her hair whether they are short, long and curly. However, you are taking care of your hair perfectly by considering Salon treatments such as hair spa, smoothing, etc. But how long will you take help of saloons? Getting dry hair treatment from saloons are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. So here for you, we have rounded up some of the best DIY eggs masks that can help you to keep your hair smooth and shiny for a long time.  

3 DIY eggs mask you should try for dry hair treatment

1. Egg mask for dry hair treatment

The egg is a rich source of proteins, vitamins and healthy minerals that keep your hair highly nourished and soft for a long time. This egg mask can help your hair get a life to live again. To prepare the mask all you need 2-3 eggs and blend it perfectly. This will cause bad odour, to get rid of it add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Now apply it evenly on your hair and leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash your hair with cold water

Dry Hair Treatment With Eggs

2. Egg and coconut mask 

For stronger hair, the combination of eggs and coconut mask can help you to get beautiful and strong hair. To use this mask add one egg yolk in a bowl and one tbsp. Of coconut oil and honey as well. Mix … Read More

Shave Your Legs At Home

6 Simple Steps To Shave Your Legs At Home

Shaving is one of the critical tasks to do right now for ladies. While you shave your legs at home can lead your skin to multiple skin issues such as rashes, redness, pimples, and ingrown hair.

Steps To Shave Your Legs At Home

To keep yourself maintain you will need to perform some basic shaving steps to achieve smooth and bright skin.

Here are the six steps you need to follow carefully while you shave your legs at home.

Choose the best quality razor

Best Razors For Women

Picking up the right razor for your skin can solve your many problems. However, you have many options to choose from. If you need clean and ultra-soft skin then use a dry and rust-free razor. Make sure to change the blade before using it and keep it in a dry place..

Remove dead skin

Remove Dead Skin From Legs

To enjoy great skin, it is a must to remove dead skin before doing the shaving. Scrub your legs as this removes dead skin cells and even open pores. You can scrub your legs one day or the same day of shaving.

Apply shaving cream

Apply Shaving Cream

Wet your legs then pat it dry, then apply shaving cream evenly on the legs. In case you have no shaving cream, use a hair conditioner. This helps to smooth your skin and clean your hair without irritation.

Shave according to the direction

It is important to shave hair according to the direction of your hair. For example, if the hair growth … Read More

Hair Care Tips

Priyanka Chopra Shared Her Hair Care Regime Recipe

Priyanka Chopra is a big name today. After her debut in Hollywood and getting married to Nick Jonas, she is living in Los Angeles. She is one of the successful actresses in the time today. She has everything, but still, Priyanka is down to earth and connected with Indian roots. When it comes to skin and hair care tips she believes to opt for kitchen ingredients instead of using chemical products. She is the craziest fan for home remedies and tries skincare recipes for glowing and gleaming skin.

Priyanka Chopra Hair Care Tips

Due to the novel Coronavirus, the actress shares her best hair care regime for her fans so they could also enjoy saloon-style finish with kitchen ingredients.

Are you ready for best hair care tips by Priyanka Chopra?

Priyanka Chopra shared her hair mask recipe on her Instagram account and got millions of likes in minutes. So let us see what she shared.

Ingredients for hair care:

• 2 tbsp. Yogurt

• 1 tbsp. Honey

• 1 Egg

How to make:

Mix all the ingredients well and apply them for 20-25 minutes. Then wash it twice to remove all ingredients and smell from the hair.

Priyanka talked about ingredients as well

Yogurt- it is loaded with lactic acid, which is best for dry and itchy skin. It works wonder to remove dead skin cells.

Honey- it is packed with high antioxidants that remove dirt and deliver nourishing properties to the … Read More

Best Hair Care

Do Not Wash Your Hair Frequently If Your Hair Type Is Curly & Frizzy!!

Tell me first, how often you washed your hair? Regularly or in intervals? Well, finding out the best hair wash for your hair is quite daunting. If you’re washing hair frequently then it causes dryness especially when you are using extreme chemical-based shampoo. At Review mentor, we have given the best tricks and tip to care for your hair in this post.

Stop washing enough. Just like your skin you have to care for hair as well. While our studies, we have also found some girls are likely to wash hair daily without affecting the quality of hair. So what should you do?

Best Hair Care Tip

So, let us explore best hair care tip!

1. Does hair types matter?

Yes! That is the reason why girls feel a difference in their hair quality as well as. You may do not aware that there are different products available for different hair types. If you want to enjoy long, shiny, soft, and beautiful hair then pick out the best shampoo for hair type. Curly hair often takes time to get dirties as compared to other hair types like silky.

2. Hair Care Tip For Poor Lifestyle

The kind of lifestyle you are taking also affect the quality of hair. It is a fact that usually ignored because no one has enough time to think about their health. I am sure you are also one of them. Blow drying, regular straitening, various products, and much more damage the … Read More