
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

These 5 Asanas Can Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis For Sure

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease as it involves pain in joints that can make life difficult. Aging is the biggest reason for this chronic ailment but today younger people are also getting Rheumatoid Arthritis but the treatment for this is possible at home.

Reasons for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Age: While RA can attack at any age but people in advanced age are more prone to developing RA because of wear and tear of their joints.

Family History: Those with a family history of RA need to be careful as they could the disease at any age.

Obesity: Obese people should be careful about the excess fat and load on their joints as they could get RA due to unnecessary and unwanted load on their joints.

Smoking: Smoking is also related to RA. People with a family history of RA could get the problem in the early years if they smoke.

Environmental Pollution: Exposure to asbestos and silica could increase your susceptibility to RA.

Sex: Women are more prone to developing RA in comparison to men but it doesn’t mean that men should become complacent.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

In RA treatment, the main focus is on curing the symptoms including inflammation and pain. Patients are prescribed pain-relieving drugs and they are advised to light exercises. Rheumatoid Arthritis can also be cured with yoga.

There are five-asanas, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients can practice at home for treatment & to keep their joint inflammation

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Best Shoes For Jumping Rope Exercise

Which Shoes To Buy For Jumping Rope Exercise?

Jump rope is the right exercise for burning calories, but you need perfect shoes for jumping. It is a high-intensity exercise that can impact your knees and feet but you can protect your knees and feet with the help of the right shoes.

It makes sense to invest in a good pair of shoes that can support your movements while you practice jump rope and other high-intensity exercises. Good thing is that there are many brands that you can explore.

Here’re 10 best shoes for jumping rope exercise

New Balance Women’s FuelCore Nergize V1 Sneaker

New Balance Women’s FuelCore Nergize V1 Sneaker

It will be a snug fit on your feet and you will love the incredibly lightweight cushioning this footwear delivers. It features a sleek design that is 100% synthetic and ultra-comfortable. The bootie upper construction and NB memory sole will give your feet a snug supportive fit. It is an easy slip-on women’s trainer is the right choice for activities that exert pressure on knees like jumping rope. But it might not be durable.

PUMA Women’s Tazon Cross-Trainer Shoe

PUMA Women’s Tazon Cross Trainer Shoes

It is a stylish sneaker with a streamlined silhouette and a sleek design. Its leather upper comes with a midfoot saddle for maximum fit and comfort. And its Eva heels provide cushion feet and knees from impact like you get during jump rope exercise. Made of leather and synthetic, they are extremely lightweight, breathable, and durable. Also, they are available in exciting colors. But their sole isn’t … Read More

Vitamins And Minerals

What Is Healthy Food And How To Achieve Good Health With Food?

You eat according to your convenience and taste instead of health. When it comes to choosing healthy food, you choose what you are comfortable with without knowing how much you are compromising with your health while looking for tasty and convenient food.

Weight loss strategy….

If you are on a diet, you will cut your food intake but, in reality, you will reduce the intake of necessary nutrients that could have a severe impact on your body functions. Proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, iron, fat, and carbohydrates are needed for a healthy body and mind.

Effects of poor eating habits….

The effects of poor eating habits will be seen in the long run. You will develop diabetes and hypertension. Also, you could be a heart patient and have weak bones and muscles. You will have breathing issues and you will lack the energy to keep going.

Healthy eating habits….

Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating includes taking necessary nutrients essential for vital body functions. And you need nutrients according to your age and lifestyle. For example, children need more nutrients than adults and old people.

With healthy food, you get the right amount of energy you need to do your regular tasks like eating, sleeping, and relaxing.

Healthy food stimulates your growth hormones needed to achieve full growth of your physical strength and mind.

Nutrients are needed to trigger body cells including brain cells so that they work at their optimum level.

It is only with … Read More

Malaika Arora Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara

Malaika Arora Finds Monday Motivation In Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara Yoga Asana

Malaika Arora performed Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara yoga asana in Monday motivation for her Instagram followers. Her picture of doing this yoga asana in printed blue sports bra and tights is posted on Instagram early in the morning.

What is the picture about?

Malaika Arora is a fitness freak who often shares her fitness mantras with her Insta followers. Today morning, she performed a very difficult yoga asana to inspire her Insta fans. It is called Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara and it involves taking the bodyweight on knees, chest, arms, and chin.

What Is Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara Yoga Asana?

It is one-leg eight-limbed pose and an intermediate asana in yoga. It can also be called an advanced variation of the knees-chest-chin pose. In this asana, you bring your knees, arms, chest, and chin together to support your body weight while lifting your legs one by one.

How to perform Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara?

Malaika Arora Eka Pada Ashtanga Namaskara

Malaika Arora gives detailed instructions for this yoga asana. You need to start with the tabletop position by keeping your knees together and bringing your wrists under the shoulders.

Exhale: Fold your elbows to allow your chest and chin to drop to the mat.

Inhale: Lift your left leg as far as possible and bend your right knee to place your foot under the left leg for support. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and then try it with the right leg. In this way, you can repeat the position with … Read More

Push Ups Or High Planks

Know What Is The First Thing To Do In A Gym And Other Tips For Beginners

If it is your first day in a gym, then you need to be extra careful about your exercise regimen. Some important gym tips for beginner, first, you should understand the right forms of various exercises, and second, start with light activities so you don’t harm your body and lose interest.

Here’re five tips for beginner or those returning to the gym after a long break due to personal reasons or injury

Set your breathing right

Get hold of your breath before exercising. The breathing process has to be normal. For example, breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.

Push-ups or high planks is best gym tips for beginner

Keep your wrist and shoulders in line when doing push-ups or high planks. Also, make sure that you aren’t looking at your face while doing these exercises.

Gym Tips For Beginner

Modify exercises according to your suitability

There is little need to stretch out to perform exercises in the right manner when you need some time to learn the right form. For example, take push-ups that you can start with your knees first to avoid overstretching but keep learning and practicing the right form of push-ups.

Focus on learning the right form of exercising

Physical activity becomes an exercise when performed in a specific form that is the right form of that activity. And it is especially important for beginners that often do high-intensity exercises without understanding the right forms of those … Read More

Summer Special Foods For Diabetes Management

5 Summer Special Foods For Diabetes Management

Fiber rich food could help in diabetes management as fiber takes time in breaking down and in this way prevents a sudden surge in glucose level. And there are delicious fiber rich food options you can try this summer to keep your glucose level under check.

Let’s check the best fiber rich food for diabetes..

Sprout Salad With Curd

Sprout Salad With Curd

It is nutritious and cooling as well. Sprouts are high in fiber and taste. Also, you can further increase its nutrition count and flavor by adding fresh veggies and fruits to it. For example, you can mix seasonal fruit like cucumber, tomato, and bell peppers to a salad. Finally, you can add a dash of curd to the salad to make it a diabetic-friendly food.

Cucumber Sticks And Hummus

Kheera is called summer special food because it is low in calories and carbs but brimming with nutrients. Cucumber can be consumed in raw condition or with flavored salt but the best way to enjoy this summer special is with smooth hummus.

Moong Dal Chila With Curd

Moong Dal Chila With Curd

Rich in fiber content and antioxidants, moong dal can help in controlling diabetes and obesity. And you can make a chilla with ground moong dal. But you will require raita to enjoy the chilla. Mix fresh veggies and fruits with curd to make homemade raita.

Boiled Egg Chaat Best Food For Diabetes

Chaat is made by mixing sev, papdi, bhalla, chutneys both sweet and sour, Read More

Rose Herb Benefits

What Are The Herbal Uses Of Rose?

Rose as an herb has several benefits & been used in traditional Indian medicines for managing different ailments related to digestion, skin conditions, eye care, and soothing senses.

Health Benefits Of Rose Herb

Rose powder or jam (gulkand) is good for managing digestive problems like hyperacidity and diarrhea. Regular consumption of gulkand will boost your digestive system and improve your appetite.

Men with sexual dysfunction like libido and premature ejaculation should take half tsp of gulkand twice a day to improve their sexual power.

Rose water is good for skin rejuvenation. It has astringent properties that make it a great cleanser of skin pores. It also balances skin oils to prevent the formation of acne and pimples.

Rose water has healing and cooling properties that make is suitable for use to relieve eye strain.

Rose Herb Benefits

The fragrance of rose can help reduce stress and improve insomnia. Using rose candles at home will make a calm and soothing atmosphere.

How To Use Rose?

Rose as an herb can be used in different forms like powder, jam, water, oil, and leaves. Also, it is available in capsule form. You can grow rose in even a small flower pot to get fresh petals that you can chew or make their paste for skin treatment. Or you can buy rose water and gulkand from the market for daily consumption. Since packed products have a good shelf-life, you can keep your rose products … Read More

Oral Health Tips

Oral Health Tips On World Oral Health Day 2021

World Oral Health Day 2021 on March 20 is an opportunity to create awareness about oral health and the best tips to boost oral hygiene. There was a time when people used to clean their teeth and gums using twigs and natural oils like clove, eucalyptus, and menthol. But today, you’ve toothpaste that contains one or all the essential oils.

Let’s discuss the oral health tips..

Essential oils for oral health

Eucalyptol: Derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, it is an anti-bacterial oil that can penetrate plaque and kill germs.

Thymol: Similar to natural thyme and ajowan, this oil is very effective against bacteria and is found to be helpful in reducing gum disease.

Oil of wintergreen: Derived from the wintergreen plant, this oil has refreshing properties due to which it is used for controlling bad breath. It is also used in chewing gums.

Menthol: Known for fresh flavor, menthol is an active ingredient in peppermint. Also, it has properties that can kill germs and check the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

How to maintain good oral hygiene?

Oral Health Tips

Brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash twice a day is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene. But you need to be careful about your selection of toothpaste and mouthwash. It is your mouthwash that will be effective in removing the leftover germs after brushing.

Why a mouthwash has a tingling taste?

If you feel a … Read More

Diet For Healthy Skin

Eating And Drinking For A Radiant Skin

The phrase “you are what you eat” has the answers to all your queries about your skin like lost glow, premature aging, sagging, dark spots, sunburn, and scars. You will get the lost glow and no signs of aging on your skin, once you start eating the healthy diet.

Start with taking antioxidants in diet that can make the skin defense system healthy….

Antioxidants are natural scrubbers that can reduce inflammation and fight aging to keep your skin healthy. Vitamins C (plants and fruits) and E (nuts and seeds), carotenoids (colorful vegetables), and flavonoids (green tea) are natural antioxidants available as plant derivatives.

Take more vitamin C….

It is a super antioxidant as it does many things – strengthen the immune system, support radiant skin and heal blemishes. Also, it plays a crucial role in collagen production in the body. And the good thing is that it is found in abundance in blackcurrants, blueberries, mulberries, Indian gooseberries, tropical fruits such as kiwi, dragon fruit, papaya, berries, and limes.

Boost your collagen level….

Boost Your Collagen Level

Collagen is present in the human body in bones, muscles, tendons, and skin. Its role is to hold the body structure together. Also, it provides elasticity to the skin needed to prevent the formation of wrinkles and creases. Boosting collagen levels will help in strengthening your skin in the long run. For collagen, you should eat eggs, chicken, salmon, and citrus fruits. Or take supplements.

Switch to a

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Treat Your Foot Corns

Treat Your Corns And Calluses With These Home Remedies

It is easier to deal with painful corns as there are many ways to heal corns and calluses. In addition to various creams and lotions, you can rely on home treatment for foot corn that can give excellent results in a short time.

Let’ discuss several home remedies for treatment of foot corn…

• Applying fresh lemon juice on the center point of the corn will ease the pain and suffering. Repeat this process until the center is hardened and falls out.

• Apply garlic paste on corn’s surface for a night and wash the paste in morning with warm water. Antioxidants in garlic will heal and treat corns from the root.

• Applying nourishing and moisturizing vitamin E oil can soft the hard skin. For better results, you can wear socks after applying oil on corns.

• Apply onion juice on your corns and cover them with a clean cloth for two days. Acids in the onion will soften the corns and heal permanently.

• Soak your feet in warm baking soda water for 15 minutes and exfoliate your feet with a pumice stone. Being a good anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent, baking soda can prevent infections.

Foot Corn Treatment

• Soak your feet in a mixture of castor oil, liquid soap and hot water and scrub your calluses gently with a pumice stone.

• Cover your corn with a pineapple peel and apply bandage on the peel to keep it at its place … Read More