Do you have long hair? If yes, then you should feel blessed as you have more options in your hairstyle. Starting from a long hair and loose hairstyles to a braided bun, you can style your long hair in different ways. You can even make a braided crown. Also, you can embellish your braid with flowers.
Here’re 20 braided hairstyles for long hair
Simple Embellished Braid
As the name suggests, it is a simple hairstyle but decorated with flowers. You can see the mode has simply braided her hair. But you can decorate your long braid with ribbons, clips, or flowers complementing your dress.
Waterfall Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
Let your long hair flow like a waterfall by making a braid from both sides and pinning in the middle of the hair. Let the rest of the locks flow like a cascade.
The South Indian Style Braid
South Indian women have long hair that they turn into thick and strong braids. Also, they decorate their braids with jewelry and flowers as you can see the model in the picture. She has flowers at the top of the braid and jewelry highlighting the length of the braid.
Five Strand Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
It is an exclusive hairstyle for which you will need pearls for decoration. Its advantage is it will provide thickness to your braid and pearl decoration would highlight the volume of hair styled into a braid.
Braid Around
It is a different hairstyle as it makes a crown on your head. See how the model with a braid around hairstyle looks in the picture. You can also make a braid around your head and make sure it remains just above the forehead. Also, you can decorate flowers to make them look like a real crown.

Amazing Braided Hairstyles
Braid To The Fore
This braid looks like a big hairband holding a volume of locks. But it is a pushed-back style where you have the option of collecting the left-out tresses into a bun or braid. Women with slender necks should use this hairstyle.
Side Fish Braid
Here the braid appears like a fish and it is worn on the side. The model has the braid on her left side, but you can choose to make it on the right side. You need long hair strands for this braid as the fish must have length.
Braided Bun
It is a perfect hairstyle as it leaves no strands behind. You will divide your hair into three parts and braid them for making a bun. Now you have three braids to combine and turn into a bun. Also, you can embellish the intricate details with accessories or flowers.
Side French Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
The beauty of this side braid is loose unbraided hair that provides it volume. Divide your full head hair into two parts and braid locks of one part. Allow the rest of the hair to fall freely on your shoulders. And focus on the middle part to make it deeper so it enhances the braid.
Inward Bangs & Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
If you have wavy hair then this particular braid would suit your personality most. First, turn the locks into a braid and then put it on a side preferably the left side. The bangs will be curved inwards to bring them in line with the braid.
Side Weave
If you want to give volume to your hair, you should follow the side weave with a small braid near the temple. First, comb the locks to the back of your head and then braid on the left side of the temple. But it should be a small braid as the objective is to give volume to the free-flowing hair to the right.
Braid It Down
You will need a volume of hair to make this hairstyle. Start making a braid from the top and take it down towards the sides. It will sit on the top of your head and the rest of the locks will flow down to your shoulders. You can curl the locks to give a softer touch to the hairstyle.
Intricate Hawser Braid
It is a honeycomb of braids. The picture of the hawser braid shows that it is more like a bun than a traditional braid. Here the locks are so weaved that it becomes difficult to find their topmost and the endpoint.
Wavy Braid
It is a playful braid but loose in structure. It is like loose locks making a braid on their own. But the biggest highlight of the hairstyle is the dash of hair falling down your right cheek cutting across the right eyebrow and the eye.
Pulled Back Waves
Pull your wavy hair at the back to clear your face of all loose hair strands. Also, wear nude makeup to further enhance the hairstyle. For more highlights, you can wear large earrings.
Sleek Fish Side Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
Collect all your loose hair to one side and braid the hair to give them a style. And try making the braid as long as possible. And it doesn’t need any embellishment.
Black Braided Bun Hairstyles For Long Hair
It is a neat and different hairstyle as it leaves no loose hair strands to flow down your cheeks or shoulders. And it will be a huge braided bun sitting on top of your head.
One Upon The Other
It is a large braid sitting over a smaller braid. First, make a tight and small braid and then weave your locks into a bigger and longer braid and let it flow freely over your back.
Formal Bling
It is a formal hairstyle you can make when you want to get a carefree look. Here you will collect all loose hair strands into a formal braid and use accessories or flowers to highlight the braid.
Hippy Bun Braided Hairstyles For Long Hair
Let the volume of your hair sit on the top of your head in the shape of a bun. It will be a compact hairdo that you can keep wearing all day.
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