10 Natural Ways To Treat Greasy Hair

If you feel your hair and scalp greasy even after shampooing, it is due to excess sebum released by the scalp. While it is a natural process but sometimes the hair becomes too greasy due to excess sebum. Natural treatment of greasy hair, to remove the excess oil.

Here’re 10 ways of greasy hair treatment

Tea Tree Oil

Dandruff could make your hair greasy. Use teat tree oil to fight dandruff and reduce greasiness from hair. This oil has anti-fungal properties and it can be used directly or with a carrier oil if your hair and scalp are sensitive towards tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Oil


• Take 30 ml of any carrier oil like coconut oil and add 15 drops of tea tree oil to it

• Shake the oil well and apply it thoroughly to your scalp and hair

• Leave it for an hour and wash with lukewarm water

• Do it 2-3 times a week

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is acidic could reduce sebum production and greasiness caused due to sebum. Research has proved that ACV could help control the greasiness of hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar


• Add 2-3 tsp of ACV into a cup of water and stir it well

• Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and clean the hair with diluted ACV solution

• Leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse off with normal water

• Repeat it 2-3 times a week

Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil could prevent your hair from becoming greasy if you apply the oil to your hair and scalp before washing. Since virgin coconut oil has a lower molecular weight than others, it can reduce sebum production and greasiness of hair.

Coconut Oils


• Take virgin coconut oil in your palms and massage it over your head and scalp

• Massage it in a circular motion and apply the oil on each hair strand from root to tip

• Let the oil soak for an hour and wash it off with a mild cleanser

• Do it once a week

Aloe Vera For Greasy Hair Treatment

Aloe vera has a nutrition-rich composition and significant astringent and nourishing properties with which it can control excess oil production and prevent the greasing of hair. The enzymes present in aloe vera can easily break fats and strip hair strands of extra sebum.

Aloe Vera For Greasy Hair Treatment


• Peel an aloe vera leaf to draw the juice or buy pure aloe vera juice from the market

• Draw 2-3 tsp of aloe vera juice from a leaf or an aloe juice bottle and add 1 tsp of lemon to it

• Mix the aloe juice and lemon mixture in a cup of water

• Rinse your hair with this aloe lemon solution after shampooing

• Do it once a week for better results

Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt

Magnesium ions can remove excess oil from hair strands as they can easily penetrate the hair follicles. In clinical trials, magnesium ions showed they can reduce scalp inflammation. Also, they can absorb the excess oil secreted by the scalp. And Epsom salt is a rich source of magnesium.


• Add 2-3 tsp of Epsom salt to your shampoo and wash your hair with the Epsom mixed shampoo

• Leave your hair for 2-3 minutes to soak the solution before washing

• Do it twice a week for better results

Baking Soda

Baking soda can be used as a dry shampoo for cleaning oily hair. Also, it can be used as a rinse to remove excess oil from hair. Since it is alkaline, it can absorb the excess sebum released from the scalp. Also, it can balance the pH of your scalp.

Baking Soda For Greasy Hair Treatment


• Mix 2-3 tsp of baking soda in a cup of water and stir it well so it turns into a thick paste

• Apply the paste thoroughly on your scalp and leave it for 5 minutes

• Rinse the baking soda paste off with normal water

• Do it twice a week

Precaution: Avoid using baking soda if you are allergic to it or you have wounds on the head as it could cause a mild burning sensation.

Green Tea

Loaded with polyphenols, green tea is considered good for the scalp. Treating your hair with a green tea solution could clear your scalp and hair of excess sebum. And you can give the green treatment to your hair at home.

Green Tea Treatment


• Boil a glass of water and add green tea powder to it

• Strain the water when it is cool and apply it to your scalp and hair

• Leave the solution to your hair for up to 40 minutes and rinse your hair with normal water

• Do it once a week

Argan Oil For Greasy Hair Treatment

Argan oil can reduce greasy feelings on the scalp by redistributing the sebum to your hair strands. In this way, it will keep your hair well-moisturized. Also, it can regulate the secretion of sebum by stimulating blood circulation. But there is limited data to support the claim.

Argan Oil For Greasy Hair Treatment


• Take pure argan oil in your palms and apply the oil to your scalp and hair strands from root to tips

• Take a warm towel and wrap it around your hair

• Leave your oily hair covered for an hour and rinse off with a mild cleanser

• Do it 1-2 times a week

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has citric acid that is found to be effective in controlling sebum secretion. Treating your hair with lemon juice could help reduce oily feeling from your scalp and hair. But there is limited data to support the claim.

Lemon Juice For Greasy Hair Treatment


• Add 4-5 tsp of lemon juice to 2 cups of distilled water and keep it for refrigeration

• Wash your hair and pat dry before applying the cool mixture to your hair and scalp

• Leave your hair for 10 minutes before rinsing off with normal water

• You can do this treatment whenever you have a greasy feel on your hair and scalp

Egg Yolk For Greasy Hair Treatment

Egg yolk can tighten the hair follicles and reduce sebum secretion as well. But there is little data to support the claim.

Egg Yolk


• Draw egg yolk from 1-2 eggs and mix them with 1 tsp of lemon juice

• Apply the mixture to shampooed hair and leave the solution on your scalp for 40 minutes

• Rinse the hair thoroughly with cold water to drive the bad smell away

• Do it once a week

Disclaimer: The information provided on natural ways to clean greasy hair is for education purposes only. Readers are advised to remain cautious while using these ways.

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