15 Super Fruits For Weight Loss

Why struggle to lose weight when you can achieve your weight loss goals with fruits? Eating fruits can help burn more fat and there are plenty of fruits that can help in losing weight.

Let’s See Which Fruits Can Help In Losing Weight

  1. Grapefruit

This tangy fruit is rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber. It reduces insulin resistance and inflammation and improves lipid profile and blood pressure. For best results, you should consume half grapefruit before breakfast and half before lunch.

  1. Watermelon

Watermelon contains plenty of water with a rich quantity of Vitamin C. And it is found that eating two cups of watermelon could increase satiety and reduce weight. Also, it improves blood pressure. Watermelon also contains lycopene which reduces oxidative stress which is a factor in high blood sugar. For weight loss, you should consume 1 cup of watermelon one hour before lunch.

  1. Lemon

Lemon is loaded with Vitamin C. Also, it is a potent antioxidant that can help lose weight faster. For better results, you can go for an 11-day lemon detox diet that will decrease your insulin resistance and body fat percentage. Also, there will be an exciting reduction in your BMI. Start your diet with a mixture of half a lime and 1tsp organic honey with warm water every morning.

  1. Apple

Apples contain beta-carotene, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and water in rich quantities. A study on people found that those who consume apples regularly are 30% less likely to be obese than those who don’t eat apples or drink apple juice. Start taking an apple with breakfast or before lunch.

  1. Blueberry

Blueberries get the deep blue color due to anthocyanins which are an antioxidant. It also helps improve insulin sensitivity which further reduces the risk of obesity-related problems. Blueberries contain dietary fiber that reduces hunger so you don’t get hunger pangs. Taking a fistful of blueberries with breakfast is sufficient to get all the benefits.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is a buttery fruit rich in monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Research on this delicious fruit proved that it increases satiety that helps maintain weight. Also, it improves cardiovascular health by reducing back cholesterol. You can consume avocado with toast or make a smoothie. Also, it can be added to salad.

  1. Orange And Blood Orange
Orange And Blood Orange

These juicy fruits can help reduce weight by improving satiety so you don’t overeat or feel the need for more. It also helps control insulin resistance and LDL cholesterol. You can have a glass full of orange juice for breakfast but try drinking fresh juice. Packaged juices contain added sugar that isn’t good for your health. But it will be much better if you consume whole food. You can add oranges to your salad.

  1. Pomegranate
Pomegranate Fruit

It is true obesity reduces fruit as all its nutrients can help reduce weight. It has anthocyanins, tannins, polyphenols, and flavonoids (antioxidants) that are found to be quite effective in controlling obesity. According to a study, pomegranate juice has more potential than red wine or green tea. Also, it is found that extracts of this fruit can help lower blood pressure levels. Start taking a half cup of pomegranate every alternate day. Or you can use it as salad dressings.

  1. Acai Berry
Acai Berry

It is a superfood as it can help reduce weight in many ways. First, it has antioxidants that reduce cholesterol and high blood sugar. Second, it reduces exercise-induced muscle damage. Third, it improves serum lipid profile. And you can try delicious acai bowls for breakfast or a replacement meal for lunch.

  1. Banana

Banana is the only fruit that you can consume in both raw and ripen form. And it is beneficial in both forms. In raw form, a banana gives resistance starch that maintains reduced insulin levels after meals and increases satiety and fat oxidation. Also, it lowers fat storage and preserves lean body mass. In ripened form; banana gives fiber, vitamins, and potassium. You can consume a ripe banana an hour before a workout to get instant energy.

  1. Kiwi

Kiwi is a fruit that can reduce the size of fat cells. It contains Vitamin C that detoxifies the body. Also, it has fiber that aids in digestion. A study on the potential benefits of kiwi for weight loss revealed that it can lower triglycerides, improve good cholesterol, and reduce insulin resistance. You can consume one whole kiwi every week but make sure that its skin remains intact.

  1. Strawberry

Strawberry contains anthocyanins and theanthocyanins that help reduce toxins and inflammation and improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. Also, they boost blood lipid profile and lower blood sugar levels. Also, strawberries help lower the risk of neurodegeneration. You can consume 6-7 strawberries every alternate day.

  1. Goji Berry
Goji Berry

These bright red-orange berries are found to be effective in controlling blood sugar and lipid. Researchers also found that these berries can help boost body metabolism which can further help reduce waist circumference. Regular consumption of goji berries can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. You can include these berries in smoothies and salads.

  1. Stone Fruits
Stone Fruits

Plums, prunes, pears, and cherries are called stone fruits and these are quite beneficial in achieving weight loss goals. Cherries contain anthocyanins which are antioxidants helpful in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Similarly, plums and peaches help control blood sugar levels. Prunes have also displayed excellent results in weight control in lab studies. You can consume the fruit you like most regularly.

  1. Pineapple

Pineapple contains vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, and phytonutrients in rich amounts. It is found to help improve digestion and fat breakdown. Obese people have often been prescribed a pineapple diet for quick weight loss. You can add pineapple to your breakfast or take it as a quick snack later in the day.

Final Thoughts

Fruits can help reduce weight if you know which fruit to eat. Also, you have the option of drinking fruit juices instead of eating whole food. But it is better to consume whole food for better results.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to consult their dieticians before starting any fruit diet.

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