10 Effective Ways To Feet Detan At Home

Stop running to cosmetic shops for creams or ordering foot packs from Amazon for feet detan. First, you should understand that tanning of feet is a continuous process and that you need to de-tan your feet at regular intervals. Buying over-the-counter products will become an unnecessary burden on your pocket. Also, you will need to consume those products before their expiry.

Feet Detan

If you detan feet at home, you save money and have peace of mind. Whenever you have time, you can quickly prepare a foot pack using products like turmeric, gram flour, curd, and milk and de-tan your feet. It is easy, safe, and reliable.

Here are 10 popular home remedies for foot tanning

Curd And Gram Flour

Curd And Gram Flour

Duration: 30-35 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Add 1tsp of gram flour, half-tsp of lemon juice, and half-cup curd in a bowl
  • Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste
  • Apply the paste gently on your feet and let it sit until it dries
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer

Benefits: Curd hydrates and moisturizes the skin and gram flour gives feet whitening instantly by lightening the tan.

Feet Detan With Lemon And Sugar

Duration: 10-15 minutes
How many times: Regularly

How To:

  • Juice one lemon and add 1tsp of granulated sugar to it
  • Gently scrub the tanned skin for the required time
  • Wash off with cold water

Benefits: The acidic juice of lemon reduces melanin in the skin and sugar exfoliates the dead skin cells. Remember the feet tan removal steps like wetting your feet before exfoliating for best results.

Potato And Lemon

Potato And Lemon

Duration: 15-20 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Grate one medium-sized potato and squeeze its juice
  • Juice one lemon and add it to the potato juice
  • Apply the lotion to the tanned skin
  • Wash it off after the required time

Benefits: Potatoes contain catecholase enzyme that lightens the skin tone and lemon juice reduces melanin in the skin. Together they make the best feet sun tan removal lotion at home.

Turmeric And Corn Flour

Duration: 30 minutes
How many times: Once a week

How To:

  • Add corn flour, turmeric, and honey 1tsp each in a bowl
  • Apply the paste smoothly to the tanned skin
  • Wash off with cold water after the prescribed time

Benefits: Turmeric has excellent anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. Also, it clears the skin of pollutants and dead cells. Corn flour is also an excellent feet detan product.

Oats And Curd

Oats And Curd Feet Detan Pack

Duration: 10-15 minutes
How many times: Once a week

How To:

  • Mix oatmeal and curd 1tsp each and blend it well with a few drops of lemon juice
  • Apply and scrub the tanned skin and leave it to dry
  • Wash off with cold water, pat dry the skin, and moisturize

Benefits: Oats will exfoliate the dead skin cells and curd with hydrate and purify the skin and aid in feet whitening at home.

Sandalwood And Honey For Feet Detan

Duration: 30-35 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Mix sandalwood powder and lemon juice 1tsp each in a bowl
  • Apply the paste to the tanned skin and let it sit for the prescribed time
  • Wash off with cold water when dried

Benefits: Sandalwood and Honey mixture is the best paste for feet sun tan removal because sandalwood has a cooling effect on tanned skin. It also improves the complexion.

Borax And Glycerine

Borax And Glycerine

Duration: 20-25 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Mix borax powder and glycerine 1tsp each and make a paste with a few drops of rose water
  • Apply the paste on the tanned skin and leave for the required time
  • Wash off with normal water and moisturize the skin

Benefits: Borax powder has anti-bacterial properties that make it good to detan feet at home. Glycerine will act as a moisturizer in the paste.

Milk And Cream

Duration: 10 minutes
How many times: Every night

How To:

  • Mix raw milk and fresh cream 1tsp each in a bowl
  • Apply the paste to the tanned skin and leave it overnight
  • Wash off the next morning

Benefits: Milk is a natural de-tanner. If you need feet whitening instantly, you can use milk and fresh cream. But you need to repeat the process every night to get the best results.

Banana And Milk

Banana And Milk Feet Detan

Duration: 10-20 minutes
How many times: Once a week

How To:

  • Mash one ripe banana and mix it well with milk and honey 1tsp each
  • Massage the paste gently on the tanned skin and leave it to dry
  • Wash off the dried paste with cold water

Benefits: Loaded with natural moisturizers, banana paste can soothe and nourish the skin. Since it can also prevent skin pigmentation, it can provide effective feet detan.

Cucumber And Lemon

Duration: 10 minutes
How many times: Twice a week

How To:

  • Mix one grated cucumber with the juice of one lemon
  • Apply the lotion to the tanned skin and leave to dry
  • Wash off with cold water and moisturize the skin

Benefits: Cucumber is considered the best remedy for feet whitening at home because it has the properties that soothe the tanned skin and prevent pigmentation.

Conclusion – The advantages of feet whitening at home include saving time and money. When you use a home remedy, you rely on your kitchen items that are always available. Also, they don’t have any expiry date nor do they have any side effects.


Q: What precautions to take while doing feet whitening at home?

A: Avoid using any home pack on cuts and wounds

Q: Do I need to wet the sin before doing feet whitening at home?

A: Clean the tanned feet to remove any impurities on the skin

Q: Which is the quickest way of feet whitening at home?

A: Milk and Cream paste takes little time and effort in de-tanning

Q: Which is the best feet sun tan removal?

A: Sandalwood and Honey paste

Q: Is feet whitening at home safe for all skin types and conditions?

A: Home remedies are safer but you should do a patch test on your skin to determine the usability of a foot pack.

Disclaimer – The information provided in the blog is for educational purposes only. Readers are advised to consider the pros and cons of home foot packs and the condition of their skin before using a pack.

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