5 Yoga Exercises That Can Cure Ovarian Cysts

Are you suffering from ovarian cysts and looking for the right treatment option? If yes then this blog could be helpful for you to learn basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts. For treatment, your doctor might adopt a wait and watch policy before prescribing medicines or suggesting surgical treatment.

The good thing is that most women get rid of ovarian cysts without getting any specific treatment. But you shouldn’t wait for any miracle to happen and start doing yoga exercises.

Here’re five different basic yoga poses for ovarian cysts that could provide fast relief from the problem

Butterfly Yoga Poses

Butterfly Yoga Poses

It is Purna Titli Asana and it is simple and helpful. It is a great stretching exercise as it can open up your thighs, and hips. Also, it will relieve your physical and mental stress.

How To:

• Sit in a lotus pose
• Flex your knees so your soles touch each other
• Here you need to place your legs in such a manner that they come close to your pubic area and try to keep them as close as possible to the pubic area
• Start pulling your legs inwards as much as possible
• Sit with your back straight and your hands on your feet
• Take a deep breath and try to push your needs down towards the ground while you exhale
• Use your hands to push your knees downwards
• Feel comfortable while sitting in this pose
• Allow your knees to come back up in a flapping motion as you exhale
• Practice this exercise for 15 to 20 minutes


It could take you some time to become comfortable in this pose. You need to continue the practice until you are comfortable.

Basic Reclining Butterfly Yoga Poses

Reclining Butterfly Yoga Poses

If you aren’t comfortable in the butterfly pose, you can try the reclining pose which is much easier and more comfortable than the previous pose. And it is as beneficial as the butterfly pose is. The advantage of the reclining pose is that it allows flexibility to the back and neck.

How To:

• Start the exercise by making the butterfly pose
• Take a deep breath and lean back slowly while you exhale
• Use your hands for support while balancing your lower back and pelvis
• Now bring your torso down on the floor but slowly
• Let your torso touch down the floor
• You can choose to use a pillow to support your neck or use your hands for neck support
• Your knees should be flexed away from your hips and feet facing towards your hips
• Let your knees hang in the air and keep taking deep breaths
• Practice this pose for 10 minutes daily


It puts pressure on thigh muscles hence stretching your thigh muscles hard could make it uncomfortable for you to maintain the pose.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Yoga Pose

This yoga for ovarian cysts is relatively easier than the butterfly poses. The only thing you need to do with this pose is to maintain the stretch for as long as you can. It will open your physical contraction and relieves mental stress. Also, it will improve blood circulation in your body.

How To:

• Lie down on your stomach with your legs, back, and neck in a straight line, and hands under your chest
• Bring your feet closure and simultaneously push your hands under your shoulders
• Keep your palms firm on the floor and hands parallel to each other
• Take a deep breath to start the exercise
• Start lifting your chest and head with the support of your hands
• Your chest and head should be lifted from your navel
• Keep your back as straight as possible and look straight
• Take a deep breath and feel the stretch in your spine
• Maintain the pose for as long as possible


Avoid stretching your back harder as it could result in injury. Maintain the stretch up to the comfortable level so you have the benefits of the exercise. Focus on maintaining the stretch instead of pushing it to the extreme level.



It is a twisting pose that even pregnant women can try. Since it is advantageous for everyone, you should practice this exercise. It improves body metabolism and can regenerate abdominal organs.

How To:

• Sit down on your hips with your legs stretched and hands by your side
• Bend your knees to bring your feet towards your left hip
• Bring your body weight on the right buttock
• Take a deep breath, lengthen your spine, and twist your back towards your left
• Bring your left hand on your back and place the right hand on the floor for balance
• Feel the pull from your tailbone to the neck and hold this position for as long as you can
• Relax your body, release your legs and hands, and come to the starting position
• Repeat the exercise from the right side and try improving the holding time


Avoid stretching your back harder to avoid injuries. Move slowly and improve the holding time gradually.

Chakki Chalanasana

Chakki Chalanasana

This yoga for ovarian cysts involves moving like a grinding wheel. You will move your body in the motion of a grinding wheel. It is advantageous as it boosts the function of vital abdominal organs.

How To:

• Sit down with your back straight and legs stretched
• Open your legs as wide as possible without bending your torso
• Extend your hands in front of your chest and lock your fingers
• Take a deep breath to start the exercise
• Move your hands towards your left toe and then to the right toe
• Maintain a slow pace of motion
• Also, keep your back straight while moving your hands
• Focus on the movement of your hands from the left toe to the right toe and then to your abdomen
• First, move your hands in clockwise and then anti-clockwise direction
• Keep your back straight while moving your hands
• Do it 10-15 times in both the directions


Avoid stretching your thigh muscles harder to open your legs. Also, avoid bending your back with your hand movement.

Yoga exercises can give relief, if they are practiced in the right manner and you practice the poses daily. The result of yogic exercises could be slow but it is certain that you will get benefits.

Disclaimer: The above information is only for educational purposes and the readers are advised to consult their doctors before doing any exercises.

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