12 Exercises To Build Your Obliques And Strengthen Your Core

Obliques are important muscles that support your core movements and strengthen your spine so it remains straight and stable. It is for this reason that most exercises focus on obliques. These obliques exercises are simple but they work well for strengthening core, obliques, shoulders, abdominal muscles, and thighs.

Here’re the 12 exercises that can build your oblique muscles & helps in core strengthening.

Side Planks Core Strengthening Exercises

The exercise will build your obliques and also improve your core, shoulders, and hips.

Side Planks Core Strengthening Exercises

How To:

• Lie on your right side with your body from head to toe in a straight line
• Lift your body with the right elbow to come to the starting position
• Raise your hips while keeping the body in a straight line
• Hold the position for 30 seconds
• Change position to the left side and do 5 reps each

Side Plank Dips

It is a more challenging position for obliques. Also, it is good for your core, hips, and shoulder muscles.

Side Plank Dips Exercise

How To:

• Come to a Side Plank position with your hips raised
• Drop and raise your hips a couple of times
• Change side to repeat from the other side

Side Plank Leg Raises

It is a good exercise as it will boost your obliques and outer thighs as well. Also, it will strengthen your shoulders.

Side Plank Leg Raises

How To:

• Start with a Side Plank position
• Bring your back and head in a straight line
• Raise your leg towards the ceiling
• Hold the position for 10 seconds
• Change the side and do 5 reps with each side

Russian Twists

It is a core focusing exercise but it also works well for the obliques and shoulders.

Russian Twists Exercise

How To:

• Side down on a mat with your legs stretched ahead
• Fold your knees and slightly tilt your back to make a balance
• Turn your torso from left to right and vice versa without moving your legs
• Make it more challenging by holding a weight (8-10 pounds) in your hands
• Move slowly and do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps each

Side Bends Core Strengthening Exercises

This exercise is easy to understand and practice but in reality, it is more challenging for your obliques.

Side Bends Core Strengthening Exercises

How To:

• Stand straight on a non-slippery even floor with your shoulder-width apart
• Hold a dumbbell you are comfortable with on your right hand
• Lower the dumbbell towards your knee while keeping your back straight
• If you want, you can place your left hand behind your neck for support
• Hold the position for 10 seconds and come back
• Do it from both sides with 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps each

V-Ups Core Strengthening Exercises

It is an intense exercise that works out for obliques and engages all core muscles.

V-Ups Core Strengthening Exercises

How To:

• Come down on your back with your hands stretched at back and legs ahead
• Relax and take a deep breathe to start
• Lift your torso in a V-shape and try touching the toes with your hands
• Hold the position for 5 seconds and come back
• Do it 3-5 times

Single-Arm Overhead Press

It works for the entire body including obliques. Also, it is easier to learn and practice.

Single-Arm Overhead Press

How To:

• Stand on a non-slippery mat with your shoulder-width apart
• Hold a dumbbell you are comfortable with, in your right hand
• Turn your right elbow and stretch your left hand to the side or keep it down to start
• Straighten your back and raise the dumbbell overhead
• Hold the position for 5 seconds and come back
• Repeat it with the left hand
• Do 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps each

T-Rotation Core Strengthening Exercises

It is a classic core exercise that improves stability, brings flexibility, and allows greater spine movement.

T Rotation Exercises

How To:

• Come down to the push-up position with your arms straight
• Shift your body weight to the left hand by raising your right hand
• Also, rotate your torso to the side with your right hand
• Bring your body into a t-shape and hold for 5 seconds
• Come down to the starting position and repeat it with the left hand
• Make sure your body remains in a straight line all the time
• Do 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps each

Bird Dog

This exercise offers variations that make it more challenging. Also, it is suitable for developing obliques and building strength.

Bird Dog Exercise

How To:

• Come down on your four in a dog position
• Straighten your back and arms to start
• Raise your left hand and right leg outwards
• Hold the position for 5 seconds and come back
• Repeat it with the right hand and left leg
• Do 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps each

Heel Taps

It is a simple exercise but it can work great for your obliques, shoulders, and abdominal muscles.

Heel Taps Core Strengthening Exercises

How To:

• Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched
• Fold your legs to bring your heels close to the glutes
• Raise your right shoulder and bend to the right to touch your right heel
• Repeat the exercise with the left hand
• Do 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps each

Bicycle Crunch

The advantage of this exercise is it improves spine movement while strengthening the oblique muscles.

Bicycle Crunch Exercise

How To:

• Lie on your back with your legs stretched
• Take your hands at the back of your head and raise your knees
• Raise your head a little to come to the starting position
• Lift your left leg and bring it close to your chest
• At the same time, try to touch the left knee with your right elbow by bending sideways
• Release slowly and come to the starting position
• Repeat it with the right leg and left shoulder
• Do 4-5 sets of 10-15 reps each

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

It is a complete exercise as it works for the entire body including shoulders, lower back, obliques, thighs, and abdominal muscles.

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

How To:

• Come down to Plank position
• Straighten your hands and back to start
• Raise your left knee and bring it closer to the right elbow
• Release the left knee and repeat it with the right knee
• Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps each

Disclaimer: It is necessary to exercise after taking proper training from an experienced personal trainer.

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