14 Weight Loss Exercises For Yoga Practitioners

If you are looking for a time-tested and proven weight loss therapy then look no further than yoga. It has been practiced for centuries and it works for all the body. Whether you want to trim your tummy or reshape your thighs, yoga has asanas for all body parts.

Yoga For Facial Fat

  1. Simhasana

It is good exercise for toning facial muscles. Also, it is a great stress buster. It involves sitting in a lion pose and drawing your tongue out and producing a loud noise ‘haa’. The force generated in the process stretches the facial muscles, thorax, and spine.

Precautions: It has no potential risks for anyone. Also, you can do this asana while sitting on a chair, if you have trouble sitting on your knees.

  1. Jalandhara Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha

This seated pose is good for stretching and toning the muscles around the neck region. It involves pressing of chin against the chest which works on the chin muscles as well. Also, it involves retention of breath that detoxifies the lungs and improves respiration.

Precautions: Retain your breath, if you have hypertension or heart ailment. But you should avoid this asana if you have breathing issues.

Yoga For Arms

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

It is an excellent pose to tone and strengthen your arms and biceps. It is also called the weight-bearing pose as the entire weight of the body is shifted to the hands. You can see how the practitioner in the picture has stretched her arms and biceps.

Precautions: People suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should avoid this asana.

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana

The objective of this asana is to strengthen your core and keep it intact. The asana involves keeping the body off the ground with the help of hands. Here the entire body weight is shifted to the hands the core is involved to maintain the balance. It works well on the biceps and triceps.

Precautions: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have a shoulder or hip injury.

Yoga For Shoulders And Upper Back

  1. Bharadvajasana

This asana improves the mobility of the upper body and shoulders. Also, it improves digestion. The asana involves a deep twist that works on the back, neck, and shoulder area. Also, it involves the movement of hands and knees. It is an intermediary level pose suitable for people of all ages.

Precautions: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have problems with the spine, hips, or knees as the twist it gives to the body could be painful.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana

The asana involves giving an intense twist to your shoulders, neck, and spine in unison. You turn your body one side at a time and in this way move your entire body. The advantages of the asana are toning the upper body, sides, and abdominal muscles. It will improve the mobility of your spine and neck. Also, it strengthens the hands and legs.

Precautions: You should avoid doing the asana if you have pain in your neck and spine. The asana will further aggravate the problem.

Yoga For Midriff

  1. Navasana

This asana can melt stubborn belly fat in a hassle-free manner and give excellent results within a short time. See how the practitioner is balancing her body on her midriff. She has raised her legs to put pressure on her abs and stretched her hands to maintain balance.

Precautions: This asana isn’t for you if you are suffering from insomnia or have a hernia or spinal injury.

  1. Matsyasana

It is a simple asana that gives the much-needed stretch to the body. It involves the lower body including hips, thighs, and abdominal muscles. Also, it stretches the internal organs including the intestines. The upper body including the neck is also stretched. Here you place your hands under your hips to support the body.

Precautions: Avoid this asana, if you are suffering from hypertension, hernia, or migraine.

Yoga For The Thighs

  1. Baddha Konasana
Baddha Konasana

It is an easy and straightforward pose to relax and tone your body. It involves joining your inner soles. If you want, you can add a variation to this pose by fluttering your thighs. But it depends on your convenience and comfort. Its advantage is that helps relax the body and stretches thigh muscles as well.

Precautions: Avoid practicing this asana, if you have pain or inflammation in your knees.

  1. Malasana

If you do a sitting job, you should practice this asana. It will counter the effects of sitting by stretching your thighs, groin, and hip muscles. It will work on the inner/outer thighs and reduce the fat accumulated in the lower body. Also, it is one of the most convenient exercises to practice.

Precautions: Avoid this asana, if you have pain in your knees or hip.

Yoga For The Calf Muscles/Hamstrings

  1. Padangusthasana

It is good exercise for the thighs, legs, and back. It stretches hamstrings and tones the calf muscles as well. Also, it stretches the internal organs including the kidney and liver. This asana looks simple but it needs the training to stretch and balance your body.

Precautions: It is a basic pose suitable for people of all ages but beginners might face some difficulties in achieving perfection.

  1. Parsvottanasana

This asana is for quads, calf muscles, and hamstrings. It involves a deep stretch to both sides that strengthen the said muscles. Also, this asana is a convenient way of stretching and strengthening your leg muscles.

Precautions: Women expecting pregnancies and people with hamstring issues should avoid this asana.

Yoga For The Hips

  1. Garudasana

This asana engages the thighs, legs, and arms while pressing the torso outside the body. It is a balancing act that strengthens the core and hip muscles. Also, it improves balance.

Precautions: Avoid doing this asana, if you have pain in your shoulders, knees, and ankles.

  1. Ananda Balasana
Ananda Balasana

It is a stretching exercise with a focus on the hip bone. It also tones the inner thighs, groin, and hamstrings. It works on the entire portion of the lower body.

Precautions: Women expecting pregnancy should avoid this pose. Also, people suffering from diarrhea should avoid doing this exercise.

Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only and the readers are advised to consult a yoga teacher before doing any exercise.

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